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Paranormal Events

When one talks about the paranormal, many people groan. I understand this because of all the hoaxes which have been perpetrated in the name of the paranormal and I understand why someone would feel that way. Having said this there are a lot of strange things going on in this world of ours which are unexplainable today. I heard someone once say these paranormal events may be paranormal today, but they will be science sometime in the future. I think this will be true to some extent. There are things happening today which might in the future be attributed to the human brain in some way. One of the things I am talking about is reincarnation. There have been quite a few young children who have accurate memories of past lives. When the facts are checked they give, a lot of the times they prove to be true. They seem to remember past names, addresses, past family members and such. I have always suspected this was due to some sort of memory transfer rather than reincarnation, such as occurs in bees where they are born knowing how to indicate where flowers are located so they can tell the rest of the hive what they discovered. If it is memory transfer by some unknown method, there are going to be a lot of unhappy people who believe in reincarnation and it will become a scientific event.

An example of a child believing he was reincarnated is a boy named Cameron. As soon as he could talk he mentioned his past life. He was born in Glasgow in Scotland, but had vivid memories of living on an island called Barra. This island is off the Scottish coast about 220 miles from Glasgow and there was no way he could have known about it. He talked about playing on the island’s beach with his brothers and sisters and watching planes land on the beach. He also mentioned his black and white dog. He said his dad was Shane Robertson and had died in a car accident. Cameron was getting very disturbed and was feeling sad for his other family and about his past life so the family took him to the island and to their surprise the house he had described was there. When Cameron talked about his previous life he called his previous mother his old mum. He would say things like there were three toilets in his old house not one like here. When they went to Barra they took a psychologist with them who specializes in reincarnation. When they arrived their plane landed on the beach just as Cameron had said. Cameron talked about a big book his prior family used to read about God and Jesus. They found a Robinson family living in a house on the beach. Β When Cameron saw the house he immediately got excited and recognized it. The Robinsons were all gone and the one who owned the house had died, but a person who had a key let them in. Cameron knew every bit of the house. There was three bathrooms and you could see the beach from what he said was his bedroom. He was heard telling his best friend to never worry about death, because you come back.Β 

People are claiming a beggar in Bangkok, Thailand is capable of telekinesis. The problem with this is while it looks like he can control things with his mind, there are many magicians who could perform the same tricks. He is really a street performer, but has a great act. If he has telekinesis ability I would think he would be scooped up and examined, but this does not seem to have happened. Paranormal abilities are hard to prove and would have to be something so spectacular they could not be duplicated by some other means. This guy who seems to be physically challenged does put on a good show so I am including the link address for you to copy and paste into your browser. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oz5ovVVdJw (Sorry this site does not post active links)

A man who suffers from sleep paralysis was being plagued by shadow figures. He set up a camera to film what he was seeing. The poor guy wakes up in the middle of the night paralyzed. He felt he wasn’t alone and sometimes saw a strange shadowy figure near his bed. He felt like it was watching him. The man said, “I’m a rationalist and a very skeptical person with no previous interest in paranormal activity, but after doing some research it seemed like there was a possibility that this entity is real.” Finally he decided he had to try and record what he believed he saw and set up a movie camera. To his dismay the film was very scary showing some sort of mist and a shadow rising and moving over his bed. He said he has watched the video many times, but has no explanation for what appears in it. At first he thought he was imagining seeing something when he woke and couldn’t move, but now he knows better. He believes he captured an entity. Here is the address to the video he took: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdtV5LeAJFk . You can copy it to your browser.

A plane went down on December 29, 1972, it was Eastern Airlines Flight 401.The plane crashed into the Everglades killing 101 people including the pilot and engineer. On later airline flights a man dressed in a pilot’s uniform was seen by flight attendants, he was sitting in a passenger seat but later disappearing without a trace. Other employees who saw him on future flights recognized the man, he was said to be the captain of the crashed flight Eastern Airlines 401. The seats he was in were always unsold empty seats. Years later maintenance personnel discovered the sightings only happened on L-1011 Lockheed planes, the same as the crashed planed. When they looked into it further they found it only happened to L-1011 who were using parts from the crashed plane. When this procedure stopped, the sightings stopped.

If we wonder if a paranormal story is true we have only to ask the person telling it. I have spoken to many different people and after a while you can see who gets upset when they retell their stories. Those are the people who have been what I call branded. They have seen something which is life changing and if it was in the privacy of their home in a situation where there is not much chance of trickery they will believe in the paranormal forever no matter what they are told. I mentioned it in another article about the paranormal, but it is worth mentioning it again. A famous skeptic and paranormal debunker experienced a paranormal event and he admitted it changed his views on the paranormal and he will never be the same.

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