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Proven, Future Events Can Change The Past

Life is full of strange things and as we advance and learn more about the earth, our lives and our surroundings we are finding out more of these strange things. One strange thing has to do with scientists claiming the future can affect our past. This seems to be completely implausible. I have to ask the question, does anyone out there think by doing something now the past changes? This is really deep, but the answer is if the past changes we wouldn’t know it, because the old past would be gone. Is it possible the past is not static, but is ever changing? If this is true, for all we know we might have won and lost the Second World War thousands or hundreds of thousands of times. As crazy as this sounds there are some scientists who believe they have proved this using quantum physics. It is hard for me to even give this idea any credibility, but I have always said before I had an open mind so I am using this open mind to see what they have to say before dismissing the entire idea out of hand.

I think it is safe to say you and I believe time moves only forward. We also think of things very simply such as one thing existing in only one place. We also believe events still happen even if we are not there to see them. A study has been published in Nature Physics and it claims to show time can move backwards. The problem for us non-scientists is quantum physics has some really freaky attributes. One is if we look at something it will behave differently than if we do not. This has been proven in many different experiments where the outcomes changed when the experiment in quantum physics was being watched and when it wasn’t. Now if this is not enough to blow your mind I don’t know what is, because to me this seems so incredible it is hard to fathom and yet it is so. This is one of the problems facing a quantum computer. Quantum theory is an assault on common sense, but it can show us common sense is anything but sense in the first place.

When we are talking about quantum physics we find if we are trying to figure out if something has wave like behavior or particle like behavior depends on how it is measured at its destination. Here is what a scientist had to say about that, "It proves that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it." It seems there are two different realities, one has to do with the Newtonian world, what I call the normal world and the other has to do with quantum physics and the atomic world, the microscopic. Things just do not behave the same way in both worlds. Here is a very strange experiment in time. Atoms were trapped and then ejected until only one atom remained. That atom was then dropped through a laser grating which scattered the light from the atom. A second grating was added which recombined the paths and was randomly added. Here is the very weird part, the random number which was generated to decide whether the second grading to recombine the light was added or not was not generated until the atom passed through the area where the grating would be formed. In plain language the atom’s path was not being selected until it went through it. This was because of an action in its future. I know this can give someone a headache, because it seems impossible.

These experiments seem to contain the extreme beginnings of the mechanics for time travel. This may not be time travel like we see in the movies, but we might be able to send one or more atoms back into the past. This has all sorts or ramifications. One of which would be the past still exists. If we ever find that out, it will change all our lives forever. Could we be living millions of lives at the same time and not be aware of them? We might have a different life in every second of the past and yet all these lives could still be us. Yipes things just get weirder. In some ways our universe is very reminiscent of the quantum universe. If one looks at an electron it reminds one of a planet with moons going around it.Β  We think we may have discovered the smallest particle ever in the God Particle, which is said to be the basis for everything. Stephen Hawkings had bet $100 we would never discover it. It is too early to say what role this particle may play in quantum physics or if something even smaller might be discovered. I say this because the Large Hadron Collider, the biggest and most powerful atom smasher in the world has just been put back on line with a huge increase in power.

There are some crazy theories out there, but if we stack them next to the quantum theories they don’t seem so crazy anymore. One theory is we occupy millions of universes where every possible outcome from every event on earth is creating every possible situation. This means I might decide to sit in a chair, but there is another me who decides not to sit. This causes a cascade of other changes which in turn creates more universes with those possibilities being carried out.

It is possible we might be able to see some of the quantum effects right here in our macro world. Some scientists are now claiming that black holes are also collapsing time around them. They say they are so massive they warp space and time. If one was inside the area where space time is collapsed they would experience time differently than someone on the outside. Here is what scientists say would happen if a team of observers decided to break up and one was heading to the black hole and flashing a light back to the second observer every second. The length of time to the observer of the flashes would be increasing and the person heading toward the black hole would seem to be slowing down and to the observer they would never reach the black hole. As the light flashes seemed to be slowing down they would get redder. The one heading toward the black would never seem to get past the event horizon, because time stands still there, or so they say.

I guess the question is do quantum events have any effect on the Newtonian world? Someday will we be able to use these quantum effects to influence our world in such a way we will get all sorts of new technologies which were never believed to be possible before? Will time travel become common place or at least possible? Will everyone’s home have a quantum computer which will make the computers of today only good for ash trays?


