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The 4th and Other Dimensions

Lately there has been talk by scientists about other dimensions. What makes this talk a little different from what we usually hear is a couple of reasons. The first is they are not referring to the fourth dimension as time, which they usually do and the second reason is they claim they may have gotten a glimpse of the fourth dimension. The Express ran an article stating two teams of US and European scientists have shown the existence of a fourth dimension and state it has been photographed. I don’t want to blow anyone’s mind while trying to explain how the fourth dimension was able to be seen, but I will tell you this much, it had to do with extremely cold temperatures, magnetism and what is known as the quantum Hall effect. Suffice it to say they believe they have photographed the dimension topologically. As with all things in science a future scientist might claim he has found they were wrong.

If there are other dimensions could there be intelligent life living in them? This has been a question for quite some time. We have been told our brains don’t allow us to see dimensions beyond the ones we live in. The three dimensions we see everyday are length, width and height with some scientists calling time another dimension. Think about this, we haven’t found any life living solely in one of the dimensions we live in, it lives in all three. Is this an indication if we find more dimensions there can’t be life in them, because we don’t see this life here? Yet, how do we know some of the life here doesn’t exist in other dimensions if they exist such as the fourth, fifth, sixth dimensions and so on? Could an animal be occupying more than three dimensions and yet we don’t know it, because we have never had a chance to go to any other dimensions?

When investigators talk about UFOs as being controlled by aliens, sometimes we hear the UFOs are from other dimensions. We have no way of knowing this, so anything said about this is just a guess, but the fact some UFOs seem to be able to change shape and size could have something to do with these other dimensions and might be proof they exist. A physicist named Lisa Randall wrote a book, Knocking on Heaven’s Door. She is a theorist from Harvard University and she believes another dimension may exist very close to our own. She feels there may be a connection between extra dimensions and experiments being conducted by the Large Hadron Collider which smashes elementary particles. She believes there could be more than the three dimensions we see and they may be hidden from us. She goes on to say another dimension could be as close as a million trillion trillionth of a centimeter. This dimension might account for the missing matter in our universe.

It makes one wonder if another dimension could be entered, would a human be able to perceive what is in it and would he be able to survive. What would beings be like in a fourth dimension for example? It might be possible we see things like the fourth dimension from time to time and yet don’t realize it. Take the case of the pilot who flew into an electrical storm over the Bermuda Triangle. His plane entered a cone which was rapidly closing at one end and he managed to get out before it closed entirely, but found he had reached his destination way faster than ever before. Did he fly into a fourth dimensional storm of some kind? Another question some people have is why do so many people disappear? There are those who think at least some of them have walked through an invisible portal into another dimension. There have been people who have disappeared while walking within sight of others. When I day disappeared, I mean they just vanished while being watched. Did this have something to do with accidental dimensional travel?

If other dimensions do exist there may be some sequence of events which would affect us when combined with the power of another dimension. Perhaps the stories by people who claim to have somehow entered the past and found their way back might be found to have some basis in fact in the future when more is known about other dimensions. One problem is we have no way of really imagining what another dimension would look like. Sure, there are all sorts of drawings claiming to represent the fourth dimension, but how can you prove something right or wrong until you actually see what they are supposedly portraying?

What would a being from a place like the fourth dimension even look like and what would his or her capabilities be, if there is even a him or her there? There have been a lot of guesses as to what a fourth dimensional being would see if he entered our dimension and many say we would appear as blobs covered in skin to it. Not all people agree with this assessment. Others think a fourth dimensional being would be like a god to us. They claim not only could they see everything in our world, but they would have incredible powers. As they removed things they would seem to just disappear to us. They are said by some to have the power to remove anything, even from within us without cutting us. It is also thought this being might be capable of omnipresence.

It is true if other dimensions exist and there are beings living in them they will be able to do things considered incredible by us, because their dimensions which have more attributes than ours. In 1954 a man flew on a commercial flight to Tokyo, but upon his arrival and going through customs he was detained. He had not done anything wrong, the problem was with his passport. It was genuine, but his country of origin was listed as Taured. The man said the country was between France and Spain and a map was given to him and he was told to point at the country and he pointed at Andorra, but claimed Taured had existed for over 1,000 years. When his possessions were checked, his driver’s license was found to have the country of Taured listed. He had some checks with him, but the bank listed didn’t exist. He was put into a hotel and guarded and the next morning when the authorities went to wake him he had vanished. Did he come from a parallel universe and possible another dimension?