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Ghostly Happenings

The paranormal is an area where there are a lot of critics and no wonder, there is probably more fraud involved with paranormal sightings than with almost anything else. Criminals have been preying on those of us who have lost close family and friends for hundreds and thousands of years. Sometimes however we see something which cannot be explained. That seems to be what happened when an old house went up in flames and one of the firemen decided to take a photo of it. The house was completely engulfed in flames. It was a small house with one window on the left and one on the right with the doorway in the center and clapboard on the outside. Standing in the window on the left and looking out was a figure of a man completely engulfed in flames himself. The photo was taken in 2014 in Indiana. The firefighter took a few photos of the house and property while the hose was being unwound and never noticed the figure in the window at the time until his wife discovered it when she looked over the photos he had taken. There was more however, in the doorway a ghost child can also be seen. The fireman said the original image is still in his cellphone and the picture has been examined and it is believed to be undoctored.

Hunting cameras attached to trees and such are sometimes used to track animals. They are attached to a tree and set to go off automatically. People have been using these types of cameras for years trying to track Bigfoot, but this particular event has nothing to do with Bigfoot at all.Β  A man was on a hunting trip in Michigan and went to the camera he had set up to examine the photos it had taken and to his surprise there was a photo on it he couldn’t believe. It looked like an angel with wings and was transparent. The photo was sent to a photographic expert who had over 25 years of experience debunking photos and after he examined it, it was said he commented that this was the most incredible photo he had ever seen and he could not debunk it. A website dedicated to these things was sent the photo and they commented, "We could not explain this photo of what looks like an angelic spirit and audiences writing in have also been enamored with the photo." This photo was taken in 2014.

A paranormal group of investigators were taking photos of an historic courtroom which was empty at the time. It was one of those classic courtrooms with dark wood paneling, a classic jury box surrounded with expensive wood and a grand judge’s bench. When they were looking through the pictures they had taken, low and behold there was someone sitting at the witness chair. It was important to remember the courtroom was empty when the photo was taken. There are so many photos which are taken of scenes where nothing was noticed out of the ordinary, Β but when they were checked, unexpected things are found in them such as UFOs, ghosts and faces of relatives and such and yet there seems to be no explanation for some of them.

One of my readers related a story to me about what happened to him which he was about 16 years old. He told me he and his friends decided to hike up to an abandoned mine and explore it. Apparently since he lived in the Northwest, abandoned mines were available. This particular mine had the reputation of being haunted. The boys got to the mine and were exploring it when something happened which scared them and they decided to leave. If I remember correctly they had heard a loud noise. They were pretty deep into the mine so it would take them a while to get back to the entrance. As they got near the entrance they saw a man sitting on the ground with his back against the wall and holding out his hand as if asking for help. Cautiously they approached him and when they got to almost touching distance he disappeared in front of their eyes. This was enough for the boys and they ran out of the mine screaming. I don’t think they did anymore abandoned mine exploring after that.

A notice was published by the University of Pennsylvania and it was posted on September 2013. It stated it now had a center for research on ghosts. The university is not trying to prove ghosts are real, it is more like they are attempting to show the relationship to belief in them in literature and the humanities. The center is viewing the belief in ghosts as a social phenomenon and they are researching it from that point of view.

Several times the idea has come up that one’s soul might be able to be captured on video under certain circumstances as it leaves the body. Every once in a while a photo is taken with a wispy smoke like object coming out of someone’s body at the moment of death. There it was, a terrible auto accident where a couple of vehicles collided on a bridge. While the accident was being filmed a mass of smoky white material rose from one car toward the sky. When rescue workers got to the car the driver was dead. Many people who have seen this video think this could have been the man’s soul leaving his body. I don’t know what it was, but I do know this kind of thing has been seen a few times.

A high school in Idaho has been having trouble with what seems to be an entity. Lights were seen flickering on and off and the police were called. When the security cameras were examined a spirit could be seen drifting down a long hall and entering and exiting rooms and as it did the lights would flicker on and off. Supposedly this school has had spirits walking the halls for decades, according to some school officials. The image which appeared on the video is a sort of outline of a person, not a solid person. As the image reaches the end of the hall it just disappears. Students have been complaining about toilets flushing without anyone being there. This school has had six deaths in the past. Both teachers and students have reported hearing people talking, but when they checked no one was there. These reports have been made for over 50 years.

