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The Question Of Dimensions

We humans usually reject any ideas which apply to weird things. It is only natural. The reason it is natural for us to think this way is we are programmed to. Our brains do not like things which seem to go against certain ideas. If we look at something which is only partially drawn, sometimes our brains will finish the picture and we will think we are seeing something we are not. We don’t like the idea that time really does not move in a straight line with the past behind us, the current time now and the future time ahead of us, but none of this is news and most of us have known about this for quite a while. The reason I am even talking about this stuff is there are a growing number of scientists who believe we are not living in the only dimension. They believe there are others and some believe they could even be populated. When they are asked to describe them that is when things get sticky. This is another one of the areas where our brains cannot wrap themselves around. If it is a dimension which has more than length, width, depth and time, it is very hard for any of us to understand what they are talking about.

There is also a theory which states dimensions could be touching each other or even exist inside each other. This bring me to the point I was getting at. There are those people who claim they have seen into another dimension. One group claims they can do this by using meditation. They claim we can be taught to do this by shamans and such and that this is where the saying about the “third eye” comes from. So what exactly do they claim to see? Here is what they say, they see white lights, auras, visions and strange creatures. They also claim they can have “out of body” experiences. They claim to see shifts of light, forms, flashes and all sorts of attention getting events. It makes one wonder if those who were in the government’s “Remote Viewing Program” were also using a similar technique.

A question has come up which might sound silly on the surface, but it does deserve to be studied more closely. The question is can some people who were declared to have mental illness really be the victims of some power they have to see into other dimensions? Let’s face it, wouldn’t you think someone was insane if they told you they were seeing flashes, auras and even creatures? Let me answer that question for you, of course you would and so would the psychiatrist treating them. A lot of people talk about the fourth dimension, but is that really a dimension as we think of dimensions. Many scientists believe the fourth dimension is time. Of course what we refer to as dimensions may not exist as dimensions, but whatever we call them they will still retain their properties. Let me give you an example. What we call the three dimensions might be called something entirely different by some alien race. They might say the first dimension has all the properties we attribute to three dimensions.

Getting back to those people who believe they have seen into other dimensions, the question is even if they are seeing something which actually exists, how would they know it was a new dimension or an alien world? Could there be places on this planet where other dimensions touch ours, assuming they exist? Some people say yes and even give them a name, a vortex. Not everyone thinks these vortexes are portals to other dimensions, some think they are something entirely different. There have quite a few people who claim they have been transported in time by a vortex. The bottom line is we cannot see a vortex, but there is some indication the ancients may have known of at least a couple of them. This presents us with an interesting question. Could some of the ancients have used a vortex to travel into the future and could some of them be here with us now or even further into the future?

The ancients have been accused of building certain monuments in areas where a vortex exists. We are finding out they did build them on lay lines. Lay lines are usually thought of as the straight lines aligning ancient monuments. It is believed the ancients thought there were areas of the earth which had power and they built their monuments to line up with them.

There are some people who have a very unconventional view of the paranormal and the sighting of spirits in general. They believe dimensions touch in areas and what they are really seeing is happening not in our dimension, but in a different one which may touch or overlap our own. They believe what we think of as spirits may be beings from these other dimensions trying to contact us. Recent scientific studies have shown there may be a dimension composed of energy which can be tapped into by us. Different devices have been demonstrated which are said to tap into this energy to run. This seems to be true and it could mean a free energy future for us. It does make one wonder what other dimensions exist and if there are some which would be detrimental to our existence?

There he was laying on the couch when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It was a figure of a person, but when he got up he found no one was in the house. This has been repeated many times and I am sure just about all of us have had a similar experience. Some say this happens because we get a slight glimpse into another dimension which only lasts for a second or so. Could this be true? I guess stranger things have happened, but this would mean we have some untapped power to see into these places and it might indicate we could be trained to use this power. On the other hand we all have very complicated brains and maybe what we are seeing is the brain making some sort of adjustment.


