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Extraterrestrial Sightings, Ghost Sightings and Faces

Every once in a while, people see things or cameras take pictures of things which many believe are paranormal for different reasons. I remember one photo which was taken by a remote camera at a gas station of a wispy figure floating over the gas pumps. Many people believed they were seeing a ghost, but the truth was it was a clear plastic bag which had an odd light greenish color and was floating in the wind. I am not saying everything can be explained however or that some people are easily fooled, I leave those assumptions to you. What I am pointing out is there are explanations for a lot of these kinds of things and one shouldn’t jump to conclusions. When things like this are seen near famous places it causes even more excitement.

Speaking about famous places, one of the most famous is Stonehenge and when strange things are seen there it attracts even more attention. Last year a team went by Stonehenge to investigate a nearby crop circle. Crop circles in England have appeared in many places and even though some have been proven to have been created by humans, others are quite mysterious and are made in such a way human technology couldn’t have been used. Enough of this however I want to tell you about a mysterious thin figure which was seen watching the crop circle researchers. The figure was caught on a camera by the group. One of the researchers said the same type of figure was seen near a crop circle in Avebury. The crop circle researchers think there is some sort of connection between these thin, tall figures and the crop circles.

Sometimes things are revealed which are figures, carvings and statues and they appear in the strangest places. Take the case of the landslide which happened in Putumayo, Columbia. A good portion of a hill was exposed after a landslide only to reveal a face which many take to be the face of Jesus. This has caused hundreds of people to flock to the site. Land owners in the area have decided since their land has to be crossed they can make a few bucks so some of them are charging admission. Most of the people in Columbia are Catholics so this can be very lucrative as word of the face spreads throughout the land. Here is the address of the photo of the face, you can copy it and paste it into your browser’s address area, sorry Truth Facts does not use live outside links.

Sometimes we see things which we believe are ghostly or extraterrestrial when it fact none of this is true. They can be quite ordinary things. Take the case of a pig born in Argentina. Nature has a habit which it displays every now and then of trying to horrify us. This is precisely what happened when a sow gave birth to a number of piglets. One of the piglets had what look more like a human face than a pig face. This piglet didn’t live very long and it probably had other problems on the inside also. How would a pig be born this way? Animal groups have blamed the chemicals used on farms for causing mutations. Are we creating animals, bugs and fish which will look different than those today? The following is the address of the picture of this animal.

There is one place where people claim to see ghosts all the time and it is in Gettysburg. They claim they appear on the battlefield and around the town. This is because the real battlefield also included the town even though the park service has taken over what they call the battlefield. People also claim to smell things which don’t exist, aside from seeing phantoms. There is a building in town called the Pennsylvania Hall and is on the campus of Gettysburg College. The building had been used as a hospital and lookout post during the Civil War and has a cupola. It is in this cupola students of the college have seen Confederate soldiers moving back and forth. Some of the same figures were seen over a period of many nights.

In 2012 some people who look like college kids were sitting around when one spotted what he thought looked like an alien being. He convinced his friends they should try and catch it in the woods outside and the gang ran out after it. They never caught it but they claim they ran down a hill and when they got to the bottom they saw an extraterrestrial at the top of the hill staring down at them. They claim they had somehow passed it without realizing it. They decided at that point to go back to the house.

I don’t know how many people know this, but there is a legend about beings called “Slender Men.” They are not called the same everywhere. In Scotland they are known as Fear Dubh or The Dark Man. The Dutch call them Takkenmann which means “Branch Man.” The Germans call them Der Grosse Man which is Tall Man. These titles all refer to the same beings. They are said to be very thin, wear a black suit and sometimes seen floating. It is also said they can stretch their limbs. Could this have been what was seen near Stonehenge?

There is no denying the fact there are some people who believe they have seen strange things. Are they really seeing what they think they are? Many times, we can prove they are not, but there are some times when sightings cannot be explained.

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