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Curing Cancer

One has to wonder how many years scientists have been working to cure cancer? It seems even when they didn’t yet call it cancer, they were trying to cure it. There have been all sorts of rumors over the years claiming people had discovered a cancer cure were eliminated that is murdered. There had been a statement put up by a website which claimed over 60 holistic doctors had suffered suspicious deaths and the media has refused to acknowledge the fact these deaths might be linked. They didn’t come out and say it, but it seemed to be inferred the reason might have been they found a way to cure cancer. We have to remember cancer drugs are a very big business and many have suspected big pharma has prevented a cure from coming to the forefront. The Snopes website says the story about the deaths being suspicious is false, but is it really?

There was a man named Alfredo Bowman who became Dr. Sebi. He was a vegetarian herbalist, healer, pathologist and biochemist who many thought had the cures for some of the biggest diseases. Here is the thing, he was not a licensed physician. Some believe he became a threat to big pharma. In 2016 he got arrested. He was at the Juan Manuel Galvez International Airport in Honduras. His crime was he was carrying $37,000 on his person. He was released after a hearing, but then arrested again and charged with money laundering. He was placed in jail and eventually rushed to a hospital. They said he had complications from pneumonia. He died before he got to the hospital. The man was 82 years old, but there are many people who think his death was suspicious and big pharma wanted to get him out of the way. Dr. Sebi was held in jail for over one month without a date for a trial. His family tried to get him out, but were denied.

For years the medical profession felt finding a cure for cancer might be impossible, because they viewed cancer as being a combination of many different diseases. It is relatively recent that the medical profession decided to change course and try and get the human immune system to fight cancer by teaching it to attack cancer cells and tumors. Cancer is an old-time disease. It is believed the ancient Egyptians recognized it as far back as 1600 BC and they determined there was no treatment for it. Cancer has probably been plaguing the human race at least since modern man walked on the earth. A website called ran an article about the untimely deaths of seven doctors who were mysteriously found dead after attending a summit for a breakthrough cure for cancer. They claim almost all of the seven deaths have been called suicide. The doctors believed in holistic medicine. One doctor who was working on a treatment for cancer had a gunshot to the chest and he was found in a river. The site claims his case was reopened and now declared a murder. The doctor was named Dr. Jeff Bradstreet M.D.

A website named tells the story of a woman who claims she was cured from cancer by a Mexican cancer clinic in 2007. She said she wouldn’t be alive today if she had taken the medical advice from the oncologist she was using. The lady said the oncologist told her he couldn’t do anything more for her, because she had a near death reaction to the chemotherapy she was given. She said he sent her home to die in 2006. She went on to say she was in a wheel chair when she got to the clinic, but after several weeks of cancer treatments she felt like a new woman. Could it be there might have been some sort of cancer treatment that actually worked on some people? It certainly seems so if the story is true, doesn’t it? One of the problems is there are all sorts of criminals taking advantage of people with cancer and promising them cures for large sums of money. Preying on sick people is about as low as a person can go in my mind. I have often felt there should be a special category in the criminal justice system which would allow judges to hand our harsher sentences to those who commit these types of crimes.

It is beginning to look like the age long fight against cancer may soon be over. A vaccine has been developed which has actually cured cancer tumors in mice. Ninety mice with cancer tumors were injected with the vaccine and eighty-seven were cured after the first injection. Even the other three were cured after they received a second injection. The vaccine works by stimulating the immune system which then attacks the tumors. It worked for all different types of cancers. It is now being said human trials are going to start soon. While the articles talk about tumors they also state the mice had lymphoma, so there could be more to this. Human trials will soon be conducted on 15 patients who have lymphoma.

If we could cure cancer it would be the greatest medical advance in history. The disease is responsible for half of the deaths in men and one third of the deaths in women. Only cardiovascular disease kills more people. There have been some incredible medical discoveries in the last hundred years or so such as cures for polio, the creation of an artificial heart and pacemakers and now maybe a cancer cure. The question might be asked if this vaccine will cure cancer, will it also be able to be used to cure other diseases which our immune system might be able to fight? We could be getting some sort of all-purpose vaccine which will be able to be used not only for cancer, but for infections and other diseases. I have to hope nothing goes wrong or somehow something is made to go wrong. I would hate to see big pharma screw this up on purpose.