Truth Facts



Light Speed, Antigravity and Time Travel

Have you ever wondered if anything is really going on in the study of faster than light travel, antigravity and time travel developments? For a while antigravity experiments were constantly being talked about and we had companies in the news hiring leaders in the field. I remember when one Russian scientist who was famous in the field getting hired by one of the big aerospace companies. Then, strangely we didn’t hear much about that anymore. When does information stop being given out from important projects? It happens when projects become black project, that is projects become secret.

Before we stopped getting information on antigravity projects there were some people who were supposedly whistleblowers who claimed we had perfected not one antigravity engine at the time, but three different ones. Is it possible we have figured out how antigravity works? Almost anything is possible today as discoveries in all different scientific fields are being made. There is no evidence however in any of our air or space craft we are using antigravity to propel aircraft or spacecraft. Does this mean we don’t have any antigravity engines? Not necessarily. There could be secret craft we are keeping under wraps. On the other hand some people think we have antigravity and those large black triangle craft we see floating across the sky are powered by antigravity and they are ours.

Personally, I don’t know how I feel about this, but one person who was familiar with aircraft had said he saw one of these craft sail over his head and couldn’t help but notice the lights on it were definitely the same as on some of our aircraft so therefore he believed this was one of our craft. This might be a small clue, but it does mean a lot because if the craft was an advanced alien craft, they certainly would have more advanced lights on them than we use.

When we talk about traveling faster than the speed of light, there are a couple of clues which could indicate we can do that. One of the people who said we already had the ability to travel to the stars was Ben Rich. He was not just the run of the mill person. He was the former head of the Lockheed Skunk Works, the place where our most secret aircraft are designed and built. He had decided to tell us this when he was on his deathbed and had no reason to lie to us. If anyone should know about these things it was him.

If Rich stated the truth, and I believe he did, what can we take from this? It might be something we have never talked about and that is we could be visiting other worlds already and maybe that is why some are coming here. This would be one of the most secret of secrets and change everything for us if known. When someone like Rich says we can take ET home, this doesn’t only mean we can fly at the speed of light, but we would have to go much faster, many times that speed because even the nearest star to us, Alpha Centauri is 4.37 light years from us, which means light speed would be far too slow for the trip.

There is a long human history of scientists and engineers telling us certain things are impossible. Before powered flight many scientists thought it would be impossible for heavier than air machines. Before radio communications many thought that would be impossible. We have a habit of proving the impossible is possible and I believe either humans have broken the speed of light in space travel and we were never told, or we will do it in the future. I think this will be one of those times Einstein will prove to be incorrect when he said it was impossible. He said it because he felt all the forms of energy would be insufficient to provide that power. The reason I feel we might be able to do it is we will find new forms of energy and new techniques which were not available in Einstein’s time.

There has been a couple of things pointed out about Mars which could prove we have been there already. This could mean if they are correct, we either flew there at light speed or by some other means. So, this doesn’t necessarily prove light speed, but I just thought I would mention it.

Some say our technology is really a couple of hundred years ahead of where we think it is, because the advancements are tied up in secret projects. I have heard this many times. It doesn’t mean it is true, but you have to wonder when reputable people keep saying this. It stands to reason we may have gained advanced engineering and scientific knowledge from experiments, discoveries and even reverse engineering UFOs.

Time travel is a subject which is one of the favorites of crazies and frauds. It seems like every time I turn around someone is claiming to be a time traveler. It just gets ridiculous. Then there are those who are easily convinced. They point at odd photos and claim for this reason or that, they prove there is a time traveler in the photo. Take for example the famous photo taken from a Charlie Chaplin movie of a woman in the crowd on a street holding up her hand to her mouth and seemingly talking into it. They claim she is using a cell phone back in silent movie days. There used to be a man, a mentally ill man who used to sit in the street by the building I worked in who constantly talked into his hand and believe me he didn’t have a cell phone because they hadn’t been invented yet. The woman in the photo could have been doing that, coughing into her hand or even yawning. There could have been a million other reasons to put her hand to her mouth.

Another photo was of a guy in the 1930s with strange sun glasses. He was branded a time traveler by many and of all people the actor Henry Fonda was said to be one because of a scene from the movie he was in named Fort Apache. They said he was using a cell phone. First of all, if Fonda had advanced technology like that would he use it in a movie for all to see? The idea is just so stupid. Obviously, he had a memo pad in his hand in the scene. I hope we never have time travel and I have said this many times because it would be the most dangerous weapon we could ever have. Think about enemies going back in time and killing our parents to make sure we are never born.

There are still those who believe we already have it. I can’t help but feel time travel is impossible only because those that came before us are dead. I don’t classify this the same as light speed and antigravity and believe it is an exception to what I said about nothing being impossible.

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