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Intelligent Alien Life

We are finding out there is some very strange life out there. An example is microbes which live miles down under the earth where there is no air or nutrients. When scientists discovered they existed they were surprised, because they found out they existed on nuclear energy. They are known as Desulforudis Audaxviator. The nuclear power comes from a small amount of radiation coming from decaying uranium. Can you imagine what this means? It leads us to believe there may be all sorts of different alien life which has different requirements for life. With a universe as big as the known universe we live in, there could be many bizarre forms of life which don’t depend on what we do to live. There might even be some life which doesn’t need to be on a planet and which could live entirely in space. I have to wonder how we would react if we met aliens who were radioactive. Imagine meeting beings who might actually glow and be too dangerous to us if we get too close to them.

We are not capable of living in space for any extended period of time even though we are sheltered in a space station or rocket. We need gravity or eventually we will become so weak we will collapse when exposed to gravity. Another problem for us is radiation. At our current stage of technology, we would need very heavy lead shielding which is impractical to send up into space. Until this problem is solved there is the danger of our station or vehicle being irradiated by a solar flare or hit by a space rock. When astronauts go to the ISS or International Space Station they are exposed to radiation. The dosage is usually between 50-2000 millisieverts or mSv for a six-month mission, so even without being exposed to radiation by a solar flare they have increased their chances of getting cancer. Our bodies are just not built for space travel and will need auxiliary devices and shielding just to survive.

It could turn out many other alien races are better suited than us for space travel and traveling at much faster speeds. There were reports by cosmonauts seeing beings outside their spacecraft. At first blush this may seem absurd and this is what the Soviets in charge of the mission thought so they sent up another three cosmonauts to the Salyut 7 and these cosmonauts also reported seeing the beings. They all claimed they looked like large angels. Originally the Soviets thought their crew must have been suffering from fatigue, but after the second crew reported seeing the same beings this thought had to be thrown out of the window. The sighting took place in 1984 and everything was going as usual until day 155. On that day the space station was bathed in an orange light. The light was so intense it blinded the crew for a short period of time. They claimed the beings kept pace with the station for about 10 minutes then disappeared. This was not the end of the sightings however, because on day 167 there was a second appearance which was much like the first except a team from Soyuz T-12 also saw them.

 Aside from the many claims of aliens working with us on advanced technology projects on a few of our bases, there has been claims of aliens making contact with astronauts on the space shuttle. When people cite UFOs as containing alien life they could be wrong. While many of them seem to be of extraterrestrial origin many may not contain life at all. They could be drones. We can see how this is possible, because of the advances we are make in controlling drones. Imagine what some race hundreds or thousands of years ahead of us could have developed.

No one ever said extraterrestrial life would always look like us. It is more likely it may reflect its environmental needs. There will probably be some races who resemble us and a lot more which may not look like us but have a head, two arms and two legs. There may also be many other races which have a variety equivalent to the varieties of different life exhibited by the animal, insect and fish world. Then there may be even other types of life which are so alien we will not recognize them as life at all, until we learn better. There might even be a puddle of intelligent ooze which could be far more advanced than we are.

There have been some people who claimed to have seen extraterrestrials on earth. We know some claim to have seen aliens at the Roswell crash who were described as small beings with gray skin and hairless. There were also lizard like beings reported and others who were blond and looked like us. These three types were known as the Grays, Reptilians and Nordics. There are also other types of aliens which have been reported such as strange looking female aliens. There is one type of alien which is said to be humanoid, but with a spade shaped head.

Some of the strange beings which have been reported are said to have been aliens by some. One was a small creature which looked like a miniature Reptilian and got caught in a rat trap in Mexico. The farmers who saw it killed it. The body was purchased by Jaime Maussan, a famous Mexican newscaster and UFO investigator. Some of the monster sightings which have come down to us in folk lore are credited by some as being extraterrestrials. Some believe Bigfoot has some connection with aliens and witnesses have claimed they saw a Bigfoot being beamed down from a UFO and others say they have seen them being beamed up. Another is the Skunk Ape. It has been seen in the Southern US. The Gowrow is said to be an alien animal by some and it supposedly lives in Arkansas. Lastly the Loveland Frog is also thought to be an alien creature and is said to live in Ohio. Not everyone thinks if these creates exist they are alien, many attribute them to being monsters whose existence was passed down to frighten children.