Truth Facts



Mysteries of the Universe

I have been talking about rogue stars and planets in the past and how they get kicked out of their orbits. They roam the heavens, sometimes even between galaxies in the vastness of almost empty space. Now, there is another kind of rogue objects we have discovered and it is puzzling. It is rogue black holes. The one I am talking which was found is three million times more massive than the sun and is traveling at a speed of 110,000 miles per hour. Here is an important question, what could possibly be big enough to knock this baby out of position? Was it a black hole far more massive? Could it have been a force we are yet to find out exists? This is puzzling scientists all over the world right now and they don’t seem to have an answer, at least yet. The movement of the black hole is not the same as other rogues since it is still in the center of its galaxy, it is just not moving at the same speed as the galaxy. Maybe rogue is the wrong word in this case, but the fact is it is most unusual. There is a theory that a merger with another black hole has affected its speed. It is actually moving through its galaxy which will take an incredible amount of time and could eventually break out. It is starting to move from the center of the galaxy J0437+2456.

We just keep finding out more about space as we go along. Once, we believed the sun was a ball of fire. This persisted right up to modern times and that was when most scientists stated the sun uses nuclear fusion to create heat, not fire. This has been disputed by a few scientists who claim if this were true, the sun would have run out of fuel by now. Which just goes to show you we may only be partially correct. I guess it might even be correct if somehow the sun creates more fuel as it goes along.

People used to believe that one side of the moon was in the light and the other side was in the dark all the time. When we got satellites and humans to the moon, we found out the dark side of the moon is not always in the dark so it is a misnomer.

Because of the speed of light, we cannot see to the end of the universe. Well, that is only the opinion of some scientists. Scientists attempt to prove this wrong by stating the further out we see the younger the galaxies get and this is determined by what is known as the red shift. The scientists state the redder the red shift, the older the galaxy and the most distant are very red. Well, this is almost true, but some very far galaxies have been found which are much bluer. They are almost at the limit of the distance we can see. So how can young galaxies be found with what scientists presume are the first galaxies created which we can see? Are we really seeing the earliest galaxies created by the Big Bang?

This is what happens when one doesn’t have all the information needed to solve a problem, and in this case, it is the problem of can we see to the very edge of the universe. We don’t know what is beyond that point, even if the Big Bang theory is 100% correct. We don’t even know if what we are looking at is the edge. Let’s just say the Big Bang theory is correct even though it might be a leap. How do we know there weren’t successive Big Bangs? It could be these bangs pulsed out matter over many billions of years with a long pause in between. We don’t even know if there are maybe billions of universes and they could go on forever. We may never know the answer to this question due to the distances involved.

If the Big Bang was an explosion, it was a very unusual one. You may be wondering why I say this. If you set off a bomb in an open field the explosion spreads evenly in every direction in sort of a bubble shape. That is not what happened with the creation of the universe. Right now, this is being blamed on dark matter interfering with the explosion, and yet has anyone ever seen dark matter? Maybe anti-matter interfered by causing uneven explosions as it met matter being spewed out, and maybe there was no explosion at all and matter leaked into our world from other dimensions, which by the way is a minor theory for the creation of the universe.

When we talk about the possibility of civilizations existing in the universe, we have classified them by intelligence with the most intelligent being able to control their solar system and perhaps their galaxy. If this is correct what could it mean for rogue planets? It might mean some of them may not be just planets which were bumped out of orbit, they might be planets where the environment is controlled by intelligent beings and the planet is being used as a spaceship. This is not so far out when you consider the fact scientists believe intelligent races might be able to build a Dyson Sphere around their sun and some might be even more advanced.  

I am not saying all rogue planets are spaceships, that would be ridiculous. I am saying maybe it is possible a few are. There are those who believe our moon was the vehicle which brought us to the earth. They believe it is hollow, which was proved to be correct by NASA to at least some extent, and it was placed in its orbit artificially. There are those who suspect there might still be people who decided to stay and live there. Wouldn’t that be something? Can you imagine we are on the moon one day, maybe on a base and an advanced human walks up to us and tells us a fantastic story about how we all got to earth?

We just don’t know enough yet about a lot of things related to space, the planets, stars, galaxies and so forth. There might even still be some mysteries about the earth which if we found out would really surprise us. The next hundred years or so are going to be incredible for what we are about to find out and if we meet aliens, they likely will be able to tell us even more about the universe.

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