Truth Facts



The Mysterious Poles

Antarctica has fascinated me for years. It is not only a lump of ice with fields of snow, it could be it used to be covered with trees and was a semi-tropical land. That was over 65 million years ago, but more recently it is a place where it seems secrets are being kept from us and yet some slowly leak out. There are all sorts of theories about Antarctica and some pretty incredible stories by eye witnesses. Wouldn’t it be something if  proof of human life that existed when it was tropical was found? I know, this sounds really farfetched, but there is just so much we don’t know about the place and about our beginnings.

Some ancient ruins were found in Antarctica and they were made from massive stones. They are not the ruins I just mentioned because they were only estimated to be about 4,000 years old. This brings a question to mind, why would people back then who were so poorly equipped to live in such a climate build massive buildings there? It doesn’t make sense for several reasons. The extreme cold would seem to be a tremendous problem for those people as would heating the buildings and finding firewood. Where did they get the building material from? People might want to say it must have been the Atlanteans or aliens. First of all, we never found out if Atlantis was ever a real place and as for aliens, we have yet to be absolutely sure they exist.

Maybe the ruins are misdated and they were preserved from millions of years ago. One theory could be there was an area in Antarctica which was much warmer at the time the buildings were built. No one was said to know Antarctica existed in those days according to historians. Who could have known that? If the date for the buildings is correct, it was the beginning of the Bronze Age. The entire world population is estimated to have been about 50 million people at the time. Mesopotamians had invented the sail boat. It is assumed the Egyptians may have had boats at the time or a little after that date but they didn’t have sails until 3,100 B.C. There just were not many races and maybe none capable of reaching Antarctica even if some how they knew it was there. I am assuming people traveled to Antarctica, but maybe they were there already and died out suddenly. There is just no way to know.

Going back further than the dates of the buildings, which could be in error, is the Great Pyramid in Antarctica. It is estimated to be more than 20,000 years old and is top secret. The only reason we know about it is the fact an eye witness who had a top secret clearance had delivered supplies to the base built near the pyramid and mentioned it. He felt he just had to tell someone about it. According to him as he was flying over the base with another person all radio communication went out. When the plane landed with the supplies he and the other person were not allowed out of the plane and once unloaded it was ordered to depart immediately. He claims the pyramid was putting out energy.

I find this last fact interesting because it is one of the theories about most large pyramids. It is said there was chemicals found on the inside walls which when combined might have been able to supply power. Were the pyramids built to act like giant batteries? Did the ancients figure this out or were they helped by some advanced race or even those aliens who get credit for everything we don’t understand? The disinformation machine will prevent most searches for the Antarctic pyramid by calling it only a peak of a mountain, but this is to be expected. Some people are saying they believe the oldest pyramids on earth are under the snow of Antarctica. I don’t know what this statement is based on, finding one doesn’t necessarily mean there are more, but I guess it also doesn’t mean there aren’t.

Antarctica is a very strange place. The famous explorer Roald Amundsen planted a flag there and it is said he was the first human to set foot there, utterly disregarding the fact there were structures there. If they wanted to say he was the first in modern times I could understand that remark. Today we have many satellites gliding over the South Pole and many secrets have been revealed, maybe not all to us but at least some. Antarctica is a very important place; it is where we find 70 percent of the world’s supply of fresh water. It is amazing when you think about it, there are mountains under the ice. The mountains were dying but somehow, they started to build up again to the chagrin of scientists all around the world. To this day they are still trying to figure out how this happened.

If we believe in Panspermia, that is life is throughout the universe being transported by microorganisms on asteroids, comets and such, life could have started way before we think. I am talking about human life. Since our bodies are so fragile remains past a certain point may all be destroyed by nature. Maybe we are indeed far older than we think. The ruins found included a classical amphitheater. There is a problem with this since the oldest one we know about was in Pompeii and was built by the Romans  in 80 B.C., the one which is said to be in Antarctica was dated back to 2,000 B.C. I can’t help but feel there are a lot of other surprises waiting for us at Antarctica and maybe at the North Pole.

For a long time, there has been a suspicion the center of the earth might be hollow and the entrance to it is at the North Pole. Admiral Byrd took a small fleet along with a few planes to the North Pole and today we have quite a story about his trip. There was a suspicion, we were told, Nazis may have escaped to an underground base they had been preparing there for years. While Byrd denied this was his reason for going there, stories came out that a couple of fast flying UFOs attacked his fleet and he had to leave. To make matters more mysterious his diary was locked away so no one could see it. As you can imagine this just fueled the speculation some Nazis did escape and they had saucer technology.

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