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Incredible Discoveries, Accomplishments And Inventions

There are some very interesting things going on. One is an incredible discovery, but it is not a good one for us. It seems a new virus has been found which doesn’t act like any other and which seems to be far more capable of infecting. The reason for this is the virus is in pieces and it throws itself against a cell wall and seems to reassemble itself. Scientists described it as the equivalent of a human with his arms, head, trunk and legs all apart, but being able to put himself back together. We found this on our own planet, but it just exemplifies what else we don’t know about. What are we going to find when we start exploring planets? We have to be extremely careful we don’t bring back something which could destroy the human race. We may find our knowledge of diseases on earth have no relevance to what might be out there, therefore we may not know how to fight an alien disease.

I wonder how many of you have seen the new Australian five dollar bill. This has to be one of the most incredible printing jobs in the history of the world. The Australians should be very proud. The bill has a clear portion with some designs on it which is roughly about an inch wide. The bill is also a hologram and as the bill is tilted a bird moves its wings. The number five changes direction when the bill is moved. A tactile feature is on the bill so the blind know the denomination of the bill. This is all on the front. On the back there is a patch which changes color when you move the bill. You can see a video about the bill by copying and pasting the following web address into your browser,
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Remember how we were impressed when Star Wars first came out and we saw all those four legged machines stomping over the terrain? Not many know this, but the U.S. Army had a General Electric four-legged human operated Pedipulator fifteen years before Star Wars came out. It was a large machine that walked across the ground with a human driver who was surrounded by a heavy metal frame. If you are wondering when this was, it was in 1962. The idea was for GE to develop a vehicle which could push its way through a dense area and step over obstacles. It was required to be able to carry up to 1,000 pounds of men and material. If you are wondering why the army didn’t adopt this concept the answer is simple. The machine was hydraulic and the operators became very fatigued by the constant manipulation of the controls.

Who said it couldn’t be done? Costa Rica has been running on renewable energy for months now. There is no energy being generated by coal, oil or nukes. It has saved the nation millions of dollars in its budget. They don’t seem to have any plans to do away with the grid, but they do want to make it less prone to failures. Most of their energy is coming from water, but it is being supplemented with other sources of renewable energy. Some say it can only be done because the country is so small, but this is just baloney for the masses to hide the fact big oil and coal don’t want to lose money. Sure America is much bigger, but it also has far more of a shoreline for generating electricity, along with many areas for wind and solar power. The truth is we could also become self-sufficient on green energy if our leaders really wanted to. If we wanted to we could install generators on every dam, wave generators along the shore and use the new power lines which allow electricity to be sent thousands of miles without very much of a boast. We would probably have such a surplus of electricity after adding the other sources we could sell our excess.

Scientists think they may have discovered a type of fire which will help clean up oil spills more efficiently. They have produced a blue tornado like fire which is said to burn very hot. The flame is so hot the hope is it could burn up an oil spill completely. This type of thing is also known as a fire tornado. In nature it is very scary, but this is the first time anyone has thought of harnessing it for good.

One of the most mysterious things about birds is how they fly for days without sleep. They never seem to get exhausted and this has had scientists wondering for years how they do this. Scientists have just found out that some birds can sleep while drifting on air currents. Some birds can shut down half of their brains so they can rest while flying. They can even fly with both hemispheres shut down at once. The birds can even navigate while in REM sleep, a very deep sleep state. When one hemisphere is asleep the animals are still aware of their surroundings. It is not only birds which can put half their brains to sleep, so can Dolphins. This is to prevent them from drowning and allows them to come to the surface for air. The birds which were studied were Frigitebirds (some say Frigit Birds). The reason for this choice is these birds are known to fly without stopping for weeks.

Since we are talking about brains, I think I will mention the fact there is a man in France who is missing 90% of his brain. What scientists cannot understand is the fact he is living a relatively normal life. This has contributed even more to the mystery of consciousness. The question is how can a person missing this much of their brain still be aware? This man has been studied for over 10 years and yet no one has found the answer to this question. Scientists state they know consciousness is based somewhere in the brain, but if this is true how does one function with most of their brain missing? He never realized anything was wrong. Most of his skull is just empty space. He still had an I.Q. of 75 and was working as a civil servant, was married and had two children. The places where consciousness was said to exist by different scientists just don’t exist in this man so one can say all their theories of consciousness are incorrect. One scientist stated, "Any theory of consciousness has to be able to explain why a person like that, who's missing 90 percent of his neurons, still exhibits normal behavior." One scientist has a theory that consciousness is learned and can be located in different regions of the brain. It is just a theory and is likely wrong.