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Universal Theories

If it weren’t for science we would still be living in caves, but even something which has helped the human race so much has it problems. Some of those problems are reflected in some of the scientific theories which have been put forth lately. How many theories have we seen where there is absolutely no proof being shown for the theory? Take the theory of parallel universes. It is an intriguing idea, but has there been anything shown in science which would indicate it is a good one? There is a team of scientists trying to find proof of this as I type this article. They are experimenting with a theory called “eternal inflation”. The theory states universes are coming into existence and going out of it and they collide with each other. No proof has come out of this yet. Supposedly these universes are bubble universes which means they appear in a bubble formation. It does make me wonder with the size of the universe we live in, the unknown true size, why couldn’t our universe be infinite? I never hear too about that, I guess this idea is not sexy enough. Another reason is most scientists believe they can see almost to the end of the universe, but who knows what lies beyond what they see? Maybe space is so big there are Big Bangs taking place through it.

I have talked about the holographic universe before, but it is an interesting subject. Some scientists have put forth theories stating most of the universe we see is nothing more than a hologram, a 3D representation of a picture. This idea has made some people believe we are all merely computer simulations and we don’t realize it. What I find intriguing is the fact if it weren’t for the invention of computers they never could have thought that. They are equating our current technology with something they believe to be responsible for our existence and this is just crazy in my opinion. They are saying if we were created by God he is nothing more than some future computer programmer. This might also mean we have no free will and everything we do has been predetermined by this programmer. Several different experiments have been conducted and while most seem to prove nothing there are some scientists who differ with what I am saying and who believe they have proved this theory.

Scientists have been aching to solve some of the inconsistencies with the theory of general relativity and some claim the theory of the universe being a hologram solves some of them. The holographic universe theory would mean there was no gravity out there and this makes calculations much easier. Some scientists are adamant that the holographic theory proofs are ridiculous and worse than wrong. There is something in our universe which does place objects into our view which are not there and it is called a gravitational lens. These natural lenses may make stars and other objects appear in several different places as we look out into the universe with our telescopes and may even be the reason the holographic universe theory was even thought about.

Another theory states there may not be anything in deep space even though we are seeing galaxies and other objects. As strange as this theory might sound to one, this one could be true. Everything we see is dependent on light coming from it. Since we believe light travels at a constant speed of about 186,000 miles per second, the further something is away from earth the longer it takes for its light to reach us. The objects outside our solar system are huge distances away from earth and the distances are measured in light years. If we were to look through a telescope at this moment and aim it at the closest star Proxima Centauri, we would be seeing it as it existed 4.37 years ago since that is how long it takes its light to reach us and remember this is the closest star. As we observe other stars and galaxies we could be looking into a past of billions of years because they are that many light years away. Those who believe there may not be anything beyond a certain point could be correct. This doesn’t mean I agree there is nothing out there after that point, but I do agree it is possible.

The theory of presentism is interesting as it relates to the universe. First let me explain how it works. One has to remember most of us believe in the past, present and future. Presentism refutes this and states there is only the present. If we were to look out through our telescope into the universe and see all its wonders, the presentism believers would tell you the objects you are seeing only exist when you look at them and when you take your eyes away from them they disappear and do not exist until someone looks at them again. This means we imagine everything, our friends, our home, etc. As crazy as this sounds it does remind me about quantum computing where if you watch an action it will get a different result than if you don’t. I never understood that either no matter how many times it was explained to me.

When we talk about our universe we have to note scientists have been trying to figure out how it formed for hundreds of years. The truth is the theories come and go and different ones were popular at different times. Today the big bang is the most popular, but even this may be changing. Originally it was thought there was an explosion of a super atom which created our universe and that is why it is expanding even today. The theory went on to say eventually the expansion would slow down and then start to come back to its point of origin. The problem with this is the expansion is now said to be speeding up and some scientists are saying eventually everything will spread out so much all the planets, stars and galaxies will eventually die a cold death in space. The speedup has never really had its cause addressed and there could be some massive object beyond our view pulling us toward it.

Theories are great, but making one up out of thin air is not the way to go. There should be some sort of proof or at least an indication to base it on.


