Truth Facts




Ghosts Who Saved People

There are a lot of strange stories about ghosts and spirits and some are truly bizarre. I have personally been contacted by some people who have sworn to me what they told me about their experiences with spirits was true and quite frankly they really seemed to believe what they said. These were not people who had been drinking or taking drugs or had a mental illness. They were just ordinary people like you and me who had some very strange experiences. They had nothing to gain by telling me what happened to them but they contacted me because they read some of the things I said about other people’s experiences in this area.

A story is told on the internet about a person's aunt, the sister of her mother, who was very close to her mother, in fact was her mother's best friend. Unfortunately, she died several years ago. One day her mother went to the basement to do the wash and threw some things into the dryer. She went up to the bathroom which was directly over the wash room. While she was washing, she heard a voice call her name twice. She came out of the shower and went to the stairs to see who was calling her, but no one was there. While at the stair case she smelled smoke. She turned around to see the bathroom on fire. Apparently, the wash room below went on fire from the dryer, sending flames up the laundry shoot into the bathroom and setting the bathroom on fire. Everything had burned in the bathroom except a blue blouse in a box that had belonged to her sister, it wasn't even singed.

The next story is not one of saving a life directly, but one of saving someone's home and maybe indirectly their life. A woman in Chile was married to a peasant farmer and they were just surviving. They owed a lot of money on their farm and several times they were in danger of losing it. Each time the woman was in desperate need of money to pay back monies owed on the farm she would pray very hard the night before to the souls in purgatory. She would receive instructions in her sleep to do certain things and go to certain places in the house. One time it was lift up a certain floor board, another it was to remove a certain brick from the wall etc. When she did these things, she would find a bag of gold coins with the exact amount of what was owed. This happened six times.

A woman who had a child with severe asthma was asleep in her room. She was awakened by a ghost of a woman who told her to go to the little boy. When she got there, she saw him struggling for breath. She gave him his medicine and relieved his breathing problems.

The father of a 16 year old boy allowed him to have a birthday party and invite all of his friends over and take out their speedboat. The family lived on the water's edge. The boy had taken the boat out but instead of tying it up in the slip he left it at the end of the dock. His little brother didn't know it was there and ran and dove off the dock hitting the boat head first and falling into the water unconscious. The boys all dove in when they realized what happened, but couldn't find him. Finally, after about the third dive, with eyes burning so badly he couldn't keep them open, his brother heard a voice. The voice gave directions to exactly where his little brother was and they found him at the exact moment another friend got there. The 16 year old felt so guilty that he considered suicide, but at that moment the voice came to him again and told him that everything would be all right. Even stranger was the fact the other boy who helped bring up the baby brother admitted he heard the voice also.

A young man was awakened in the middle of the night. He saw a shadowy figure in his room. He realized it was a ghost, because he could see through the figure. The ghost warned him not to go to a party he was invited to on the weekend, then disappeared. He called and cancelled. There was a fire at the party and many people were burned badly and some had died.

Another story about a young man awoken by a ghost tells how a 13 year old boy was awakened in the middle of the night by a ghost dressed in what he called old fashioned clothes. The ghost warned him not to go to school the next day. When morning came, he told his mother that he was sick and she let him stay home. That day a boy brought a gun to school and shot many students and teachers.

In World War II a ship was bombed by the Japanese. The ship sunk and only three people survived. These three people were on a raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. One of the three men was a pilot. Then a very strange thing happened. The pilot's double appeared to this father and told him about the situation and the location of the raft. The father called the Pentagon and told them the information. The double kept appearing and asking for help and relaying the current position of the raft and the father kept calling the Pentagon. Finally, probably to shut the father up, a search plane was sent out to the last position the father gave them and the raft was found.

There is a famous ghost called the Ghost of Moonville. One night a boy was walking on the tracks in Moonville. He was just about to enter a tunnel when the ghost appeared next to him and screamed. The boy ran the other way just as a train was coming out the tunnel and he was able to get out of the way. The ghost had saved his life.

Many people do not believe in ghosts and will laugh at the above stories, but the people who told them believe that they are true. Some of the stories are taken from the actual stories of the people that it happened to. Think what you like, but the stories are interesting. Remember this world is full of things we don't understand and someday you may be saved by a ghost, or not!

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