Truth Facts




One of the most incredible things I have ever heard is a multiverse exists. The idea there are endless copies of our universe being made when a decision is made, seems so absurd, it seems unimaginable. I am not talking about other dimensions in general, but I am talking about copies of everything right down to us existing infinitely. There would be millions, or maybe billions of each one of us living in branches created by our universe where different decisions were made than we made here. It would be an ever-expanding universe in that a new universe would be created when a decision which didn’t conform to what happened here was made, or what happened in other branches. I know this sounds very confusing.

One of the things, a very important thing, we have to remember is so far the multiverse is theoretical. It is based on quantum physics and different things are assumed from experiments. I also believe it is very important to realize scientists have believed many different things over the course of history, only to find out at a later date they were wrong. I am only a civilian and not a scientist, but I just cannot believe in this multiverse, it seems too wild and complicated. If someone could show me another universe with myself in it which looks like ours and has many of the same landmarks and such, then I might believe.

This begs the question; how can some scientists be so sure? Some scientists stated it is impossible to observe other universes, therefore there can only be a scientific theory about the multiverse. I think even if somehow, we thought we might be seeing another universe, how would we know it just wasn’t part of ours? I guess one potential clue might be if the physics was different, but we can’t be sure the physics is the same throughout this universe until we get out into space and even more than that, until we get to other galaxies.

Does it sound possible that suddenly a new universe could just spring up when a different decision is made than we make on earth? Would this extend to other life in our universe. Universes would be popping up in fractions of a second and even faster. It just seems unreasonable.

There are plenty of stories about people and the multiverse which are supposed to be true. Some of them get mixed up with time travel. One type is where people disappear in front of others and appear again years later. While on the face of it, it seems they traveled in time, others say they didn’t appear in the same universe they came from. The fact their clothes and money pointed to years passing, it is said the multiverse they went to had the same clothes and money in the past and same countries, but might have started their calendar earlier, so time really was not traveled. I must add it seems science states it is impossible for travel to take place between worlds in multiverses.

The term universe may be misused in some instances. If another universe is ever said to be discovered, it could just mean our universe is not set up the way we thought. An example is an old idea that there could be a giant creature and our universe is only one cell in its body and there are literally billions more. Is this any more absurd than the idea of a multiverse?

Did you know there are some who link the paranormal with multiverses? You are probably wondering how much crazier can things get. There are a few people who believe shadow people are from another dimension or from the multiverse. Could they somehow be the reflections of people who live there? Many people have seen them drifting across a wall in a dark room or even stepping off the wall and heading toward them. Sometimes we are told about a supposed true story of people coming from the multiverse like the story of a man who was said to have come from Taured in another universe and not realized he was in a different place until he ran into trouble at the airport when no one could find the country of Taured, where his passport was from. This was proven to be a fictitious story despite the fact it is still be told as proof multiverses exist.

This is one of the problems when we try and prove something exists or does not exist. There are just so many stories claiming to be true which are not. Sometimes people see strange things which are credited to a hologram. I am talking about astronomy and how some scientists think they have seen evidence the universe is just a computer simulation, but could it be another universe is blinking in and out of ours? There is a theory which states other universes could be bleeding into ours and maybe ours is also bleeding into others.

The expanding universe is somewhat puzzling. Why is it uneven expansion and are there objects we don’t know about pulling on the stars and planets making them move toward these objects? Did you ever notice how water is pulled toward a drain, circles it and leaves? I am sure you have. Could there be holes in our universe where the material of space is rushing to and that would lead to another universe? On the other hand, are there holes where material is rushing in? If there are other universes, and we are collecting their material and then maybe sharing it with other universes, could this mean all this material is subject to the same laws of physics? I know I said previously other universes might have different physics, but this time I am saying maybe not. They could have the same physics we do because they have been sharing material with us even forever.

If multiverses exist does this mean that some might be so close to ours in identity, the exact same people would exist and all the same places. Let’s take an example of what we are being told. Today, a man in India decides to eat a snack. In A world in the multiverse his counterpart decides to go to bed instead. This would create a branch with a new world in it but everything else would stay the same, so another man being transported from this world to that who was in America would not know the difference at first.

One thing I have not discussed is the fact maybe instead of branching off, could the new world which was created force the old one to somehow be destroyed? I think this would be even more unlikely. I say this because not one world would last for more than a split second, so the multiverse wouldn’t really exist.

Let’s get to the point. How did this fantastic idea come about? It was proposed by a Princeton graduate student in 1954. It is believed at the microscopic level some things exist in different places at the same time. But the macro laws of physics sometimes do not apply to the micro-ones, so this in itself means the multiverse theory is not necessarily correct.

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