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Area 51

For years we have been hearing there are UFOs at area 51. Every time a new photo of area 51 is released it is minutely examined by UFO investigators hoping to find that one tiny bit of evidence which will point to the fact UFOs have been brought to Area 51 or Area 51 is reverse engineering them. Nothing has ever been found. While many believe there is evidence which has shown up in the past in the form of witnesses who have worked for the government testifying there were places near Area 51 which were used for reverse engineering, it doesn’t seem this is true anymore. I would like to ask this question, if you were a high official in the government and you found a lot of interest was taking place in a particular place where you were conducting secret work and knew that place was under constant observation might you not encourage this while moving your operations somewhere else and get people off the true path?

Another thing which might be true relates to the fact the United States government is the owner of more earth boring machines than any other country, according to some sources. It has been said every important base has been connected with huge underground tunnels. If this is true and it seems to be, might not Area 51 have been connected this way to other bases? If it was it could mean it would have been a relatively simple task to move any craft on the base to some other base. There was also a theory stating much of the work has been moved to huge underground areas which have been cut out of the earth and buildings erected under the base which go down many stories. There has been testimony by people who claim they have gone down into these areas and seen all sorts of things even aliens working with humans.

For years people have been climbing hills around the base and getting as close to the base as base security would allow. They bring powerful telescopes so they can peer into the base. Area 51 officials have reacted by increasing the area around the base that is off limits. There are signs all around Area 51 stating deadly force can be used on trespassers, although I don’t know of any time this has happened. There are all sorts of security devices around the base which can detect people or objects trying to sneak on. People have reported when you get close to the base, but not actually on it, they could see they were being watched by guards in SUVs. This seems to be part of the program to scare off the curious.

A story appeared on the internet which has been backed up by a video. It claims a man who was a former employee at Area 51 named Robert Miller has come out with a confession, because he said he was getting old and wanted to get it off his conscious. He claimed to have been the pilot of a reverse engineered UFO. Here is the address of the video,
You can copy the link and paste it into your browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use active outside links. Miller’s testimony included the fact he had been sent an invitation to work at Area 51 and when he got there he was escorted into a room by two “Men In Black.”  When he met his supervisors, he stated they told him he was going to be a test pilot for a new technology which was not developed by humans. He was a military test pilot at the time. He went on to say he was told the beings who built the craft were still alive and kept somewhere on the facility. One of the most interesting things in the video is the fact when he was flying it, it went out of control and began to fall and just before it hit the ground it disappeared. Several hours later it reappeared in the same exact spot and crashed. The scientists think it somehow went into the future a few hours, but Miller says he was unconscious so he knows nothing about that.

The site for Area 51 was selected in the 1950s. The object of setting up a base there was to test and develop the new U-2 spy plane. Perhaps some of you are old enough to remember this was the spy plane the Soviets shot down and captured the pilot, Francis Gary Powers and put him on trial. Area 51 is also known as Groom Lake. A man named Glenn Campbell became one of the most famous investigators of Area 51 and was known for taking people as close as they could safely go. Campbell was not the singer/actor. Campbell became famous in the UFO community. He guided many to the hill tops to peer into the base which the government denied the existence of at the time. Others have traveled out to the areas near the base only to be chased away.

Area 51 is located about 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada. It has become part of the Nevada Test Site where hundreds of nuclear explosion tests took place. It is hard to believe Los Vegas is so close to this area. Stories about Area 51 didn’t seem to really get started until the late 1980s. Bob Lazar had claimed to work for the government at Area 51 but the government denied this, but it was proven true by an investigative reporter and yet you will still see sites on the web which claim Lazar was a fraud. The guards on the base have from time to time tried to get compensation for injuries they claim are due to breathing in chemicals on the base. They claim the chemicals are used to coat stealth aircraft. The people who believe we never actually went to the moon claim the whole thing was staged at Area 51. Area 51 is affiliated with the Nellis Air Force Base complex which covers 5,000 square miles and is the largest combined air and ground space for peacetime military operations in any democracy in the world.

Having a secret base on our soil is not unusual for any country. There are secret bases all over the world. Russia has one built into a mountain. I am sure North Korea has quite a few as does China and all the European countries. Even though this is true, it seems the one “secret base” which is most famous is Area 51 and it is not secret anymore since the government finally admitted it exists.