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Ghost Stories

Sometimes I see the paranormal linked to UFO sightings and such and this has aggravated many a true UFO researcher. UFO researchers do not like ghosts and such tied into what they are doing because they feel it lessens the value of their investigations. I think the two things are definitely different and should be kept separate. Now that I have given my opinion on that let’s talk a bit about the paranormal. Some scientists have stated they believe quantum physics show us there is a version of life after death. They say our bodies are similar to the wave-particle duality of subatomic particles in that we possess a body-soul duality. While most of us don’t understand this reasoning and even a few scientists think quantum physics is all baloney, it is nice to hear.

Driving is dangerous enough when things are normal. When people talk about ghosts they are not always talking about spirits, they could also be talking about objects. The reason I brought up driving is what I am about to show you has to do with driving. A car was hit by another which was said to have appeared from nowhere. Some believe this is an optical illusion and indeed the driver of the car which was hit doesn’t think it just appeared. The article which was published in the post includes a video and states they think the car was behind a van, but you have to look at this video, it is really strange. Below is the address of the article and video, you can copy and paste it into your web browser’s area.
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One person told me a story and seemed quite disturbed by what he was saying. He said when he was a kid and a teenager he and a couple of friends decided to explore an abandoned mine in the Midwest where he lived. He said is was a good distance away and took them quiet a while to walk there. When they got to the mine they could see rails which were used to push the wagons which were loaded with the ore. The rails ended at the mine entrance. They took out their flashlights and began to walk into the mine and could see old used mining equipment which had rusted. After walking into the mine for about 20 to 30 minutes they got a scare. There was a man sitting on the ground with his back to the wall. After getting over the scare they began to talk with him and he had told them he wasn’t feeling very well. They decided to all leave the mine together, the three boys and the man. He said as they reached the entrance and just got out of the mine the man they found just vanished into thin air and they never saw him again. He had been right next to them as they walked out. The person who told me the story said he would never forget what happened.

A group of girls traveled to an island in Scotland to give a friend of theirs a sendoff. They posed next to Loch Eck. The Loch is infamous in Scotland as the spot where a poor young boy was sleepwalking and drowned. The girl who posted the photo and said there was no one else around when the photo was taken especially young kids. When the poster noticed the boy, she decided to find out more about the area. There was a rumor that the ghost of the boy who drowned was still seen around the area. He is known as the Blue Boy. It is said he haunts the Coylet Hotel because that was where he was staying. The hotel owners claim his presence can still be felt in Room 4 and they sometimes find things moved in that room. They say they have also found wet footprints.

A man from Texas was staying at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. The hotel has a reputation for being haunted. As a matter of fact, it is said to be one of the most haunted places in the country. The man said he wasn’t planning on seeing anything out of the ordinary and wanted photos of the lobby when it was empty so he waited and them whipped out his trusty cell phone and took some photos of the lobby and staircase. He went back to his room, because he began to feel ill and went to sleep. The next day when he went through the photos he couldn’t believe his eyes. He knows no one else was there when he took the photos but there was a woman on top of the staircase in the photo. Had he photographed a ghost?

There is a claim being made that a growing number of residents in the Queensland town of Toowoomba are encountering ghosts. This has even been said by Channel 7 news there. Supposedly one of the ghosts is a girl in a red dress and the other a shadowy figure. A video has been taken of what many believe is a spirit. If you look carefully at the video you will see what looks like a mist traveling from a house toward the street. The reason so many in the area believe it is a spirit is because of what else has been going on in the area. Below is the address of the video.

When you think about it there are still a lot of people who believe in spirits. Perhaps this is why this area has become one of the most hoaxed. It is almost impossible to prove anything is real nowadays. Not only because the hoaxes are everywhere, but also because photos and video can no longer be considered irrefutable evidence since they are so easily altered. Does this mean everything which is seen and photographed is a phony? I don’t think so, but I do think the bulk of these things are hoaxes.

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