Truth Facts



Not All Scientists Agree

I have respect for the scientific community, but far from being a homogeneous group, many times there are those who disagree. You may not hear about these disagreements but if you follow science you might have. The things we take for granted are not always agreed upon by all of them. Let me give you some examples I know about.

The first one is on what wiped out the dinosaurs. Most of us have only heard an asteroid struck the earth wiping out their food sources so they died. Many of us have come to accept that explanation because we didn’t know there were others, some of which make a lot of sense. One scientist studied Dino poop for years and has come to the conclusion it was not an asteroid but malaria which killed them. He believes this version of malaria was not the same as the malaria we have today and was not delivered by mosquitoes. I bet most of you never heard of that.

A Russian scientist about 70 years ago believed a star blew up and the radiation from that star was of a type that only killed the dinosaurs and nothing else. Not many agreed with that theory. Another scientist suggested an asteroid did hit the earth but it didn’t kill the dinosaurs off. Instead, they died from climate change. Does he really believe this or is he just going along with the climate change crowd today? There are scientists who believe dinosaurs died before the asteroid hit. This guy says they were slowly dying off before the hit. I am surprised I didn’t find any scientists who think the dinosaurs evolved to a point where they couldn’t go any further and died off.

How the universe formed is another thing which has many different explanations. Currently the Big Bang is the favorite today. It says a super atom exploded and created it and there is background noise of that explosion still around, but this is not the only theory, it is the one we hear about the most. For years it was said the expansion of the universe would slow down to a point where it started to drift back and create another super atom and explode again. Scientists began to doubt this theory since they could not find the universe slowing and as a matter of fact the expansion seems to be speeding up. This led to the theory it would continue to expand until everything in the universe died in a lonely existence.

There have been a lot of different theories about the creation of the universe. There is the religious one of course which states God created the universe, but that doesn’t exclude the different ways He could have done it. One thing which has bugged some scientists is the fact the universe is flat. Exotic explanations for this have been made. A basic explanation is some parts of the universe inflate while others don’t. I really don’t get this one. A few scientists think our universe is not one universe but could contain smaller multiverses. Another theory is our universe was created by material spit out from a collapsed four dimensional star or black hole. Was it supposed to be in a different universe at the time?

Another theory is we live in a three dimensional universe but it is inside a four dimensional one. They claim a simulation proved this. They also say the simulation proves why the temperature throughout the universe is almost all the same.

Another theory claims plasma and cosmology play a more important part of what happens in our universe than gravity. It claims an electrical process is responsible for everything created in our universe. The problem with this theory was said to be it presumes matter and antimatter are equal throughout the universe but scientists claim that was proven wrong. The Hindus believe our universe is just one of the universes which were created and will be created over time in the same place. Lastly, there was an idea the universe was in a steady state, but this has been dismissed by most scientists today.

Another area some scientists disagree in is evolution. It has been said there could be thousands of scientists who disagree with the current evolutionary theory. As a matter of fact, over 1,000 of them signed a dissent statement about Darwin’s view. This may surprise many of us. They said life was too complex to have resulted from random mutations. It is being said more scientists are feeling this way every day. Evolution was sacred at one time and a person didn’t dissent or they could lose funding and even their jobs. This is changing, slowly but surely. As many as one third of biologists are said to disagree with Darwin and it has nothing to do with religion. They claim his theory is not complex enough to explain evolution.

One thing you might think is easy to explain and all scientists would agree upon is what is electricity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Scientists know mostly how it works, but not what it is exactly. Some believe electricity is just electrons and protons. Another definition is electricity is the electromagnetic field energy transmitted. There are many more definitions such as electricity is the flowing motion produced by an electrical charge or the imbalance between quantities of electrons and protons. See what I mean, one can’t even get scientists to agree on a definition for electricity. There are plenty more definitions.

It is kind of amazing something which has been in use so long, still is not understood entirely. Many believe electricity will turn out to be the savior of mankind. Am I allowed to use that word today? Anyway, while it is an old form of energy it could turn out to be the power for the future for space travel, air travel and probably many other things. Scientists might find out there is something else involving electricity we could tap. A lightning bolt has so much power it is said it could power a large city for six months. Perhaps we will find a way to capture and hold this power so we can use it. Lightning strikes the earth 1.5 billion times a year, more than enough to power everything on earth, maybe that is where our research should be going. We could eliminate all those modern windmills and solar cells and install capture stations instead to power the electrical grid. One has to wonder why there doesn’t seem to be much research in this area.

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