Truth Facts



Are Facts About The Universe Being Hidden From Us?

The war in Ukraine certainly hasn’t stopped the UFOs. There are still plenty of sightings. The more I think about all these sightings, the more I am amazed about how many centuries they have been going on for. Many believe, and I think rightfully so, there may have been UFOs exploring this planet even before humans were on it. Could it be they were doing this to decide if they should plant us on it by perhaps moving us from another planet which was being destroyed? That would be ironic because of what is happening on this planet now. While I don’t believe we are responsible for every bad thing happening to our environment, we certainly are responsible for a good part of it.

We want to colonize Mars someday and what we are doing now on Mars is preparation for that day among other things. Recently scientists just found out it is going to be hard to communicate on Mars. The problem is the different frequencies of sound travel at different speeds. Some words will travel faster than others and conversely others will travel slower creating a jumble. Knowing us, I am sure this problem will be solved. The solution might be communicating using light such as a laser to transmit our communications. I am assuming, but do not know for sure if light all travels at the same speed on Mars.

I am hoping I live long enough to see humans get to Mars, one can only imagine what they might find. Traveling to the planets might just have picked up a big boost with a new engine NASA has in the design stage. It is said it will be able to reach 99 percent of the speed of light. This would be of great help for traveling around the solar system. Yes, it is still too slow for traveling around outside the solar system since the next star system is over 4 light years away.

I believe the biggest breakthrough will come from quantum physics in ways we can’t even imagine. Quantum entanglement will allow instant communication, but that will not be all. There are rumors it will someday also allow instant travel. Sure, this sounds like science fiction, but so does the fact watching a quantum experiment changes the result and most of us know this has been proven. This could also be the basis for a transporter type device such as we have seen in Star Trek. The problem with this is once our atoms are disassembled and put back together will we be the same person or a clone who just thinks he or she is that person? To some of us it seems taking us apart will kill us and putting us back together will create a new life with the same memories.

Could it be our earth is littered, well maybe that is too strong a word, let me rephrase? Could it be there are some crashed UFOs on earth since they started coming here? There are said to be UFOs or should I say UAPs found in a few places throughout the planet. Many of the objects look like they have been there for centuries. There have been strange objects seen at the poles, under the ocean and even in deserts. First of all, many have been found on Google Earth. Google Earth is a conglomeration of satellite photos, so there would have to be something there. I am not saying a UFO, but an object. A very strange object was just found on Google Earth in the desert in Algeria. You have to see it; it is claimed to be a UFO. The address is:
You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address bar. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live links to outside sources.

You will notice the incredible shape. Even though it was thought by the discoverer to be a UFO, maybe it is some sort of secret building or temple. Personally, I think it could be a UFO but might not necessarily be one. See what you think, it is certainly unique.

One of the things I have mentioned was the fact some scientists believe most of the universe is a hologram. While I don’t subscribe to this theory and believe gravity lenses cause us to think this, there could be other explanations if one believes extraterrestrials exist. That explanation could be as simple as aliens not wanting us to learn too much about the universe yet and they are keeping their secrets using a sort of advanced camouflage. This could be the reason we have not located any intelligent life in our searches. It means intelligent life doesn’t want us to find out where it lives, especially if it has observed all the wars  on this planet over the ages.

Aliens could be hiding from us even on the Moon and Mars. Remember the Apollo astronauts sent a secret communication which was picked up by a ham operator who claimed it said aliens were parked on top of a crater and watching them. If aliens exist, would it be such a jump to think they might have a convenient base on the moon? Also, what are the ruins which have been reported to exist on the moon which no one seems to be talking about anymore? Then there is a photo which leaked out showing a modern looking base which seems to have the earmarks of human construction, could we have a base on the moon and maybe even be working with extraterrestrials there and on the earth which has been reported?

If we look at Mars it does seem to show some strange objects which seem to be ancient like the Face, the Pyramid, and what seem to be skeletal remains of unknown beasts or beings. I can’t help but think of the old movie Rocketship X-M. It was about a rocket to the moon that went off course and somehow reached Mars in record time. Mars was shown to contain ruins and cave people who were blood thirsty. Apparently, there was a nuclear war on Mars and these creatures were what was left. Yes, it is just a story, but something like this could have happened. If we find out the structures I mention were real, and there are no beings on Mars, where would the people have gone? Perhaps to earth?

The universe is a wondrous place, but are things being kept from us? Maybe we are just not ready to know these things because we are not advanced enough, but when we reach a certain plateau, those secrets will be revealed to us.

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