Truth Facts



Mark McCandlish

Years ago, I interviewed Mark McCandlish a conceptual artist who worked for aerospace companies drawing their advanced craft. Mark was also into UFOs and did some investigations. He was very intelligent and he rivaled any interviews I had with scientists at the time. I was so impressed with what he knew we did several interviews together. One fascinating story he told me was when he went to an air show. He said he had noticed a door open at a hanger and went in. There he saw an incredible sight, three round vehicles floating off the floor. It seems he had stumbled upon three reverse engineered UFOs. I am talking about at least 3 or 4 decades ago.

Mark had made a sketch on a napkin of one UFO since it was all the paper he had. As he got to know more people involved in the UFO community he noticed as he showed the sketch around, a couple of others had said they had seen the same thing. He mentioned how on different occasions he had seen things which reinforced the idea we were reengineering these craft. He was said to have told others the craft seemed to be old when he saw them. The paint on them was chipped and there were finger prints all  over them like they had been in use for a long time.

I had asked Mark what he thought about the deathbed remarks made by the former head of the Lockheed Skunk Works where secret craft were created. Those remarks were, we have the ability to take E.T. home. He said they were true, he didn’t know about travel outside the solar system, but it was certainly true for solar system travel and mentioned the fact we might be able to reach the moon in less than a day. When he said this, it seemed like he  wanted to say even faster, but held back a little. Mark really started to dig into the UFO incidents. I didn’t really have much communication with him after the third interview. He became part of the Disclosure Project with Doctor Greer, and made contact with many in the UFO movement. One of the things we had discussed was SETI. SETI is the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. I had said to him I thought the fact SETI was searching the air waves for radio signals was a waste of time because they didn’t seem to be what an advanced civilization would use to communicate. We agreed on this, then Mark said we had Superluminal Communications. This is a means of instant communication much like entanglement in quantum physics where two entangled particles are bound at any distance and a change to one makes an instant change to the other and avoids the light speed limit for communications. I thought to myself, if this is true, it was a game changer and then he hit me with the rest of the story. He said when it was first used, we picked up hundreds of alien broadcasts and it was a jumble because we had to figure out how to be able to tune in properly to each broadcast, which we did.

He also seemed to have information on the HAARP facility. The HAARP facility has hundreds of antennas lined up in a box formation supposedly for communication using the ionosphere. Mark said think about this, it could send a concentrated amount of energy to a particular place and vaporize someone. Truthfully, I had never thought about that or heard anything about that before. What I did hear on the internet was it could have been some type of weather creation device. I also heard it could be an earthquake causing device.

One  of the things that really interested me was the fact it seemed the reverse engineered UFOs were around so long before they were being shown. I don’t recall Mark saying anyone else was in the hanger, but there was a show where they talked about this story and claimed there was a group of people there being lectured by a general about the UFOs. I don’t see how this could be true and the place was not guarded and how just anyone could walk in and not be noticed.

One of the things I like about Mark was as I said his intelligence. You could ask questions about any related topic and he knew about it and would almost always have an answer. Not all the questions in the  interviews would be about UFOs, but some would be about peripheral subjects and he always knew what I meant. For example, we had discussions on the moon and planets. He believed there was a base or bases on the far side of the moon and cited a story I had heard several times about someone seeing a photo from the military showing the base. The base was just part of it however, we also talked about ruins on the moon which were referred to by several books.

Due to the type of work he did for the aerospace industry he had a high clearance. This gave him a chance to know what was really going on. Having a chance to draw complicated drawings of reengineered UFOs should have given him a taste of what was really going on. We will never know everything he knew and I am sure there was much he couldn’t talk about. It is people like Mark that have helped to push the UFO controversy to the houses of congress. He was a pioneer. I had wondered what happened to him when I saw a show about him called the Why Files on Roku. The show said some thing a little differently than Mark told me, but it was mostly correct.

The show then talked about how Mark became very nervous and began sleeping with a gun under his pillow. There was no mention of him being warned to stop investigating UFOs or anything like that. Then it closed by saying Mark was found dead, he had shot himself and his name was added to the long list of UFO investigators who supposedly committed suicide

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