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More About Mars

Scientists have found out something interesting about water on Mars. They were trying to figure out where the water came from and could have found the answer right here on earth. When they examined meteorites that came from Mars, the meteorites came from the crust of Mars and scientists were able to glean information about the source of water from them. Scientists have also decided that 35% or more of the water on Mars is beneath the surface of the planet. They published a report in the Journal National Geoscience which states they examined two famous Mars meteors and found the source of water came from two different sources. This theory states two different bodies collided with Mars and the water source on them was different for each.

The time to launch the next Mars Rover is growing near. As you may know by now the next Mars probe will contain a small helicopter weighing about 4 pounds. The helicopter has been especially configured to be able to fly in the thin atmosphere on Mars. The machine is not long duration and will only be able to fly for up to ninety seconds at a clip. It will fly at a height of only 10 to 15 feet. The helicopter will fly on its own with only minimal commands sent in advance from earth. It is estimated it will be able to travel 980 feet before landing. The rocket carrying the helicopter and the Rover named Perseverance was scheduled for launch as of the writing of this article, on 21 April, 2020, on July 17 to August 5, 2020. NASA now states the launch will take place sometime in July 2020.

Mars like any other rocky planet has its share of caves. Caves on earth played a very important role as shelter for early life. Could caves on Mars have been used for the same purpose or are they still being used as shelter? I raise this question because of the amount of methane gas which is being detected near and around these caves. Methane is a process which comes from life. It might only be decomposing plants but on the other hand it could indicate animals or even intelligent beings are using the caves to survive. Some might argue the air is far too thin for life the size of life on earth to exist, but there is always the question could life on Mars have evolved to be able to exist in the thin atmosphere?

Scientists from NASA have reported hearing strange sounds coming from Mars. NASA’s InSight Lander was able to detect these sounds. The spacecraft is also equipped with a very sensitive seismometer. The project has a name, much like most everything at NASA. It is the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure or SEIS. If one is wearing headphones and listening to the seismometer program, they would be able to hear the noise from earthquakes taking place in different parts of the planet. The device can also hear mechanical sounds and one has to wonder if it was ever able to pick up sounds which could indicate there was still machinery functioning on Mars?

If we compare the atmosphere on Mars to that of the planet Earth here is how things come out:
Mars' atmosphere consists of 95.32 percent of carbon dioxide, 2.7 percent of nitrogen, 1.6 percent of argon, 0.13 percent of oxygen, 0.08 percent of carbon monoxide and minor amounts of water, nitrogen oxide, krypton and xenon.
Earth's atmosphere is composed of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent of oxygen, 1 percent argon and trace amounts of carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, xenon, ozone and carbon monoxide.

One of the biggest mysteries on Mars was discovered just recently. It was discovered at the Gail Crater when scientists found oxygen over that crater was in a big enough quantity that humans might be able to breathe it. Scientists now believe some process is taking place in the atmosphere which they know nothing about.

When scientists observe what is happening in the atmosphere of Mars, they claim they get stumped. The reason for this is they can’t find enough water in the atmosphere for the fluctuations which are taking place. The reason it can’t be caused by carbon dioxide because it breaks down too slowly in the Martian atmosphere. There are also strange magnetic pulses on Mars. For some unknown reason around midnight on Mars the magnetic fields around the planet start to pulse. Scientists are completely puzzled about why this happens. Scientists have also been surprised when they found out the Martian crust was far more magnetic than they ever expected.

Scientists last year got another surprise when they discovered there was a huge underground water system on Mars. They believe at one time the planet Mars had a lot of water. The discovery of groundwater is a big break for the colonization program. It is much easier to colonize a planet that has water than one which does not. When photos of Mars were examined closely scientist came to the conclusion most of the craters on Mars had contained water at one time. Originally it is believed Mars was a world with a lot of water, but as it lost its atmosphere the water soaked into the ground.

With the discovery of water, comes the expectation of life existing in it, or near it. This expectation has led scientists who are studying Mars to believe there could be some sort of alien life on the planet. Mainly they are talking about microbes, but larger life still has a chance of existing. Much of the water is cold and cold water has a lot more oxygen in it than warm water. This would give the microbes a better chance of living.

2020 is also the year the British are planning to launch and land a robot on Mars. In this case the word robot means an intelligent rover. It is said landing on Mars is very tricky and besides the United States no other country has sent Rovers there yet. A small robot was carried to Mars by the Russian Mars 2 Lander. It was attached by a cable to the lander so its movements were limited.  The Russians launched Mars 3, but after it landed on Mars or contact was lost. The Russians had missions to Mars such as Mars 4, Mars 5, Mars 6 and Mars 7.

Mars is a fascinating place. Some people believe there is a strong indication intelligent life once existed there, but others say it never did. We are getting closer to finding the answer to this question, to be successful we may need boots on the ground.

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