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DNA And What Is Happening With It

I have written about a lot of strange things over the last eleven years or so, but I am about to talk about one of the strangest I have ever seen. What I am about to tell you is listed all over the Internet. It is being said Charles Watson, one of the world’s leading DNA scientists has found a message from God in a remote piece of our DNA which we believed was “junk DNA”. Junk DNA is the majority part of our DNA which science has found no use for. Supposedly the message says, “Hello my children, this is Yahweh the one true Lord. You have found creation’s secret, now share it peacefully with the world.” It is being said Harvard backs the discovery. Scientists have been talking about a message existing from our creator in our DNA for years. They have said it MIGHT be possible, so this made the announcement a little more tantalizing even though it did seem unlikely something like this could be kept out of the major news networks. I decided to do a little research on the subject and could not find the announcement in Nature Magazine even thought it was said it would appear there. I found an interview with Charles Watson a month later and he never mentioned the message. It would have been great to find the articles about this discovery were true, but unfortunately the Internet if full of false information. To see how many sources say the discovery is genuine just Google it. I used the phrases “message in DNA” and “message from God in DNA” to do the search.

Scientists want to tamper with our DNA and are expressing the opinion they could raise our I.Q. to over 1000. I would like to say something first before I explore this. I personally knew some people who had an extremely high I.Q. Out of three people two were very dumb when it came to everyday living and did things which caused others to laugh at them. I have to wonder if raising one’s I.Q. that high might cause a person to become a savant. Would they be geniuses in certain areas, but helpless in others? Stephen Hsu is a scientist who is saying we might be able to raise I.Qs. I guess if anyone should know it would be him since he is Vice-President of Research and Graduate Studies at Michigan State. He is saying this could be accomplished by manipulating our genes. He says our intelligence is controlled by thousands of genes each having a small effect on it. Dr. Hsu is also a scientific advisor at BGI and a founder of its Cognitive Genomics Lab. There is talk the company is sequencing the genes of the world’s smartest people, 2,000 of them to be accurate. Other scientists also believe Hsu is correct and are conducting similar genetic work.

A team of geneticists from PLoS Genetics at the University of Southern California have announced they have found it might be possible to extend the human life span to 800 years. They are now doing a study on people in Ecuador, which is related to this. So far the scientists have extended the life span of certain bacteria by a factor of ten. They believe the same process could be applied to us and that it would work if we limited our calorie intake. They are saying they have to alter only two genes. The genes are named RAS2 and SCH9. These are the genes which cause aging and cancer in humans. The key is to be able to control the health of our cells.

Scientists were beside themselves when they found a human leg bone which was 45,000 years old and they were able to get DNA from it. The leg bone came from Siberia. They found evidence of how humans outside of Africa interacted with Neanderthals and other groups. The genome they got was twice as old as the next human one. The scientists couldn’t believe the age of the leg at first so they had it dated twice and the results were the same. According to scientists, modern humans left Africa about 100,000 years ago but the Neanderthals were already living in other parts of the world. The leg bone not only contained modern human DNA, but a small amount of Neanderthal DNA. This means the human it came from had Neanderthal ancestors, which it turn shows modern humans and Neanderthals bred. Scientists have been able to date when the interaction between human and Neanderthal took place and it was about 50,000 to 60,000 years before the human whose bone it was, was born. One of the biggest mysteries in our dim past is why the Neanderthals went extinct. There have been many different theories such as the modern humans killed them or some disease which only struck Neanderthals struck them, but we may never know the truth.

Strange elongated skulls known as the Paracas Skulls have been found. There is a peninsula in Lima Peru known as the Paracas Peninsula. Hundreds of elongated skulls were found buried there which are about 3,000 years old. We have been told the heads of people were bound to create this elongated effect, but this is not true in this case, because the capacity of the skulls is far greater than a human skull and biologists admit the capacity does not change when a skull is bound only the shape changes. The brain in these skulls would have been 25% larger and 60% heavier than our brains which probably, but not necessarily, meant these beings would have had superior intelligence. Recently it is said a DNA test was conducted on the skulls and it indicated the DNA was not human and was unknown. A more complete DNA test is desired to affirm the findings, but the researcher would need about $100,000 dollars to conduct it so he is trying to raise the money.

In 2013 it was announced that a Nobel scientist had discovered a jaw-dropping way to edit the DNA of all living things including humans. The technique is called Crispr. It is said this will allow the alteration or editing of any specific position on the DNA of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes “without introducing unintended mutations or flaws.” It scares me when I hear things like this, because I know scientists are now chaffing at the bit to try out their new discovery on us. I am not saying it might not be a good thing, but who wants to be a human guinea pig? I for one think there has to be some mistakes along the way when one messes with human genes and we are already making them with the introduction of Genetically Modified crops which are altering our genome.

Some changes which we might make to our genes might look beneficial now, but as these genes are passed down to our children they might turn out to a disaster. This is something where testing would have to be conducted through several generations of humans to make sure there are no adverse results.

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