Truth Facts

Science and Technology



The more time marches on, the more some things just stay the same. For example, do we know any more about UFOs than we did 50 years ago? All we seem to know is there are a lot of them and more sightings seem to be taking place than ever. No authority in government has come out with a statement or report saying what they really are. The space race is painfully slow when we talk about human space flight. Sure, we are going back to the moon, but we already did that in 1969 so we are really just repeating our prior actions. We just keep using mostly chemical rockets with some exceptions for our exploration which are also agonizingly slow. Why in all these years which number almost 100 haven’t we been able to do better?

If you ask some people about this, the ones that claim they know, they will tell you we have, but it is all being kept secret. It used to be secrets were kept to protect things like technology falling into unfriendly hands, then we found out there were many other types of secrets being kept because they would embarrass some people. On top of that we have been told some secrets are so big companies can make money off of government discoveries, and these are discoveries which were paid for by the tax payers.

I wonder what would happen if suddenly all these secrets became public. Would we find out things about our politicians which might sicken us and indicate they had their own agendas instead of taking the needs of the people into account. After all, why is it so many people who get elected who start out with only their government pay become so rich in only a few years? Where does all this extra money come from? I would think this would be something most people would wonder about, yet hardly anyone seems to care. I guess most of us are too busy trying to make ends meet. I understand that, but it is also very important to make sure we have the best people in government looking out for our interests.

What type of technology would be released if suddenly the secrets of what we are hiding were let out? One of the things we might find out is our computer systems, even the Quantum ones have been surpassed by about a hundred years or more of advancements. Think about this, if we really have captured downed UFOs, their computer systems could even be thousands of years ahead of ours and we must have at least gained some knowledge which would have advanced what we have.

Could it be some of the stories about how certain things were developed could be cover stories dished out to stop us from knowing we were not the ones who discovered certain kinds of technology? When the crash occurred at Roswell, one of the things which was found was memory metal. Pieces were brought back by Major Jessie Marcel to his home and this was testified to later by his son before the son died. Now we have memory metal. Did we discover it or was it fabricated because of what we found on the crash? Memory metal always goes back to the same shape after it is bent.

If we want to get more exotic about what might be hidden, there has been much testimony about the United States possessing anti-gravity engines and triangular UFOs. It is common knowledge that the most famous Russian anti-gravity scientist was hired by an American firm years ago. Since then, some have said they were whistleblowers and have seen anti-gravity engines and there are several different types. It is not known if were able to use the engines in downed UFOs as the basis for our anti-gravity engines or we were not able to discover how they worked so we had to develop our own. Gravity has been under intense study for years and I wouldn’t be surprised if this was true.

Another secret which is said being kept from us is we now have bases on the moon and the military is up there. That would not surprise me either. One whistleblower said he was in the military and told to bring some papers to a military base and when he walked into a room a soldier was developing photos and said to him want to see something? He then showed him what he was developing and it was a photo of a base on the moon. The whistleblower said he knew instantly he should not have seen this photo and left before getting into trouble. Think about this, wasn’t it strange the Apollo program was stopped while there was still Saturn 5 rockets left? Wasn’t the excuse given very weak when we were told it was stopped because the public was no longer interested in it? Why would scientists ever want to not go back? I have always felt this excuse was suspect and something was being hidden.

Could it be life changing devices are being hidden from us for different reasons? One reason I have heard about sort of makes sense. It was said even though a device could be beneficial to the public health, it could also be turned into a vicious powerful weapon, so the benefits are outweighed by the disadvantages. On the other hand, I have heard people speculate some devices are being withheld so they can slowly be leaked to the private sector where the companies would take the credit for inventing them to hide their off world source.

There are a lot of rumors about what might be hidden from us which might be very beneficial to us. One of these things is a device which would allow us to travel anywhere in the universe. Is there any indication this device actually exists? There are two reliable sources who said so. Ben Rich was the head of Lockheed Skunkworks, a top secret weapons manufacturing area. When he was on his deathbed, he said we now have the technology to take ET home. This shocked many people. There is a rumor Kelly Johnson the chief designer at Lockheed Skunkworks said something similar before his death. Have we solved the problem of the previously thought to be impossible task of being able to travel throughout the universe and are we keeping this secret and just going on with our chemical rocket flights to hide this fact?

I know no more about what is hidden from us than anyone else, but I do hear rumblings from time to time and there is some evidence of strange sightings which seem to be our spacecraft which also seem to be far more advanced than our rockets.

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