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Contacted by the Dead

There are many unexplainable stores of people talking to dead people and many times they didn’t know the people had died. One man had an incredible story about his father. Apparently, he didn’t live near his father. One day he got a phone call from him and his father was telling him over the phone how much he loved him. The call went on for about a half an hour and he was very glad to hear from him. Then he received another call and this one was not so pleasant. The police were calling him to let him know his father had died. He told them he couldn’t believe it since he was just talking to his father a few minutes ago. The policeman said this was impossible, because his father had died several hours before. The man was shaken. He knew it was his father calling him, because not only did he know things about him no one else would know, he recognized his voice. Had his father called him from the beyond?

Sometimes communication is not so cut and dry according to one person who had a spiritual experience. She had lost a loved on and was broken up about it. While driving her car she was asking for a sign her loved one was okay. As she drove along the road a Lexus with the color her loved one used to drive pulled in front of her car. What a coincidence this was she thought until she looked at the license plate. The car had the same vanity plate her loved one used to have. She said suddenly she knew he was okay and felt a lot better. Was this an incredible coincidence as she first thought or was a message being sent to her?

CNN ran a story in 2011 about a man who had a lot of problems in his life. A hair dresser named De Santo saw a man standing outside her beauty shop when she was closing. She recognized him, his name was Michael and she knew his wife had cheated on him and divorced him and he lost custody of his children. She knew it destroyed him and she offered to help by listening to his problems and would try and cheer him up and even took him out for drinks. One Saturday night she saw him outside and he came in telling her he couldn’t stay long. He said he just wanted to stop by and thank her for everything she did for him. He said goodbye and left. On Sunday one of the employees from the beauty shop called her to tell her Michael had died. His body was found about nine hours before he had talked to her.

A man and woman had been married for a very long time and when he died she was heart-broken. She tried to go on with her life, but she found it hard to do. One day when returning home from a short trip she found a message on her answering machine. I was from her deceased husband asking her how she was doing.

A child was very close to his grandfather. The reason for this closeness was the fact both his parents worked and the grandfather would sit with him when they were away. When the child reached the age of 9 his grandfather died. One day as the kid was walking through the living room to go to the bathroom he saw his grandfather sitting in his favorite chair reading the newspaper. For a second he forgot he had died and said hello and went to the bathroom, then it dawned on him and he came running out to look in the living room again, but this time the chair was empty, but the newspaper was sitting on the arm of the chair.

While this is not exactly taking to the dead, it is kind of spooky. Did you ever use one of those chat bots on the internet that let you have a conversation with them? They are software programs created to seem like a real person. Apparently, there is something new going on with them. You can take all the personal correspondence of a dead person, along with all their data which is available and a programmer will program a chat bot to act like the dead person so you can talk to it. This is just too creepy!

An electrical engineer lost his beloved daughter and decided to try and build a device which could contact her. Edison had worked on one for years without any success. He started building electromagnetic detection devices. His daughter had died in a car accident and after that the family said they started to experience things at home, such as the door bell ringing and no one there, the television changing channels by itself and lights turning themselves on and off. The father claimed at night he could feel something climb into his bed, but there would be no one there. Eventually he said he could hear someone calling out the family’s names and it felt like he was getting kissed on the forehead. He claimed he was successful in using the gadget to record his daughter saying hello to him and telling him she loved him. His device is called a Mel Meter after his daughter Mellisa.

One paranormal investigator says she has been doing this for over three decades and has heard many people tell her they have seen their deceased loved ones when they walked into a room and also many people dying and on their death bed have claimed to see deceased friends and relatives. I personally know a couple who claim to have gone to the washroom of their home which was in the basement of the house their mother used to own before she died only to see her there in front of them, which really shook them up. They were not the only ones with a vision. A woman in church stated she saw here deceased sister floating in the air in front of her and smiling.

Is there some connection between the dead and the living which allows the dead to appear or contact the living? There may be, but it certainly doesn’t exist with mediums. Harry Houdini proved mediums were frauds and they still are. Personal associations may prove to be another matter.