Truth Facts



Time Travel, Could it Be?

One physicist was asked if time travel was possible. He said no, because if it were, it would be happening now. I guess he doesn’t believe or maybe know about what happened in Rendlesham Forest in England when an American airman touched a UFO and immediately digital numbers streamed into his mind. They were later translated when he remembered all of them and filled pages with the data. The translation stated the UFO was from almost six thousand years in our future and from earth.

One of the oldest ideas is the idea of time travel. We know the ancient Greeks considered the question, and maybe even older races did. The idea has fascinated people for thousands of years. Whether it is practical or not is another question which is yet to be answered in our time. I have stated my opinion on this many times, but for first time readers I will say I don’t believe you could travel back to a time where you could interact with living individuals. I have also said you might be able to go back in time but I just don’t think anything would be alive but you might be able to see shadows of past lives. I base this upon the fact all this life has already died. I have also said time travel would make a terrible weapon allowing individuals to wipe out people in future generations and we would have no memory of losing them because they never would have existed.

There is a theory which I can not buy into and it is the beings piloting UFOs are humans from the future. First of all, it seems there are many different races coming here, not just one. Second there is another theory which states UFOs come from a different dimension. Could it be possible there are other earths and they are experiencing time periods and some of them are centuries ahead of us? This is a profound idea. One popular idea is there are other dimensions where other beings which even look exactly like us are living. There might be another you, well not really another you, but someone who looks like you living a life in a different century. Take what happened at Rendlesham Forest for example. Even if a message was sent by a UFO saying it came from earth and the future, could it have come from a parallel universe and a planet called earth in that universe, but from a planet which was ahead of us in time?

I never used to think this way, but there have been so many strange things happening which can not be explained which makes me think nothing is off the table anymore. We do not understand extraterrestrial motives for what they do and this is proven by some of the UFOs playing chicken with our planes. Perhaps they want us to think they are us from the future and it isn’t true. Maybe they have some ulterior motive for this we can’t fathom. We have no idea how their minds would work. It could be they believe we are not ready for the truth. I think our own government believes this and that is why much of the UFO information is being kept from us.

That brings me to another point. Maybe the government wants to tell us what it knows about UFOs, but has been told by aliens they secretly met with, this wasn’t a good idea or even more forcefully, not to do it. These are the kind of questions which come up when information is being kept from us.

There are those who think we never make it into the future and the planet is destroyed by us but a few humans may have been able to safely get to another world in the future and that is why UFOs are studying us in the past to see what when wrong and maybe even to try and reverse what happened. This has been the theme of a couple of science fiction movies. If we look at the world today, things do not look too promising that is for sure. Some countries still have the old ideas of world domination. One would think after all the wars humans have suffered through; we would be beyond these ideas.

One thing is for sure there are plenty of people in the last ten years or so who have claimed to be time travelers. I have no idea what their mental status was, but I have to say I am tired of people claiming that. I am sure at least some of them are just people who get a kick out of doing this and none of them came from any other period of time. They make predictions which are far into the future so they don’t get caught giving out misinformation. It is sort of like how in the 1960s some people put on silver clothes and claimed aliens had taken them to their planet and back.

Even after all this it is believed the government has been working on time travel since the end of World War II, when a suspected Nazi time travel experiment taking place in Poland was being conducted. There was talk some of the scientists got away by going into the future and turned up in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in 1965. One of the reasons for believing this was the fact a UFO came to earth there which had the same shape as the device the Nazis were working on. Even if the device made it into the future, there was no sign of life aboard. Could it be even if the scientists managed to get into the device and escape, they couldn’t have survived the trip?

Is it possible we could sent a device into the past or future but it would kill a traveler? It was said when the Nazis were working on their time travel device, many of their scientists had died from a mysterious radiation that it put out. Would this radiation kill a passenger or could they be protected by some sort of garb? This is all speculation and hearsay of course. One of the unforeseen events of testing a time travel machine might be the passenger might age rapidly as it travels forward in time and might even age backwards traveling back in time. Maybe something like this would have to be dealt with before time travel could ever be useful?

I believe not all of the Nazi experiments were ever released to the public. I am not only talking about time travel, but other experiments. We have to remember they were far more advanced than we were at the time and the only reason we won the war was we out produced them tremendously in war materials. The last year of the war, we built over 50,000 airplanes. It was a lucky thing for us we as a country were out of the reach of their planes.

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