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Altering The Human Body

Humans are entering a new age and it is one of body alterations and remote control devices which will affect our bodies. One of the things which haunts the human race is overpopulation. There have been all sorts of rumors of a secret power called the One World Order which supposedly wants to reduce our population by murderous means to 500,000,000 from the almost eight billion. While this is hard to believe, there is a new invention coming out which is a remote controlled, implantable contraceptive which is said to be able to last 16 years. It was developed by MicroCHIPS and will begin its testing phase in 2015. It is a small chip which a woman implants in her body and can be remotely turned on and off. The chip releases 30 mg of levonorgestrel a common hormone which is already used for this purpose. Other uses for the chip are being considered such as the administration of meds which require daily shots.

Altering genes has become the talk of the town. There is a rumor going around which states the Chinese have altered the genes of some of their athletes to make them stronger. While we were testing for chemical substances in an athlete’s blood it is said the Chinese were experimenting with gene therapy. The Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen gold medal performance in 2012 raised eyebrows, because many seasoned coaches believed a normal human, no matter what shape they were in, could not perform at the level this swimmer did when she won the medal. They said this was disturbing, because they felt something suspicious was going on and it was not drugs but could have been gene alteration. One coach said anytime an athlete looked like a superwoman, they were found guilty of doping and since this was not the case, it was felt something else was going on, of course the Chinese deny this.

Climate change is forcing us to make changes in the things we manufacture switching us to LED bulbs and other devices which save energy. Scientists are suggesting we should also redesign the human body to save energy. While I think messing with a good thing is crazy to do, the scientific community is giving this suggestion quite a bit of thought. One of the things some scientists are suggesting is for us to stop eating meat. They further suggest we should take a pill which would make us violently ill if we eat meat thus implanting an aversion to eating meat in our minds. Yeah, sure we will all take this pill. I have a better idea, how about a sirloin steak. Another modification which was suggested was altering the human body to make us smaller. One scientist argues for this by saying that every kilogram of body mass requires a certain amount of food, so if we were smaller we would need less food. I know how we could save some food, cut down on his intake. Why is it there are always those who want to experiment on us? Human experimentation has been going on for hundreds of years and those who have done it keep their consciences clear by claiming they are helping mankind no matter how terrible their experiments are.

Our bodies are being altered today and most of us are not even aware of it. The alterations are being caused by genetically altered food. The Alliance for Natural Health stated in an article about genetically engineered food published on May 31, 2011 that genetically altered organisms become part of the bacteria in our digestive tracts and reproduce continuously inside us. What does this mean to us? The first thing it means is our digestive systems are being altered. As far as I know there were no human trials for genetically altered food so we really don’t know their effects on us, but changing our bodies can only lead to problems. Some of the genes in these plants produce antibiotics. One of the worries about this food is it will produce pesticides inside our bodies, because that is what it does in plants. Studies on animals have shown the DNA from the plants can travel throughout our bodies and even enter a fetus.

Along with the suggestions of altering humans to fight climate change is the suggestion to alter the bodies of our astronauts. A suggestion has been made to alter the bodies of colonists we send to Mars in the future. Can you imagine altering humans to suit the planets they are sent to? It seems to me if we do this we are creating other races which will change even more as time goes by. In the distant future they many not even resemble humans. An example of this might be altering the Mars colonists to be able to breathe on Mars without gear. There is also talk about altering their bodies to be able to adapt in the lower gravity of the planet. The scientists are talking about modifying their muscle structure and skeletons. Well you can count me out, after hearing this I am not going!

As crazy as this sounds, a recent study has shown if a person gets less than six hours a day of sleep for a week, it can damage your health by changing your body. Researchers at the University of Surrey analyzed the blood of 26 people who had enough sleep every week and compared the results to the analyzed blood of those who got less than 6 hours sleep for a week. Those who had the lesser sleep had over 700 of their genes altered. The genes were those which produced proteins and produced more proteins thus altering the body chemistry of those people. The immune system was affected as was the areas of the body which respond to stress and damage.

I cannot comment on how others would feel about having their bodies altered by a bunch of scientists, but I can comment on how I would feel and that is not very happy about it. The last thing I want someone doing is changing my body, if it wasn’t necessary to keep me alive, because of some disaster or disease. I don’t think the trend by science of thinking about the best way to do these things is good and I believe rather than alter us to fit some situation we should be developing devices which would allow us to function in places which we normally could not.

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