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Our Real Universe

More and more scientists and researchers are saying life might be an illusion or it is an illusion. I have spoken about this before and I can’t help but think this has to be one of the strangest opinions anyone could have. First of all if life is an illusion why not just lie in bed all day, because nothing you do is really making any difference. If the illusion is real there has to be something behind it a real world of some sort where we really are, even if we are just computer programs who are sentient. If this were the case the computer would be our home. There are other things this might mean and it could be that everyone we come into contact with is just a figment in a strange program and they really don’t exist. This would mean your parents never existed, your siblings, and you never really met your wife and friends. The next question would be how did we get into this illusion. Are we real creatures and did we volunteer or perhaps we are in some sort of jail and serving our sentences. I am sorry, I know this is a popular thought, but I just can believe it, even though I guess a brain could be tricked into believing anything.

Some say the proof that life is an illusion is the fact so many people disappear every year. They claim they are actually just leaving the illusion, because whatever is creating the illusion is not perfect or they are actual people who have discovered a way out. Some of the people who believe life is an illusion are the same people who think the universe is a hologram. Recently scientists conducted tests and they say the results seem to lead to the fact it is. I say there are many other reasons the results could lead them to believe this and the only true way to know if they are right is to travel to what looks like an alien system which is believed to be a hologram and see if it is actually there. There is a thing in space called a gravitational lens effect. It make objects look like they are somewhere they are not and sometimes makes the same object appear more than once in the sky. This is a scientific fact, so perhaps there is some other unknown natural reason which puts objects in positions where they really are not.

Sometimes I think we get a little too far out there in our thoughts. Usually the simplest answer is the right one. There seems to be confusion between the frequency of matter and illusion. All matter operates on a frequency. Atoms have a frequency and this is what holds them together. If the frequency is changed matter changes. Perhaps those reports of UFOs changing shape while being seen by witnesses have something to do with this. If aliens exist and are advanced enough they may have learned how to change the frequency in the matter of their ships to reshape them or divide the ships into multiple ships. We know how to change matter with frequency, but in a much cruder way. If we take a glass and a tuning fork and hit the correct frequency we break the glass, thus changing it shape. There are other implications here which are far grander. Perhaps this ability exists in nature and somewhere in our universe this is happening naturally.Β  Objects in space might be changed when natural frequencies happen to match their own or when advanced races operate devices which tap into those frequencies. If we could discover the frequency of an oncoming asteroid we might be able to blow it into dust and save ourselves from any harm.

When we hit the glass with its frequency you can actually start to see it liquefy and change shape before breaking. You need slow motion to see this however. Sound is much more important than most of us realize. Sound holds everything together and is responsible for an objects existence and shape. Is it just a coincidence that the bible tells us in the beginning was the word? The word is sound. One question which is sometimes asked is how come we have two different frequencies in the human heartbeat. That is what creates a pulse. Where do these frequencies come from? Why is it some ancient carvings and designs look exactly like the shapes formed in sand after it has been subjected to different frequencies? Did the ancients have knowledge of frequencies which were lost in history? This brings up a very interesting question which archaeologists and scientists have been trying to answer, but have yet to succeed. The question is how did the ancients move huge rocks sometimes weighing up to 1700 tons? The answer may be they did it by finding the frequency of the stone and somehow using this information to make the stone weightless. Maybe we should examine one of these stone more closely, we might find out the molecular structure was somehow altered and then returned to its original shape.

When the shape of an atom was finally revealed, it shocked scientists. The reason for this is an atom has an incredible amount of empty space. Think about this, everything is made of atoms including everything we think of as solid, but how can something which is almost all empty space because it is made of atoms be solid?Β  There are now many scientists who believe there is some sort of master consciousness and it shapes our reality which is really dependent on it and that is why we all see things the same way. If I see something I believe is a tree and is tall with green leaves and branches, someone else looking at it sees the same thing. The scientists say this is because they are tapping into the same consciousness. If this were not true each of us would see things differently and there is a good chance we would not see things even as solids.

It may be hard to believe, but it is said our emotions also have vibrations and they differ with each emotion. Fear has a low slow frequency and love has a high rapid frequency. When frequencies are passed through a medium, as the frequency increases the pattern gets more complex. There is something very strange about our bodies. There are 64 possible codes made from four elements in our body, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. The 64 codes should be active in our DNA and yet we have only 20 active codes and these are the 20 amino acids. Some scientists believe emotion turns on the code in our DNA. The frequency created by the emotion, depending on the signal it generates, Β touches the codes. Some emotions touch more codes than others, because of the shape of the signal.
There seems to be much more to life than any of us would have imagined just a few years ago. Is our consciousness shaping our world and is it outside of our bodies? This could very well be the case, we could have a universal consciousness.

