Truth Facts




What Will the Immediate Future Be Like?

A physicist who is recognized as being one of the top physicists in the world and an expert in quantum physics has made a claim which has to do with our old friend, time travel. He states the famous UFO which flew over the Nimitz was able to reach such incredible speeds thanks to a certain material on it that let it traveled through time. While this is based on the fact some people are claiming the UFO dropped from 80,000 feet to approximately 28,000 feet in several seconds and then from 28,000 feet to sea level in less than a second. The physicist is attributing this not to some capacity which allows the craft of power itself to these incredible speeds but to the fact claimed by him the ship can bend time. You can imagine how many other experts will take issue with this. The physicist might have based this opinion on the fact the TicTac UFO exhibited no engines or anything else which might power it. Therefore, he assumes there is some other force at work and that is how he came to the conclusion it was time travel.

When it comes to time travel quantum physics, string theory and other types of physics even physicist don’t agree, never mind the idea of time travel. One thing is for sure there are secrets about our environment which we are yet to learn and some of them no doubt will turn out to be really weird. This is one of the problems we have when we observe UFOs, because their technology is so far beyond us, they have discovered things which we are totally in the dark about. There are all sorts of theories.

There is a research organization known as the Institute for the Future. They think they have a handle on what we might see in the next decade or so. I admit this is not very far in the future, but at the speed technology is traveling there could be monumental changes in the way things are done and in the way we will live. One of the researchers made a prediction about what he believes we might see by the year 2026 and if he is even partially correct on some of the things, the next few years will be incredible.

One of the things he is talking about are special brain implants which once inserted will allow people to read the minds of others. Personally, I think this is the last thing in the world we need but I’m sure all the secret agencies around the world will jump on this. There is probably no way this could ever be prevented, even with the law against it. Our brains are the last bastion of privacy and this invention might lead to world violence. We don’t always have nice thoughts. Can you imagine even the most mundane situation where two couples meet in the street, or anywhere for that matter and one of the men has secret admiring thoughts about the other man’s wife and what he liked it to her? I wonder how many times something like this would lead to violence? How many times have we thought to ourselves we didn’t like the person who is talking to us? Would we want him or her to know this, I don’t think so? I wonder how many business deals would fail under the circumstances?

One of the things which was predicted were pills which allow for gender change. The idea is the pills would change your hormone levels and therefore allow you to live life as the opposite sex. It is predicted these effects would only last as long as you continue to take pills and would not be permanent. There has also been predicted mixing gender pills could have an unknown effect. Can you imagine somebody having their pills mixed up and becoming both man and woman? Would that be recognized as a new race in the future?

One prediction that doesn’t seem so far out has to do with blood types. One prediction states people with very rare blood types would be sent blood kits with a monetary incentive to sell their blood. An example was given about people who have Rh null blood. They would have these kits and would be able to receive upwards of $2400 a liter when they donate blood. This way others which have a very rare blood type would have a reserve of blood so they wouldn’t have to worry about dying from lack of blood for a transfusion. It seems to me something like this could even take place today, and is a very good idea.

The expert mentions the fact he believes there will be a type of water available by 2026 which would allow someone to live forever. Some might say the earth is getting more crowded every day so we can’t afford to do this, but he claims the water itself will contain a sterilization material so that those who drink it can never reproduce. He also claims it will be extremely expensive. He doesn’t mention if he believes the water will have to be continuously consumed or only taken once.

He claims jewelry such as a ring will be able to monitor your health. The idea here is a special ring would be able to monitor the bacteria in your gut and if that bacteria is in any type of danger the ring would change color. There has been talk about this kind of thing before such as using special toilets to monitor human waste and alert somebody if there is any type of problem.

Another thing the expert spoke about was monitoring your exercise rate every day. He believes people will be issued credits when they get  enough exercise by a certain date. An example of this would be how many stairs they climb. They would be encouraged not to take elevators whenever possible and use staircases. By making the public healthier it could save money on insurance and government health programs.

There are other things proposed, but quite frankly I don’t see the others working. One of them was sort of a credit slip where you could get a report showing all the worthwhile things you did in your life. It seemed to me it was sort of a good book that God would use only society was using it. How would they know what you did? We are not all well-known scientists and such and when we do something worthwhile at work most of the time it is unrecognized.

The future, even the future only a few years away, will be one with huge changes in the way we live.

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