Truth Facts



Could Higher Dimensions Exist?

We see a lot of things in space and think we know about some of them, but could there be something else involved in either their actions or their makeup? What about things we can’t see, you have to wonder how many objects like this are in space. Could we ever be in a situation where some invisible object is causing problems for the earth? We have this set of rules for the waves which circulate everywhere. I am talking about such things as light, gravity, radio and other waves. The real question is could there be something else besides a wave which would determine if we could see an object?

Just because we know about the waves here or think we know about them doesn’t mean if there are other dimensions objects would be putting out those waves. Our brains may not be able to grasp what an object would look like if it came from another dimension if this is possible. Some people think it is, that is objects coming from other dimensions while other say there COULD be other dimensions, but they don’t say they actually exist. There has been a lot of talk about higher dimensions, but could there be some lower dimensions where something would have no length or width? Is there anyway we could ever detect an object like this if it could exist? Would our dimension allow such an object or destroy it if it entered?

Some of the things we don’t understand might be acting out the laws of another dimension, and not ours. Who is to say if there are other dimensions the physics would be the same? Could the physics be the same with all the new information which would be added from another dimension? It is impossible for us to imagine what the next dimension would be like. Yes, there are strange drawings making suggestions, but that hardly proves anything. Some think some other dimensions might be like an Escher drawing. These drawings seem to defy our ideas of what our dimension allows and if you don’t know what I am talking about, just look at a few Escher drawings online, at first you may not notice anything different but as you are examining them, they seem to be all optical illusions.

In 1884 Edwin A. Abbott wrote a book which tried to explain other dimensions. While the idea of other dimensions seems to be relatively new in the timespan of the human race, it may not be. What may be is the idea of calling something a dimension. When the ancients talked about the Gods and where they lived and what they could do, we easily could substitute their living in another dimension for their home where their powers were increased.

Some people think heaven is another dimension where many people go when they die and so is hell for the rest of them. When God said there is a great chasm between the two, was he really saying they were separate dimensions and that is why no one could cross from one to another? Were the early Christians really talking about going to another dimension when we die? One could easily think that. This idea doesn’t seem to violate any religious beliefs for those who believe in heaven and hell.

When we talk about other dimensions we are really just guessing at the moment. We do not know if there are any dimensions above our own, but if there are, they might be responsible for more than we know. For example, there is a theory which states there is a hole in our universe and everything is expanding because material is pouring in from another dimension, while some others say the material is not necessarily coming from another dimension but from another universe. The difference between the two is another universe might have the exact same physics as our own while material from another dimension might account for some of the strangeness of our own dimension. What I am talking about is things like dark energy and dark matter. Maybe it seems so different because it doesn’t come from here.

It could be if there are other dimensions which are higher than our own, it might be easier for anyone living in them to do certain things we have yet to be able to do here, such as travel in time. There might be certain physical laws in other dimensions which we don’t have. It also could be there might be material which doesn’t exist here which could be used in combination with other materials which would allow beings in other dimensions to control certain quantum actions which could have a profound effect on our dimension. We can take a two dimensional object and by adding material make it a three dimensional object. Perhaps they can take a three dimensional object and make it a five, six, seven or more dimensional object.

We have called time the fourth dimension. Is it really or is it something else which is so complicated it is almost too complicated to understand? We have all these theories about time, but try as hard as we do, we are not able to control it and I may be one of the few to say this, but thank goodness. As I have said many times in the past, this could be used as a weapon which would be worse than a nuclear bomb. The reason for this would be people could go back into the past and destroy people preventing the birth of others and there would be no memory they ever existed. Some believe time is not something which exists, and it is just imagined by our brains. If it doesn’t exist, we would never be able to get to time travel. Some scientists believe time comes from our mental states. Many of these people do not buy into the current belief by some scientists that time does not travel in a straight line, they believe our brains make us think time is real and does indeed travel that way in our perception of it. They believe we are living in a three dimensional world not a four dimensional one.

What would happen to one of us if the idea of dimensions was real and we traveled to a place which had only two dimensions? Would we die or would we still be three dimensional on a two dimensional world and what would it look like? It could be like a flat sheet of paper but have no height at all.

Do other dimensions really exist which are higher than our own? We may never know.

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