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More About Our Universe

We heard the universe was an oscillating universe meaning it would expand and at some point contract then do it all over again.Β  Then we were told there was the Big Bang and the universe is an expanding universe and just keeps expanding. Today there are a few scientists who have stated they believe the universe is eternal and was always there and will be always there and dark matter is not involved. Wait a second, haven’t we been told that most of our universe is in the form of dark matter and if it didn’t exist the universe couldn’t stay together? I wouldn’t get too upset over this because this is precisely how science works. It isn’t always right at any one time, but it slowly works its way to the correct answer as it gathers more facts. In the case of the universe it could take us a long time to know the truth and there might be more universes out there which operate differently from ours.

I don’t know how others feel, but I think the universe will turn out to be a lot more complicated than we even think it is now. Look at what we just found out, recently we were informed that every galaxy seems to be connected by some sort substance which looks like plasma. It might be something completely different like dust of some kind but there is something there. This was never taken into account when trying to figure out how the universe works, because we didn’t even knew it existed. We now have to figure out what its purpose is. Some scientists are saying electrical magnetized Birkeland current filaments connect the stars, galaxies and the universe. Birkeland current is usually a reference to the electric currents in a planet’s ionosphere which follow magnetic lines, but it can also mean aligned magnetic fields in space. When I talk about these currents on a universal scale I am talking about the aligned magnetic fields connecting all the galaxies in the universe and on a smaller scale perhaps all the solar systems in a galaxy. One has to wonder when some scientists are so sure they have solved some problem and then new evidence comes up no one expected, how these people feel especially when they are the type who absolutely insist they are correct and others are incorrect?

I also have to wonder what other incredible things we are going to find we didn’t know were in space? We suspect there may be some huge mass beyond our view which is pulling galaxies toward it and it could account for the fact the expansion toward it seems to be accelerating. Some think the mass might be a monster black hole so large it could overpower our universe. Some others think it could be a cluster of black holes with a total mass beyond our measurements. It could be something else entirely different. Maybe it is an electromagnetic field so powerful it is grabbing the galaxies and absorbing them into a giant clump of compressed material and when enough of the galaxies are sucked into it to create critical mass, it will explode and create a Big Bang. The universe could be leaking. Perhaps there is a large rip in space and space currents are carrying us toward this leak much as water is carried toward a drain. At some point we might just spill out through it and be in a different dimension or different universe, if we survive the trip. So far we have talked about being pulled, but perhaps this is also wrong. Could it be we were somehow pushed in this direction and the reason we are accelerating is there is less resistance in that part of space for some reason? There are just so many unanswered questions when it comes to the expansion of the universe.

Astronomers have discovered what they believe to be the largest structure in the universe. We know a lot of things in our universe are huge, but this one really takes the cake. The structure is composed of galactic cores and it stretches to the incredible length of 4 billion light years from end to end. The object is so large scientists are having a hard time trying to figure out how it could be. One scientists stated, "While it is difficult to fathom the scale of this LQG, we can say quite definitely it is the largest structure ever seen in the entire universe." How does one even try to represent the scale of this object? The closest star to our sun is Proxima Centauri, it is 4.37 light years away. Our fastest spacecraft have traveled at a speed of about 42 miles per second. This is about 44286 times slower than the speed of light. To fly across this object from end to end would take 4 billion years times 44286 or 177,144 billion years at the speed of our fastest probe. I think this helps you with the size factor.

Scientists are now finding out that light which is said to have a constant speed in space of 186,282 miles per second might actually be traveling slower in some instances. What would this mean for astronomers? It could mean that distance measurements are off. One of the ways distance and speed is measured in space is by using the shift in light spectra. Scientists believe the faster something is accelerating from us the more red its light shift is. If light from an object is being slowed down somehow, it will have less of a red shift and therefore make scientists think it is closer and moving away from us slower. The new theory is this happens when light is somehow changed as it travels through space. One scientist said of the find, "It's like a bar bet you say, 'I'm betting you that I can slow down light in free space.' And everyone else is going to be like, 'No, you can't do that.' And when you actually do it, everyone is like, 'Oh, that was obvious.”

One of the reasons scientists think life might be able to exist on more planets than first thought is the theory that life exists on earth to at least a depth of 12 miles. It is being said it is now believed bacteria are alive at those depths and this has meaning for other planets in the universe, even those which are in extremely harsh conditions. There could be bacteria living on them under the surface which allows them to survive. This being said, perhaps scientists should rethink their theory that life must exist only on a planet which is in a spot similar to where earth is from its sun. Bacteria type life might be able to exist on planets as far out as Pluto (dwarf planet) or maybe further and if this is the case perhaps more complex life is capable of living in harsher conditions that first expected.


