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NASA has decided to launch a satellite which will act like something from Star Wars. It is an incredible concept and one which I can’t wait to see succeed. The idea is to launch small pieces of the satellite and let the satellite assemble itself. Most of us have seen this type of thing in science fiction movies but it is hard to imagine this working. NASA Advanced Concepts program is handling the first phase of the program. When the satellite assembles itself, it will be able to be used as a space telescope. The idea is to use it to discover distant exoplanets and to map them. So, what is the advantage of this? The scientists want to be able to build a huge telescope in space which is far larger than the Hubble and larger than anything else in space. To give you an idea of what is going on NASA has said instead of building a telescope with mirrors with a maximum size of 6.5 meters this will allow them to self-assemble a telescope with mirrors in excess of 30 meters. That would be a mirror of 1181 inches for 30 meters vs 255 inches for a 6.5-meter mirror. The bigger the mirror the more light gathered and the more powerful the telescope.

I read an interesting article the other day which had to do with technology. The famous band ABBA announced they want to go on a virtual tour. They want to use holograms on the stage rather than actually being there in person. Can you image buying an expensive ticket to see images of performers? Personally, I don’t think it is worth it. In the near future you will be able to see holographic images right in your own home as holograms get more advanced. It is only a matter of time, but so are so many new things. I have to wonder why ABBA wants to avoid appearing in person and will such a virtual tour generate the same amount of revenue as a live tour? Perhaps some people will feel it is more fun to watch them as holograms than it is on television because at least they will be part of the audience experience.

There may be a setback in the date for the next Mars mission. NASA announced a heat shield which was going to be used cracked under testing. The mission was supposed to take place in 2020. We are sending another rover to Mars to look for potential signs of life. They really don’t believe they will find animal life but want to see if they can find microbial life. The heat shield was subject to 20 percent more stress than it would have received on the actual mission. Are we just treading water and starting to waste huge amounts of money with more rover missions? Shouldn’t we concentrate on manned missions to the Red Planet instead? Haven’t we examined enough of the soil over the years to find out what we wanted to know? I guess the question I have to ask is are we stalling for some reason?
UPDATE: NASA has announced they found the building blocks of life on Mars.

Since I mentioned Mars and if we were stalling going there with humans aboard I would like to mention the fact a Mars expert has stated NASA really doesn’t want to investigate some of the clues on Mars which may point to alien life. The expert states he has evidence which will support his position and says some of the NASA photos show fossils of alien life. He is certainly not the first one to say this, many others have. I have seen some of the photos he is talking about and it does look like there are fossils on the planet. Some look like skeletons of strange beings or animals and a few look like fossilized skulls. Also, there are what seem like the remains of statues. Others think we are already on Mars and are hiding the fact.

Scientists are looking at a shark to see why it can travel so fast. It is the fastest swimming shark on earth. The shark is the shortfin Mako. They believe the scales on the shark have something to do with this ability. The shark can reach 44 miles per hour for short bursts and can jump up to six meters out of the water. The tail of the animal is very powerful and it provides incredible push. The reason the scientists are so interested in the animal is they feel they might be able to use its extraordinary ability as a way to design drones and wind turbines.

Talk about weird. We have all heard scientists want to upload people’s brains digitally to computers, but they haven’t done this yet as far as I know, but they did do something really creepy. They have taken a worm’s brain and put it on a circuit board without using any computer code and they are training it to do things. The brain is a nematode brain which is very tiny and simple. This is the only brain we have fully mapped and analyzed so we know all about it. It is being said it will not lose any of its function even though it is on a circuit board. This has given science a living brain which is functioning as it did in life even though it has become a hardware part.

Stephen Justice was another former director of the Lockheed Skunk Works. He has come out and said we have a very advanced propulsion technology and it seems he is talking about teleportation. Justice retired from Lockheed and joined Tom DeLonge’s To The Stars Academy. He wants to help DeLonge get the government to release the secret documents which pertain to the UFO phenomenon. It is believed if this technology exists it erases the problems of speed and time to a destination.

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