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Incredible Antarctica

A lot of things have been happening in Antarctica lately. Antarctica has always been a mysterious place, because we don’t know much about it and sometimes we find out things about it we never suspected. One example of this is the fact it once was tropical and had forests and jungles. Recently something has been revealed about Antarctica which was kept secret by both the Russians and the United States for many years. It was the fact Antarctica has a continent under it. On top of this some people suspect an advanced race once lived there. There was also a story which states the Russians came across a creature which they had to fight and that creature has been named Organism 46b. Are we looking at a situation similar to that of the Alien movies? Not quite, because in those movies the creature was almost impossible to kill, but apparently this creature is vulnerable.

One has to ask the question, if the Russians or others have been battling types of animals we know nothing about, how many more species are there which have been undiscovered? Organism 46b has been described as an octopus. It was a giant octopus and was said to have fourteen arms or should I say tentacles. The creature is said to possess venom which it can shoot at you from up to a 150 feet and if it  hits your skin it can paralyze you, then it is said the creature will come after you and tear you to pieces. The story goes on and says one of the Russians fell prey to this beast. Supposedly the creature has amazing powers of camouflage. It is also said to bear a striking resemblance to the Mimic Octopus from the Indo-Pacific area, only it is much larger. How good is its camouflage? The Russians said the reason their crew member died was because from a distance the octopus looked like a human when it camouflaged itself.

One of the things we have found out about Antarctica is the fact there are hundreds of liquid lakes under the ice. The ice has sealed off these lakes and there could be life in them which hasn’t changed in millions of years. When I spoke about the giant octopus above it could be creature from the age of the dinosaurs which is still living. In 2013 an American expedition started out from McMurdo Station and traveled 614 miles to an area where they believed a lake existed under the ice. They drilled through the ice to the lake and went down into the history books as the first people to ever fetch a clean sample of water from a hidden lake in Antarctica. By 2013 about 300 glacial lakes had been mapped. How can a lake under the ice still remain liquid? The answer is they are kept from freezing by geothermal means. It seems there is warmth under the ice and this may be one of the reasons why Antarctica is so sensitive to slight changes in surface temperature. Just a few degrees might enable the ice to melt from underneath and we might not notice until it was too late.

In December of 2016 the New York Post ran an article stating there was a huge anomaly beneath the ice of Antarctica in an area called Wilkes Land. It was measured and said to be 151 miles across with a maximum depth of 2700 feet. What could it possibly be? There are a lot of theories and one is a very massive asteroid struck there. This would make it twice the size of the one which was said to have wiped out the dinosaurs. Scientists are looking at this and thinking if it is from an asteroid strike it could have been responsible for an extinction event known as the Permian-Triassic extinction event. This event was said to have killed 96 percent of Earth’s sea creatures and up to 70 percent of the animals living on land. Other nonscientists have their own theories such as the area being an alien base for UFOs and some believe it proves we have a hollow earth. When we take this together with the fact there seems to be large entrances in a couple of different areas at Antarctica, it does make one wonder if these entrances would lead to this cavern or to another undiscovered hollow space?

Around 2014 a satellite spotted an oval structure under the ice on Antarctica and when the photo was examined by scientists they measured it as being about 300 feet wide and slightly longer. They even went so far as to say it might be a man-made structure. An investigative reporter has already reported she found out there is a pyramid in Antarctica and it is being guarded by armed personnel working for the United States. She believes it is of great interest to this country, because it is putting out a signal and electrical energy. The signal is so strong when planes come near it their instruments become affected. A top-secret clearance is needed to fly into the base and you better have a good reason. She found out even people with such a clearance flying in supplies to the base with the pyramid are not allowed off the plane and have to leave as soon as the plane is unloaded.

There are many stories about the NAZI interest in Antarctica. One story states they started to build underground bases there in preparation in case they lost the war. The idea was they would be able to have a safe place to go and work on new wonder weapons. Some say the Germans built a base called New Berlin. A Bulgarian stated the base was not only going to be the home to NAZIS, but some others. There is also a claim the NAZIS had a base in Antarctica, but the occupants got poisoned from Polar Bear meat. This one seems false, because it is said Polar Bears do not exist at Antarctica so the meat would have to have been brought in from the North Pole on the other side of the planet. It is also said Admiral Byrd who headed Project Highjump and brought a fleet of ships and men to Antarctica wrote a book about what he saw, but the government rounded up all the copies and then his diary went missing.

There is no doubt the continent of Antarctica has many secrets and we are just beginning to discover some of them and may have already discovered others which are not privy to the general population. What will we find there, will it be the ruins of ancient civilizations? Can you imagine if we found the remains of a civilization which was more advanced than we are today, it would be incredible, but we might never know about it, because everything is a secret. Could we find alien bases? Probably not. What about an entrance inside some giant cavern? There might be a good chance of that. Then there is the chance of finding frozen animals which we never saw before or the bones of these types of animals. Whatever we find, rest assured it will be very interesting.