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Earth VS. The Red Planet

Mars has fascinated the human race ever since it was spied in the sky. Maybe it was the color or the fact it moved and was not stationary like a star, but every ancient race which studied astronomy had Mars in their equations. Things didn’t end with ancient races watching Mars from afar. Today Mars is the most studied of the planets and robots have been driving across it since the Sojourner rover reached the planet appropriately on the 4th of July in 1997. Mars has been a very unlucky place for Russian projects. Most of the Russian spaceships which weren’t lost and reached the planet never made it to their destinations. One was even said to have been shot down by an alien ship and a video exists which is said to be from the camera of one of them showing one being blasted out of orbit. Mars is a sad place. While it looks a lot like earth on the surface it is more like a wasteland than a healthy planet. There are what look like ruins on Mars and strange artifacts like skulls and bones.

One scientist stated on close examination of Mars he is sure two huge nuclear devices were exploded, one on each side of the planet. What does this remind you of? It sounds like a nuclear war between two different factions on the planet doesn’t it? One of the most obvious things about Mars is the fact we were not able to find bodies of water even though we now believe a little might be on the planet or even a lot under the surface. I don’t know how you feel when you see those NASA photos of the surface of Mars, but to me it looks like the landscape in a desert or a place where all the water has dried up wiping out any civilization which might have existed on the planet. Some believe Mars was a vibrant planet at one time and have even reconstructed what they think it looked like. When we look at these reconstructions we can’t help but notice how similar it looks to earth today. Was Mars once a planet which had water, life and even technology?

Mars may have been a place where at least two countries existed and they were at odds with each other. They may have armed themselves, eventually split the atom, created nukes and finally one side decided to try and wipe out the other side. They would have been at a point in their civilization far beyond where we are now, because the two nukes were estimated to have carried warheads of a million megatons each. If Martians were this advanced some of them may have gotten away and went to earth to start over. If we look at history we can see we often repeat it for some reason. Humans never seem to learn the lessons of history and are doomed to repeat their mistakes. We can’t be sure what really happened on Mars and I am only making a guess based on scientific examination which could easily be incorrect, but there is no doubt that Mars now has a very dry surface with hardly any atmosphere and there is a good chance intelligent beings once lived there evidenced by the artifacts we see.

What does earth have in common with Mars? For one thing earth is drying up. It is pitiful to watch, especially in Africa right now, but rivers and lakes are just drying up. Somalia is facing one of the worst droughts it has ever had. Refugees are flowing into camps at the rate of more than 1,300 per day. The war contributes to some of the refugees, but the lack of water is also a big factor. Rainfall has decreased in the area around the Horn of Africa causing the price of food to rise dramatically and people to go thirsty and die. The UN has estimated that 10 million people need immediate food assistance in the area. Lake Chad was one of the largest water sources in Africa supplying 4 countries, but no more. It is estimated by the end of the century there will be no more Lake Chad, it will have dried up. Other large bodies of water are drying up. Included in the toll are the Aral Sea, The Colorado River, Lake Badwater, Owens Lake, Lake Powell, and Lake Mead to mention a few. Notice the fact we are also talking about fresh water in the United States. The Great Lakes are receding and we are selling some of the water in them to China and water bottling companies are taken water from the rivers which supply the lakes.

What is going on and why is this happening. Obviously global warming is not a myth, but we must understand what it means before we laugh at the fact. Global warming means the average temperature of the earth is increasing, it doesn’t mean it will get warmer in any one area and in fact it could get even colder. The earth is getting warmer and our fresh water supply is drying up. As water disappears the land turns into a desert, much like we see on the surface of Mars. Could Mars have reached a point where their water was drying up and one side attacked the other to get the supply of water which was left and the other side seeing the attack coming launched its mega missile? The scientist which stated there was a nuclear attack on Mars thinks aliens did it, but I don’t see this. The reason I say that is based on what has happened over the years with our nukes being shut down by aliens and even one missile I know of being shot out of the sky by a UFO during a test. It seem aliens are totally against nukes. They wouldn’t need them anyway, all they would have to do to wipe us out is send a large asteroid our way.
The earth may be getting to a point where water will be more valuable than oil or even gold. If this happens it won’t be the first time wars broke out over it. All one has to do is look at our history and the water wars which were fought in the old west. As we cut down our forests we are hurting the atmosphere, but we have never seemed to give it the care it deserves. The trees in the rain forests are necessary to clean the air. You will notice you haven’t seen any trees on Mars and that could be one reason the atmosphere there is almost gone. There are some who think they saw trees in one area, but it is unlikely they were trees.

Will we fight over water someday and blow each other up to get it? This idea is not so far-fetched. Our planet is getting to look more like Mars every day. California has announced it could run out of water by the end of the year. Those of us who drink water from wells and aquifers are seeing them polluted by government and industry without any thought for the people. There are now many places in this country where the water is not drinkable. This leaves us with the question, is the earth headed to become a desolate planet like Mars and are those in power just taking care of their own needs? There is no doubt if we continue this way

