Truth Facts



Experiments With Surprising Results

Some experiments produce some very strange results that do not seem to make sense. One of them I have talked about before. One was an experiment where photons, which are bits of light, pass through one of two slots. When the experiment is watched, the photons go through both slots. I want to expand on this. Physicists wanted to see what would happen using the light from stars. The light after entering a slot make a certain pattern. If watched made a different one. When a camera was set up to watch the experiment the result was different. When the camera was left there but turned off, the result of the experiment went back to the original result. What the heck is going on? Scientists cannot give us any rational reason for this. It seems like there is some sort of intelligence behind this which is watching.

These results have led some scientists back to the theory of the universe being a computer simulation. If this is true could the limit of light speed been placed there to stop us from finding out all those galaxies we see don’t really exist? I have to say I do not believe we do live in a computer simulation, but I do believe something very strange is going on which is far more complex than our brains can grasp. It all seems to me to be tied in somehow to quantum physics and I believe there is a lot more for us to find out about that field before we can even try to understand this stuff.

Could it be we are finding out that when God created the universe, He used certain methods which we are getting a slight glimpse of as our technology progresses? For those who don’t believe in God, it must look like aliens got to their supercomputer or something similar and said one day let me create a universe in my lab, while I don’t believe it, I can understand why they might believe this.

Scientists could be completely wrong about the slit experiment. Perhaps there is something unmeasurable our brains are putting out and the electric current to the camera is also doing the same. I would love to see the experiment repeated testing many different devices and different electrical waves to see if any of them cause the same results as watching the experiment. Sometimes when strange results from an experiment are found, it is from something least expected. I can’t help but have the feeling this is what will be eventually found.

Another experiment has resulted in a truly horrifying result. Scientists wanted to see if they could grow brains in a lab. I am talking about human brains. This sounds like something right out of a 1940s horror movie. Unfortunately, they succeeded in doing just that. The brains are tiny. It is believed they are not conscious, but how can we be sure of this? There could be incredible suffering for a brain without a body and I would guess insanity would quickly follow. Scientists are saying the brains have become very useful. It just seems so wrong doesn’t it?

Everything wears out. Our bodies wear out, our machines wear out and our patience wears out. For centuries we believed there was nothing on or in the planet which someday wouldn’t wear out. That was the second law of thermodynamics which states entropy must always increase. Then it happened, Google scientists revealed they had created a crystal and put it into their quantum computer and it never wears out. They named it a time crystal and said no matter how many times they send a pulse through it, it stays the same. Could these strange crystals change the way we think and maybe be used someday in other machines and maybe spacecraft?

We all know what an appendix operation is. None of us would like to have to go through it. Anyone would want the best surgeon to be the one to do the operation. A doctor named Evan O’Neill Kane, had operated on his own finger and cut it off because it was infected. He wanted to find out more about self-operations. O’Neill set out to remove his own appendix, using a local anesthetic. The year was 1921. Amazingly, the operation was a success. He suggested tattooing new mothers and babies at birth so there could be no mix up in the hospital.

An obedience experiment was conducted at Yale University in the 1960s. The idea was to see if the subjects would murder someone if told to. This sounds so absurd on the face of it one would think no one would do it. Well, I hate to say this but most of the subjects agreed because of the way it was presented to them. The idea was the subject would have a control box which controlled the electrical current which would shock a victim. The victim was asked to memorize pairs of things and when he would get something wrong the subject was asked to shock him. Not only that, but the shock was to increase by fifteen volts after each wrong answer and the subjects complied. What they didn’t know was the victim was only acting. Even though the victim would cry out in pain, the subjects kept shocking him.

In 1927 a famous Russian scientist Dr. Il’ya Ivanov, headed to Africa. This was not a pleasure trip, far from it. It was a trip being performed to conduct an experiment there. The Russian scientist wanted to create a human-ape hybrid. Talk about something from a horror movie, this is another of those experiments. I have to wonder what he thought would be the benefits of this if successful? Anyway, the world was saved from the creation of this monstrosity since the experiment didn’t work.

One of my favorite experiments had to do with an instructional talk on Mathematical Game Theory as Applied to Physical Education. Yes, that is quite a mouthful. An expert named Doctor Myron L Fox was the speaker and mesmerized the audience who rated the talk very highly. What the audience of psychologists didn’t know was the fact this was an actor who had absolutely no knowledge about the subject and all the things he was talking about were made up. It proved a charismatic speaker can fool intelligent people into believing his lies are the truth. I think Hitler proved this point as many politicians are now doing.

Some experiments produce earth-shattering results, while others might prove to us we are either not as smart as we think, or even as charitable.

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