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We Did It!

Technology seems to be advancing at an ever increasing rate. Some say the reason for this is our diligence at retrieving downed UFOs and back engineering their technology. This makes me ask a question which has bothered me every time I hear this. If we are able to back engineer an advanced alien device wouldn’t we be smart enough to create advanced devices on our own? It might be harder to look at a piece of alien technology which is completely foreign to us and understand it than to create something from scratch. UFO investigators reply to this by saying we have been retrieving crashed UFOs for many generations, perhaps before World War II and we have learned a lot about these vehicles. Some UFO investigators tell us we are being given technology by aliens in exchange for letting them examine us. That is a creepy thought isn’t it? Perhaps these stories come from the fact some of the things we have developed seem to have been impossible to develop at the time.

The SR-71 is a plane which first flew in 1962 and was designed and built to replace the U-2 which was being used to spy on the Soviet Union. When Francis Gary Powers was shot down in his high flying U-2 and captured, the need for a plane which could out fly Soviet missiles became clear. Previously it had been thought the Soviets had nothing which could reach the altitude necessary to down a U-2. The plane first flew at Groom Lake in April 1962, but this was no ordinary plane. It was faster than the F-35 which the U.S. is putting into service today. The building of the plane was assigned to the Lockheed Skunk Works run by the famous Clarence Leonard “Kelly” Johnson. He knew what he wanted to build, but the problem was there were no materials at the time which the plane could be made from to withstand the heat generated at Mach 3 and above. The plane was able to travel at speeds above 2,000 miles per hour. The exact top speed is still secret. It is said the materials were invented as the plane was being built and yet the first flight was only about two years after Powers was shot down. When one thinks about this rationally, this seems impossible given the facts and yet the plane was built and flown.

There are a lot of new inventions coming out today which have the UFO buffs claiming the technology was released by the government to big business. One of these inventions is the circuit board. There are those who claim computers which were as big as large rooms could not have been reduced in size to fit onto a table in such a short time. This would have not been possible without the circuit board and this is where the aliens are being given credit again. Supposedly we got the idea for a circuit board from a crashed UFO. Here is another thing I wonder about, how come there are so many crashed UFOs if the beings coming here are so advanced? When I think about this I can only come to one conclusion, if this is true they must be shot down. I am not saying we are shooting them down, but there could be a war going on between races we know nothing about, but back to the subject. We humans are not dumb and I am sure somewhere along the way in electronics design someone realized a circuit board was much more efficient that miles of wire. It seems like a natural evolution in electronics to me. One thing which is never mentioned is circuit boards were experimented with in 1936 and appeared in a radio in 1942, so they were around before they were put into computers. So much for the alien theory.

A technology which many say we got from aliens is the remote control. Do we have aliens to thank for the ability to sit comfortably in a chair and change our television channels? I am sorry but even the thought of this makes me laugh, because those who say this certainly didn’t do their homework. In 1895 Nikola Tesla wanted to be able to control devices with radio waves and began experimentation. In Madison Square Garden at the Electrical Exhibition of 1898 he demonstrated his invention to the delight of all there. He had built a boat which could be controlled with a remote control device. Once the principle was established it was not hard to use it to control other electronic devices, it is amazing it took so long. The problem was Tesla was so ahead of his time we had to wait for devices to be invented which could be controlled this way.

The transistor is another invention where many give credit to aliens. If I had a nickel for every time I have heard or read we copied it from a downed UFO I would be a rich man. The real truth is we had been working on transistors for a very long time before we invented the modern one. In 1925 a patent was filed in Canada for a solid state replacement for tubes. In 1934 a similar device was patented in Germany. In 1947 Bell Labs was performing experiments in this area. Their progress was seen with interest by William Shockley. Shockley wanted to be named as the inventor, but was told it was not a good idea because the field effect transistor used was not a new idea. In 1947 the first point-contact transistor was invented. The first high-frequency transistor was developed by Philco in 1953. The first working silicon transistor was developed by Bell Labs in 1954. The first MOS transistor actually built was again by Bell Labs in 1960. MOS stands for metal oxide semiconductor. Does this sound like we were given the idea by aliens?

I have said it before and I have to say it again, we humans deserve more credit for our inventions. The idea we are not capable of creating complicated inventions is ridiculous. Having said this, could there be some inventions which we might have derived from reverse engineering alien craft? Yes there could be and if we had access to some of the government’s black programs, those programs which are so secret only a few people know the entire program, I believe we would be shocked at what is there. Governments are paranoid and are not about to release anything because they fear it will either prove the existence of aliens or will be used to create powerful weapons, even if it has other uses such as prolonging life and health.


