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The Moon In The News Again

I can’t help but talk about the moon again. The reason I am mentioning it is the fact a man has come out claiming he knew someone in the Chinese space agency and was sent a photo from the latest Chinese probe which shows buildings and presumably mining operations on the moon. He said he is hoping the Chinese have decided to release what is really going on and show us aliens have been on our moon for thousands of years. He said after the photo is authenticated and the Chinese release the rest of their photos, if they do release the ones showing alien operations, we will finally know for sure aliens are real and have not only been watching our progress, but probably have steered our civilization and are still doing it. He also went on to say he found out NASA has been systematically destroying ruins on the moon by bombing them. He didn’t say why, but most UFO investigators believe the government doesn’t want us to know our real history.

When I hear stories like this I can’t help but wonder why would advanced aliens care about our moon? How unique can our moon be? What I mean is there must be all sorts of planets and moons between here and where these aliens have come from which have the same minerals available and since they would be closer to them they would be cheaper to mine. There was a couple of reasons I could think of where mining on our moon would be feasible to them. The first reason is we are said to be on a spiral arm at the edge of our galaxy. Perhaps we are the first place the aliens come across if they come from another galaxy and need to build up their energy reserves. The second thought I had was perhaps the aliens do not come from far away, but live in our own solar system and our moon is the nearest body which has what they want. There is a third reason and it is even further out than the two I have just given. It states the moon is an artificial satellite built by a civilization which was even more advanced than the aliens which are coming here and it contains some material the other aliens prize and are not yet capable of creating themselves.

As far as NASA bombing ruins on the moon, this makes no sense to me. If there are aliens on the moon does anyone think we would take the chance of angering them by bombing that body and risking annihilation by them? So what does this tell me? It tells me either there are no aliens on the moon and we are bombing ruins to destroy them or there are aliens on the moon and we are certainly not bombing it. I guess there is always a third option, as remote as it seems and it is we have a pact with the aliens and they are permitting us to destroy ruins on the moon. Most people are unaware of the fact the most famous astronomers in the last several hundred years have reported seeing strange things on the moon. Strange lights crossing the moon and in craters have been reported, black clouds covering large parts of the moon and even a purple cloud drifting across the moon. Flying saucers and cigar shaped vehicles have been reported flying across the surface of the moon. How come most of us have never heard about these things? When we ask, we are told it wasn’t newsworthy at the time, but the real reason is either no one cares or it is being kept out of the news purposely.

The moon is an interesting place even without thinking about aliens. So much has been observed and photographed. There is a tower on the moon which is said to be about a mile wide and about 5 miles high. While this seems very high, one has to remember the gravity on the moon is much weaker. The amount of gravity on the moon is only about 17 percent of that on the earth and I have to think this makes creating tall structures even easier since they don’t have to bear the same loads as the same size structures on earth. The thing is the structure I am talking about is artificial not to be confused with some peak on the moon. There are just so many structures on the moon which are artificial which have been photographed and airbrushed out of NASA photos that the moon must have been a major base of some kind in ancient times and those who know about this think it may have been our base and we could have been on other moons and planets in the solar system and maybe beyond.

You may wonder what I am talking about and before I go any further I am going to make a recommendation and it is you read Dark Mission The Secret History Of NASA by Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara and if you want you can listed to the interview I did with Mike Bara on this website. The book has some interesting photos of structures found on the moon. Of great interest to me was the fact there were parts of glass domes still covering some of the craters. Apparently domes had been built over craters and possibly pressurized and oxygenated to allow for human habitation without spacesuits, but in all fairness it could also have been for alien habitation. The domes are extremely old and this is known because of the amount of micrometeorid hits they sustained. I am talking millions of years here. If this was a human base than humanity if far older than we are being told and perhaps humanity was not even on the earth at the time, but some other planet such as Mars. This would fit in with the theory which states we came from Mars and moved to earth when we found out Mars was dying.

The moon is stranger than most think. It is thought to be a sort of dead rock in space and yet it gets quakes. These are known as moonquakes. Some quakes can last for as long as ten minutes and make the moon ring like a bell which is why NASA was testing the moon to see if it was hollow and it seems it is. When we think of the moon we think of an object orbiting the earth, but it doesn’t. The earth and moon orbit a point called a barycenter and it gives the illusion the moon is orbiting us, because this point is inside the earth. Moon dust is so coarse it has almost eaten through astronaut’s boots and sandpapered their visors. There is so much dust on the moon astronauts had their boots sink six inches into it as they walked, making traveling very difficult. No one is entirely sure where the moon came from, but there are many theories including the most popular which states the moon was born from the earth.

When will we go back to the moon, or are we already there secretly? Could it be we can’t go back because advanced aliens warned us never to go back? These are interesting questions and I am looking forward to knowing the answers to them someday, God willing.



