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Strange Scientific Theories

There are so many things scientists say which are just guesses. The latest one I heard and maybe you also heard it was that octopi came from space. You might as well say the earth came from another galaxy. Who could prove either statement. Maybe if we said we all came from space and so did the earth and everything on it, that statement could have some truth to it, but to pick one earth animal and declare it an alien species seems like an insult to the scientific community because it seems laughable. Why not say apes are aliens from another planet, it wouldn’t be any crazier? When scientists tell us of their theories there is no doubt many of them are a possibility but sometimes theories like the one by the famous astronomer William Herschel just sound stupid. Let me tell you what he said. He said the sun’s surface was cool even though it looked hot. This was a man who had made incredible discoveries. I am no scientist but even I know if one sits outside in the sun on a hot day they can get sunburn.

There is a lot of talk about parallel universes existing and in string theory which is the darling of physicists states there are multiverses existing next to each other. How would you like to step from this universe into one which touches it? There are those scientists who claim this is true, yet no one is really able to prove this. Some believe we can exist in them and there are so many that every thing we could possibly have decided to do has been done in one of them at a time. In other words, if someone asked you to help them with a project, in one universe you would say yes and, in another no, and so forth. There are those scientists who think string theory is a bunch of junk and one can’t help but think these people are right after hearing this stuff.

There once was a scientist who put a theory forward which stated ice was the building block of life. I mean you can take our temperature and it averages 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit which would easily melt ice. We feel relatively warm. He thought many or most of the bodies in the solar system were made of ice. He was close on that one since many are covered with it and some might indeed be composed mostly of it. You have to wonder how any others would buy into this and yet he did have some followers who thought he was right.

There are those scientists who are convinced the entire universe is a hologram. They believe they can proved what we are looking at outside of our solar system isn’t really there but is a holographic projection. The strange part of this besides the hologram theory is the fact we know for sure that light can be bent and some of the things we see are just copies of the same thing caused by a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. Gravity bends the light from an object in space, say a star and makes it look like that star is in more than one place at the same time. It is not a holographic projection, but I haven’t heard anyone who believes in holograph theory saying this might be what they are seeing. Why don’t they mention this effect? A holograph would suggest there is some being who is so powerful or has such powerful technology it or they can make us believe we are in space when our solar system might be in some sort of container in a huge lab surrounded by a hologram.

 While not a scientific theory there is a theory which has captured the imaginations of many people and it is the earth is really flat. It makes one wonder how all the signs of the earth being round can be ignored by these people. Just watching a ship sail away and go over the horizon should be enough proof the earth is not flat. Then there are all those photos from rockets leaving the earth and space probes which photograph the earth from far away which show the globe of the earth. No, I really don’t understand how anyone can think the earth is flat.

We have found out that in certain experiments concerning quantum physics if we watch the experiment it will give different results than if we don’t watch. This has not been explained sufficiently but one scientist takes this a step further and reasons if we look at dark energy which is supposed to exist in the universe we will kill parts of the universe. This is one of those theories which can’t be proven or disproved. One can say this but where is the proof? Just because we can change the result of an experiment by watching it, which is freaky enough, doesn’t prove this scientist has any basis for this theory.

There are plenty of things which science can’t explain and one can understand scientists trying to formulate theories to explain them, but when absolutely silly theories are given that is where the line has to be drawn. Proof, proof, proof that is what is needed. It is one thing to give a theory but an entirely different to have it based on something concrete. To just make up a theory out of thin air is a disservice to one’s self and the scientific community.

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