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Science and Technology


Looking Forward To The Future

We are rapidly approaching the time when we will be able to grown human organs. I think many of us can see where the human race is headed. It is no longer a question if we can improve the human race and extend life, but when will this happen. Along with this will be the end of drug testing as we know it. Computer chips are being developed which will be able to test drugs for their effects on the human body without injecting them into animals or other humans. This will hold great promise for human longevity as diseased organs will be replaced much more easily and no one will have to wait for someone to die to get one. Nano machines will be in just about everyone’s blood. They will be repairing diseased cells, killing viruses and doing all sorts of maintenance inside our bodies. Just these two things should cause an increase in our longevity, but they are not the end of what to expect health wise. Gene modification may play an even bigger part in our health. If genes are modified at birth to do away with hereditary diseases, it could make quite a difference in the lifespan of many people. Add to this fact there is research going on right now on how to extend our lives, if we don’t become immortal, we will at least see a huge increase in lifespans.

Drug companies don’t want you to know your brain can control a disease. This is being kept secret for obvious reasons, but it has been proven time and time again when medical tests are being conducted on drugs with humans and some of those receiving placebos get better. I bet the drug companies don’t want to explore this or if they already have are keeping the results secret, after all if your mind can cure diseases without drugs, where would they be? In 2008 tests showed that Prozac, which had been used for depression, was no more effective than sugar pills except for the very most severe cases. It does make one wonder if drugs work because we think they will. In any case there may be a time where drugs are no longer needed, because we have learned how to stimulate that part of the brain which causes us to treat our bodies even when placebos are given to us instead of medicine. In 2012 one in ten persons was on medication in the United States.

Driving will be a very different experience for those in the future. We are beginning to see it already with cars parking themselves and controlling their speeds when on cruise control based on the distance from the car in front of them. Many of our cars know where they are and give us traffic reports. They take over our breaking to improve our odds of a successful panic stop and they stop us from skidding. It will not be long before we get into our family vehicle and merely state where we want to go and the car will tell us to buckle up and drive itself there. I am sure there will be some sort of override in case of an emergency. Will the flying car ever make it? I can’t predict it will be successful since it has been talked about for over 100 years and is yet to appear in any sort of numbers and would require the FAA to get involved and the issuance of pilot’s licenses perhaps, but it does seem the way to go if the lanes and such could ever be worked out.

The future holds the promise of everyone having an assistant, like everyone has a vacuum cleaner today, only the assistant will be some sort of robot. There will no longer be any need for the elderly to be alone, they will have their trusty robot friend there to help them with their chores of daily living and even help to entertain them by playing games with them, contacting friends and medical staff for them and looking out for the person’s general well-being. The robots will be so personable they will be thought of as a living being by many of those who are assisted by them which will be good for the humans, because being alone can be brutal. The robots will be programed to call doctors and/or emergency services on their own if they suspect the human is experiencing a medical problem. Eventually they will be able to go outside with the human and push them in a wheelchair, walk with them and help them shop. It is only a matter of time before this happens.

Computing will change so much, we would not recognize it in the future. Gone will be the keyboards and voice recognition will be perfect. Computers will become so small they will be able to fit one in a ring, or in our clothing and they will become even cheaper. Computers have been on a downward cost spiral for many years now and it is not about to stop. Everywhere you go your computer will be with you in one form or another. Cameras will disappear, because the computer itself will also be a high grade camera and use some form of electronic lens to take flawless photos. Your computer will also be your phone and cell phone towers will no longer be necessary as we harness some of the other waves which go around the earth and use them for communication.Β 

The recent revolution in 3D printing will prove to be an even bigger revolution as people build their own objects using their printers. Need a set of pots for cooking, make them. Need a toaster, make it. Instead of spending $80.00 for a good toaster you will be able to make one for the prince of the plans and materials. The plans for many things are already available on the internet for printers. Along with the printers is a new generation of milling machine which are capable of carving objects out of solid bars of metal. There are plans available already to allow people to carve these blocks into guns and such which is really upsetting the establishment.Β  In the future if you need a metal part for something you will be able to make it yourself.

There are going to be a lot of inventions which use the controlling of atoms by something Einstein called spooky at a distance. This allows one atom to affect another instantly no matter how far it is away from the original atom. This may eventually make it possible for us to transport ourselves across the universe, but this is in the distant future and causes a lot of question which have to be answered first, such as is the person who is disassembled and transported across space and reassembled really the same person or a sort of clone?

I believe we will have a warp engine in under one hundred years which will enable us to travel around the galaxy. Of course all of the things I have spoken about depend on the world not having any super tragedies which interfere with our technological progress.


