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Project Blue Beam

Strange things are happening all over the world and some of these things are so strange it seems at first blush there is no explanation. Hundreds of villagers in Africa claim to have seem a city floating in the air and they believe it was not a mirage. The floating city appeared over Duali, in Lanzai South Ward, Darazo Local Government of Bauchi State. A man who ran a business in the village noticed a very bright light in the air and also noticed what looked like clouds falling. Then he saw it, something he would have never believed and here is what he said. He claimed to see a transparent cloud and inside of it were buildings and roads. He also heard what he called the sound of machines. Almost all of the villagers also saw the floating city. Every witness had the same story. How could anyone have seen a sight like this? It just so happens there is a new technology in town and it is called Blue Beam. It is so incredible there is almost no way to describe it. Believe me you can be made to see anything and believe it is real. Here is the address of a demonstration, you can copy and paste it into your web browsers address bar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61Ij8JcrSGY. Sorry, About Facts doesn’t use live links. After looking at this you will realize you can be made to believe anything.

People in the know are very worried about this technology. At first blush it certainly looks harmless enough and very entertaining. If you have looked at the video you can see what a thrill it would be for your kids to be able to see what looks like live dinosaurs and African animals right before them without having to be behind bars and such. This has to be the most realistic display I have ever seen and there are a lot of other people who feel the same way, but like almost all other technologies there is a very dark side to it. This is what has some people worried. First of all one has to wonder if those African villagers were being tested using this technology to see if they could be fooled? Why would we want to do this you might ask? The answer is we can use this technology to influence people all over the world. Most people in the world feel very strongly about their religion, no matter what religion they believe in. Image how we could influence these people by creating our own miracle. What if God were to descend from the sky and tell his people to do this or that, might they not take heed?

Blue Beam is capable of fooling all of us. If this was used on the battlefield we could make enemy armies believe we had troops in areas where there were none and possibly get them to make maneuvers exactly where we want them to, laying a trap for them. It might make a very powerful weapon. I don’t know much about its properties or what it is capable of doing beyond fooling our eyes into thinking we are seeing something which really isn’t there, but if it could be modified to give radar signatures, one could launch a drone at a target and create what looked like hundreds of other drones flying with it to fool and enemy so they wouldn’t know which drone to shoot down. Winning over people’s minds is more important than killing them on the battlefield. What if we could make an army surrender, because they believed their leaders asked them? We might be able to accomplish this to some extent in a battle using Blue Beam. Some are saying very powerful world religions will use this technology to trick their followers into believing there are miracles happening which prove theirs is the only real religion. Even worse than that is what some have said about aliens. They suggest it will be used to get us to think aliens are gods and we should worship them. This will supposedly be done by humans who are said to be working with aliens.

We are being deceived on many levels and we shouldn’t be surprised there is a new technology which might be used for this purpose. We all know the government wants to know every grain of information the population of the world has. Why would it be such as stretch for Blue Beam to be used to control what we do? It could be rationalized it is being done to protect us. That phrase, “we do this to protect you” has to be one of the most overused ones in the English language. A device like this one might be used to camouflage planes in the sky or even UFOs by projecting a cloud cover below the craft. There are those who have been warning about Blue Beam. They claim it is going to be used to convince the populace that the rapture is at hand and so is the second coming. They also say this is going to be used to form a new religion. It is supposedly connected to the New World Order. I know you have heard that term many times in the past, but what better way to form a one world government than by convincing the people to believe it is God’s wish? These same people are saying since the rapture and second coming are aimed at Christians there will be a terrible war as the Christians will be resisted by the other religions.

This is speculation of course and these people have no proof. They are basing this on their own feelings and knowledge of history and how the attempt to create the One World Government has been proceeding. They could be right and they could be wrong. It could turn out a similar device will find its way to the Muslim world and will be used to rally the Muslims. It is something to think about. Here we have a device which in itself has no destructive power, but could be more powerful than our stock pile of nuclear weapons if used for evil. There is nothing more powerful than something which has the power to control men’s minds and most of us would probably fall prey to something like this. We don’t even know if it has been tried out on us already. Maybe the Phoenix Lights were not UFOs and it was a test of Blue Beam. How could we ever be sure of what we are seeing when we look up into the sky from now on?

It isn’t just things in the sky either. We could be made to see things on the ground which don’t exist. The technology seems to be some kind of laser projecting a very realistic holograph, but there could be far more to it than just this simple description. There will also no doubt be an audio component to the images. It may just turn out the most dangerous weapon ever invented is no longer the hydrogen bomb, it is Blue Beam.


