Truth Facts




The Mysterious Antarctica

Recently researchers have found something which is quite incredible on Antarctica. They found areas under the continent which are large voids and which are reasonably much warmer than the surface. It turns out that a large volcano is supplying heat to some of the areas under Antarctica which would allow life to live quite comfortably. A photo of the area was supplied by the Australian National University on September 8, 2017. Scientists are very interested in this, because they think they might find unknown species of animals living there. I am interested for other reasons. First of all, this area could have made a great alien base and there have been many stories about alien bases existing under the ocean and in the earth. It also makes one wonder if prehistoric life could have existed there. Perhaps we could find a Neanderthal or two or a great dinosaur lurking in these caverns.

Another reason I am very interested in this is the Germans in World War II were said to have secret bases in Antarctica and it was even rumored when the war ended some of them went to these bases and took all sorts of advanced technology they had developed with them. I think by now most of us know there was an expedition to Antarctica headed by Admiral Byrd who took a few thousand people, several ships, and some planes, but had to leave under mysterious circumstances. It was claimed his force was attacked by UFOs said to belong to the Germans and he had to turn his armada back. The official story says the troops were not equipped for the severe cold and this is why he was forced to leave. I have to ask this question, who would go to Antarctica without the proper clothing? It seems insane to me and I think most of you might feel the same way when you think about it.

Strange things have been reported from time to time in Antarctica such as a report in 2012 which stated Russian scientists had been out of contact for many days and were presumed missing. An Australian scientist had said there was nothing to worry about because the Russian scientists were busy cutting through the ice and probably too busy to respond. Others have said if that were true they would’ve said beforehand not to try and contact them so people wouldn’t worry, but they didn’t do this. Just to make things even more mysterious, as the Russian scientists were drilling strange sounds were heard all around the world and the sounds stopped when the drilling did. Was there some sort of connection between the drilling and the sounds, I guess we’ll never know.

There was a report in 1975 of a formation which looked like a strange black cloud, by a member of the British Antarctica Survey. He said he saw a pulsating cloud formation firing a black ray into the ice. He went on to say it bounced off and reflected away from him. This is a very strange report indeed and it was made by a very credible witness. It is hard to ignore a witness of this caliber. There has also been some suspicion about why the Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, Kirill III visited Antarctica right after he met with the pope in Havana. Many say there is no connection at all, but others are saying we have to realize the Catholic Church has stated extraterrestrials could exist and something may have been said to Kirill about this and he may have been given the location where there could be some bodies. For all we know the United States could have a base in Antarctica where alien bodies are stored, it would be the perfect location due to its isolation and its temperature.

There is a station in Antarctica known as the Neumayer Station. The station has a video camera which is on twenty-four hours a day. Here is the address which you can copy and paste into your web browser’s address bar.
Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links. There are people who urge us to watch this WebCam, because they claim after dark strange objects have been sighted in the sky. It is said if the cameras are watched every day for a short time, you will see some strange things such as unexplainable light sources and celestial bodies. It is claimed sometimes a pulsating light is seen. One day a photo was taken showing three men, presumably scientists wearing what looked like space suits and they were all pointing up to the sky. It would be interesting to know what they were looking at.

An observer found something very unusual in Antarctica which was shown on Google earth. It seems to be a wall and is 14.5 miles long and 4 miles wide. A video was put up on YouTube in 2012 and here is the address for that video.
You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address area. The person who found it asks the question, is there some huge thing buried under the ice in Antarctica? One question which has to be asked is could there have been something there we weren’t supposed to see and is this object just an attempt to hide it? On the other hand, could this be an actual object of some kind?

On December 14, 1911 Roald Amundsen with four of his companions set foot on the South Pole. Ever since that day there have been many strange stories coming out about that area. One of the reasons the place is so mysterious is the lack of people there. I imagine since it has the coldest temperatures in the world this also causes strange things to happen. Today we are finding out the South Pole is a far more dynamic place than we suspected. We also realize what happens in the South Pole can affect the rest of the world. We have found lakes under the ice which have been sealed off for a million years and scientists are very interested in what life may be in them. We have also found big mountains under the ice some of which rise 9,000 feet. We thought we knew the South pole was very flat so the discovery of mountains was a real surprise. It will be interesting to see what other surprises are in store for us there.