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Paranormal Ramblings

One woman believes she has a sort of physic connection with her brother. To make this even more interesting she had never met him and didn’t know where he was. She claims she had this burning desire to join a particular paranormal investigation team and she did. She had known she had a brother, Β but that was all she knew. Her brother never knew he had a sister. She found him immediately when she searched Facebook. He said he was in a state of shock when he found out who she was. Both he and his sister claim to be able to receive certain feelings about people, but he also says his ability has gotten stronger since he has been around her. He claims he knows ghosts exist, because he can feel them when they are around. He has joined the same paranormal investigating team his sister is on. What I wonder about is the fact since he was so easy to find, why his sister didn’t try to locate him this way sooner?

An interesting article was published in a well-known newspaper. It stated 51% of Americans believe their childhood vaccines were safe and this is the same percentage of Americans who believe in the fact a house can be haunted. It goes on to say more Americans believe in UFOs than do in global warming. One of the questions asked was very interesting and the answers were broken down between Republicans and Democrats. The question was could positive thoughts influence the physical world? Republicans replied they could 68.6% of the time, while Democrats thought they could 75.6% of the time. More Republications than Democrats believed Satan was responsible for evil. The Survey was called The Chapman Survey on American Fears and 2,500 people were polled.Β 

When we talk about the paranormal and ghosts, one of the areas in this country which is said to be the most haunted is Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. People have reported seeing ghosts in almost every part of the town. Ghost hunting there is a bit like UFO spotting. UFO witnesses seem to be mistaken about 85-90% of the time due to secret aircraft, faulty sightings or natural phenomena. In the case of Gettysburg if one believes in ghosts than they have to admit misidentification due to reenactors, poor visibility and mistaken sightings probably make up the same percentage of misidentification. If you don’t believe in ghosts that percentage would be 100%. Paranormal investigators believe places where people suffered and died are much more likely to be haunted and Gettysburg with its huge number of Civil War dead and wounded fits the bill better than anywhere else in this country. My favorite Gettysburg story is about two people who went into a building and found a functioning Civil War hospital with doctors, nurses and even patients in beds. When they came out they remarked to a passerby what a great reenactment it was.Β  The passerby was someone who worked at Gettysburg. He told them there was no reenactment in there and it hadn’t been a hospital for over 100 years. They went back in and found an empty post office.

A small church was built in a forest in Quebec in 1858 and named St. John’s. As years went by the community shrank and eventually the church became empty. It was said satanic cults were using the church and people began to say they saw ghosts in the church which attracted all sorts of people who were using the church to try and contact the dead. Vandals came to the church and took pieces of the church and grave stones as souvenirs, while others thought it was fun to destroy the property. The church survived even while terrible things were being done to it. The Anglican diocese finally deconsecrated the building, but right after that the church burned to the ground. Was the fire caused by Satan worshipers, vandals, nature or by angry spirits? A greater question is, if there were spirits roaming there, will they still be there in the ruins or in the cemetery?

One of the problems with believing in the paranormal is even where certain things are seen, can we truly attribute them to the dead? Let me give you an instance of what I am talking about. There is a phenomenon called shadow people. I have witnessed this myself. Let me tell you what I saw and you can draw your own conclusions. I was in my bedroom at night and it was completely dark with no lights outside. Suddenly on the far wall I saw a shadow which was so dark black it stood out as it slowly moved across the wall and went into the closet. There was no light source so there should have been no shadows and the shadow was so black I have never seen anything like it before or since and I am not the only one to see something like this. People who have seen the same thing have contacted me in the past. It would be easy for me to say it was the spirit of a dead person, but could it have been something else? Maybe it was something we don’t understand. What if there are inter-dimensional beings we catch glimpses of from time to time, shielded aliens, or natural events we don’t understand or any number of other things which are unknown to us? They might account for the same thing. I know at least some of you out there have seen this and maybe kept it to yourself, but if you want to let me know what you saw you can send me an email.

Ghost hunting has become very popular on television. There are things about these programs which really make me wonder about them. First of all did you ever wonder why the lights have to be turned off before an investigation? If something is in the area wouldn’t it still be there whether the lights are on or off? Another thing about these programs is the lack of proof. There seems to be a lot of talk about things we cannot see or hear. Someone might say they felt a chill or heard a low whisper. They might also say they were touched. All this is fine, but these are things we cannot verify. I remember when I decided to examine the film of one such show which showed a black mass rushing at an investigator in the dark. I found it was a very black cover over someone who’s hand was slightly protruding and he had a watch on. This was one of the first episodes of one of the most popular of these shows. Voice recordings prove nothing since anyone can fake them. So what is left? Quite frankly it is far easier to fake a ghost than to prove one exists. Harry Houdini proved this and I don’t have the answer, because even if I saw a ghost which was completely real and videoed it, no one could be sure it was a genuine ghost. This leaves just experiences which usually occur in the home, with some exceptions, with one or more witnesses where those people know what they have witnessed.

Proving the paranormal to others after an experience is just about impossible. All we can do is take the word of reputable people about what they saw. An example of this is a very good friend of mine and his wife who went into the basement of their home to do some wash and were met with the image of his deceased mother floating in the air and they both saw it and told me about it. I know they wouldn’t lie so I have to believe them.

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