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Lab Grown Human Brains

I don’t know about anyone else, but there was an announcement made recently that had me squirming in my seat. The announcement stated scientists in a lab had grown a human brain. They went on to say they had grown it from human skin cells. The scientific world claimed it was too early to get excited because much of the scientific data was not released due to pending patents. The scientists who grew the brain claimed it was almost fully functioning but hadn’t reached the stage where blood vessels would have been needed, however all the electrical connections were made. They claimed it was the equivalent of the brain of a 5 week old fetus and was about the size of a pencil eraser. So what were they claiming they wanted a human brain for? They talked about how handy it would be to have for running different tests. I had wondered if the brain could possibly be aware, but they said it wasn’t. I have to wonder if they are 100 percent correct. While I don’t believe it could be experiencing what our brains do, I have to wonder if there isn’t a little something there, maybe as much as in a bug brain for example.

Think about this, there have been many announcements lately about organs being grown in labs. Now we are talking about human brains. If you were one of those diabolic military planners, what would you want to do when you heard this, could it possibly be to grow soldiers? This sounds completely like science fiction, but so did growing organs and brains. To me this would be the ultimate offense against humanity. The military might think it was peachy since they could grow and train soldiers and fill their ranks without us pesky normal humans complaining about such things as having to kill certain people or bomb them out of existence.

Once we get proficient at growing these human brains will we be able to make certain connections inside them which will change human nature and create fighters without a conscience? Maybe we will be able to turn off their pain receptors and there will be future battlefields where wounded soldiers will fight no matter how badly wounded, until they drop down dead. At this point we will have lost respect for human life, at least the part of it we grew ourselves.

There is another fact we have to consider. Right now many people are worried about robots turning on us. They think they will become sentient and discover they have no use for us and decide to wipe us from the face of the earth. This may not only be true for robots, it could also turn out to be true for life forms we created. How would a life form look on us if it had been created solely to fight and kill? Might it think we normal humans were weak and try and purge us from the planet. It might not be able to reproduce outside the laboratory. This is another feature which might have been eliminated. Humans grown in the lab as soldiers will probably be all men since men are generally bigger than woman thus more suited to fight in close combat. Woman may be grown for tasks which require people with smaller bodies.

If humans we create are not capable of reproduction, this might drive them crazy. They might decide if they are going to die without offspring then why should we live. They might just consider themselves as slaves, slaves without any future. Who could blame them? What more miserable life could there be than one where your entire life is devoted to fighting and dying? Even if the connections in their brains were somehow changed so they didn’t feel this way at birth, if I can even use this term, they might grow new neural connections at some point in their existence fostering discontent with their way of life. One thing which comes to mind is many UFO investigators have said that extraterrestrial Grays were thought to be some sort of humanoid robot. Many people laughed at this suggestion, but now since the announcement of growing a human brain, it doesn’t seem so funny anymore.

There are also other implications. If human brains can be grown and then experimented upon, scientists might find out things about us which certain people would wanted altered. They might use this knowledge to wittle down the human race. Many of societies’ powerful elite people have fostered the idea that the population of the world has to be brought down significantly, because this would make it better for them to control things. If it was found out a certain mineral or drug could affect the part of the brain which controls breeding in males, it might be applied to our food or water. Maybe it would even be sprayed into our air. Think of contrails.

Knowledge is truly power. Humans should learn as much as they can about everything, it is in our nature and that certainly is not wrong, it is good. The problem arises when we take what we have learned and use it the wrong way or we acquire the knowledge in such a way it causes grief to others. There are reams of records of past medical tests where the subjects were not considered and the knowledge man obtained was from their suffering and death. The Nazis conducted many tests like this and so did the Japanese in World War II. If humans are grown in a lab and experimented on this way, is it wrong? Absolutely. If we get to that point it would be savage.

I am not happy about the future implications of being able to grow human brains. The implications for misuse are so great it boggles the mind. There will also be the question of whether the brains will be conscious at some point so dissecting them and such will hurt them even if it is not able to be seen. We may be on the verge of creating life and life is sacred, even if it is created in a lab.


