Truth Facts



The Moon And Mars

By now everyone who comes to this site realizes of all the topics I talk about, UAPs which were formerly known as UFOs is my favorite topic. There is another topic which holds my interest as much but it doesn’t make it into the news very much, and that is could there have been life on Mars, and maybe even the moon? Why would I think about such an outlandish idea you might ask? 

I would like to talk about the moon first. For many years there have been people who investigate these things and even though I have talked about this before, it deserves more coverage since we are going back to the moon, and this time it is probably to stay. There have been all sorts or ruins found on the moon according to these people and even other fascinating things. Did you know one investigator even published photos in a book of something very interesting which were said to have been taken by astronauts or probes. I am talking about an area which was said to contain all sorts of machine parts, including of all things, a robot head. No one said this was from humans or not, because they don’t know. NASA has a human type robot named Valkyrie and it would be interesting to compare its head with the one on the moon to see if there are any similarities.

There is also a story which has been going around for years of a crashed alien ship on the moon which is said to be at least 1,000,000 years old. It is said to contain a female alien body which is perfectly preserved. When the story came out it was accompanied by photos of the alien and ship both on the outside and inside and related the story of a secret mission back to the moon. As soon as the story came out a guy took credit for making the story up, but was this just misinformation? The female alien looked almost human and Asian.

There are also structures discovered on the moon. One is a rather large ruin of a rectangular building with perfect 90-degree corners, which just don’t exist in nature. There is also said to be a sort of glass tower which is extremely tall. Since it is glass it almost surely is artificial. Secret photos of a base are also said to exist and a whistleblower confirmed seeing them. It is unknown if the base was built by humans or some other beings. Things don’t end there; it has been said there are ruins of glass domes over some of the craters. An interesting fact was it was thought we now had the technology to get more data out of the original moon videos taken by the astronauts and then it was announced by NASA all of the original videos were lost. This is a heck of a coincidence wouldn’t you say?  Because of the color of the remaining glass, it is thought it was created from soil on the moon.

Lastly, when we crashed a rocket into the moon, the moon rang like a bell for over an hour, and this presumably means the moon is hollow and could be artificial. If it is hollow, could it be some sort of alien base with beings living inside it?

Getting to the topic of Mars, there is just so much evidence of a past civilization. The Cydonia region has the face in it along with a pyramid and what seem to be ruins. To me it seems like it could be similar to some of those ancient Maya cities we have found in South and Central America. I am basically talking about the layout. The giant face seems to be wearing an Egyptian head piece. The government was quick to discredit the face by using an incomplete photo which made it look like a pile of mud. Remember this, when the face was discovered and better photos taken, you could see minute things like the details around the eyes, the teeth and other things. People who think they know what is going on, believe there is some sort of a pact between nations to hide the fact the face is real. Some of the other things found in the Cydonia region are incredible, such as what looks like glass tubes big enough for a train to run through them. Could there have been a transit system active in the area at one time? Several other faces have been found on Mars, but we are told it is only our brains making us think they are faces. Personally, even though I know this can happen, I just don’t believe every face is caused by our imagination.

NASA’s rover photos show there was a shiny object on the horizon glittering in the sun and this was never explained, or if it was, I never heard about it. One of the strongest pieces of evidence seem to me to be all the pieces of what look like architectural remnants which seem to be all over the place. There are pieces which look like cornices. This is just one part of the remains found of buildings. There have been beams, what seem to be walkways and many other structural parts.

One thing I find hard to deny are all the photos of statues that have appeared. Sometimes the statues seem intact and other times there seems to be parts of statues. We are told these things only look like statues. There we go again with that excuse of us imagining things. NASA is going to wear that excuse out.

There is also the fact methane gas was found on Mars near cave systems. It could be the byproduct of biological life. There is also the fact there is a weak atmosphere found on Mars which only is a few inches above the ground, but could be an indication Mars once had an earthlike atmosphere.

I would like to talk about something which has prevented the Russians from landing on Mars. Years ago, the Russians managed to get a probe into the orbit of Mars. They turned on the camera and as the probe began to function a large shadow came over the probe and it was knocked out of orbit and disappeared. Russia has tried many times to get a probe to the surface of Mars and failed. Why is this? It seems like something is preventing this and it doesn’t seem to be us. Could it be Martians?

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