Truth Facts



Science Is Not Always Right

There are those who wonder why I don’t have full faith and confidence in some scientists and sometimes in what they believe. Sometimes science has to do with a lot of guess work, and instead of admitting to this these scientists tell us this and that are the way things are. Take for example dinosaur remains. Like I have said before some of the heads on dinosaur remains at the Museum of Natural History in New York City were the wrong heads, but the scientists were so sure they were right, they installed them and years later had to remove them and replace them with what they said were the correct heads. What forced them to renege, was it the fact fossils might have been found with the heads attached?

Science is a field where trial and error is common. I think many of us know this, so when scientists in some questionable areas tell you they are absolutely right, beware. Look at what has happened in the drug industry over the years. Thalidomide was a drug which was declared a wonder drug. It was licensed in 1958 but had to be taken off the market in 1961. It had caused babies to die or be malformed. How could this happen when the scientific community called it a wonder drug? The only wonder was how it got approved.

Evolution theory sort of falls into the category of it is my way or the highway. I don’t believe Darwin would have wanted things to go the way they are going in that scientific community. Anyone who dared to speak out against the rigid theory of evolution could have lost their job or at the least be ostracized and had their reputation ruined. It has loosened up a little since then. Evolution is determined by displaying the skeletons of humans and animals in what is believed to be in order of development. We might be able to take some modern animals and lay them out in such a way they look like they developed from each other when this is not true at all. I am not alone in believing the method is fundamentally floored. It might be partially correct, who knows, but to insist it is 100 percent correct is a dangerous procedure. Take what we have found out about meteors seeding life throughout the universe. If that turns out to be true, some life may have been developed that way and it might not have anything to do with evolution.

The dangers with the evolutionary theory is if evidence doesn’t fit into it, it is just disregarded and sometimes ridiculed. There is much that has been tossed aside, which when it is found out, is just laughed at. One of these things is human foot prints next to dinosaur prints from a dry riverbed among other things. The footprints were made at the same time it is believed.

Science has a long history of being wrong until it was found they were. How many hundreds of years were sick people being bled to cure them when it was really making things worse? There were many medical practices over the centuries which were detrimental to health and others which were just useless. Some ancient humans used to cut holes in skulls to let out the evil spirits and this practice lasted a very long time. Amazingly there is proof some of the people lived after that because skulls have been found with healed holes in them.

Some ancient astronomers were convinced the earth was at the center of the universe and you better not dare challenge this idea, because you were going against God and would have to be punished. This led to being burned at the stake.

When X-Rays were first discovered no one thought to test them to see if they were dangerous. Some scientists would demonstrate the technique by X-Raying their hands over and over causing serious damage to them and even death. We didn’t learn the danger of X-Rays for a long time. An X-Ray machine was installed in many shoe stores to X-Ray people’s feet inside shoes to see if they fit properly. Thank goodness the machines were later declared unsafe and removed.

It is hard to take the word of scientists and drug companies when they recommend drugs, not only because drugs have side effects, but also because who knows what the long range effects might be. The usual time for approval of a drug by the FDA averages about ten years. The Covid-19 vaccinations were an exception. Even after the ten year period if the drug proves to be safe up to that time, wait let me rephrase that, even if the drug has an acceptable number of problems up to that time, who knows what might happen at a later time?

The forerunners of scientists were alchemists. They continued for thousands of years. Even Benjamin Franklin was one among other things. They believes they could change lead into gold and create all sorts of potions. They wanted to control the elements. It is said this lasted to a lesser degree up until the 19th century when the so called chemical revolution took place.

Scientists in the 1700s believed when a fire burned a mysterious substance was released. This was called the phlogiston theory. Scientists said the reason water didn’t burn was it had no phlogiston in it. Supposedly the reason ashes didn’t burn was the phlogiston had already been released.

Scientists believed spontaneous generation was possible. An example of this was maggots appearing on meat. The scientists believed they were somehow created when in truth they came from eggs laid by flies which were very tiny. It took a long time to disprove this, but finally in the 19 century the great Louis Pasteur did it.

When scientists were studying humans and how they reacted they hit upon a way they believed would let them know about their personality. It was named phrenology. This method was supposed to work by using measurements of the persons skull. They claimed the size and shape of the human skull could predict criminal tendencies. They also claimed they could predict intelligence.

One belief lasted for quite a while and was disproved relatively recently. That was nerve cells could not regenerate. They also believed once a person was born, no new nerve cells could be created. It was shown the process of healing nerve cells and creating them continue at different rates throughout our lives.

Sometimes science has to be wrong before they get it right.

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