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Is The Paranormal Real?

Much as UFO sightings have been ridiculed, so have paranormal ones. There are plenty of people who said in the privacy of their home, with their families, have experienced things which just can’t be explained. One theory states these have been tests conducted on the people by none other than aliens posing as spirits and such. They are compared to putting a mouse in a maze to see if it can find the cheese or its way out. There is a lot about life we don’t know and this includes interactions with other dimensions and maybe things which cause our brains to see something nobody else can see at the time. The problem with this is there are many people who see things, because they are mentally ill. Is everyone who sees something which other people can’t see mentally ill, maybe not. Wouldn’t it be a shame if somebody was treated for being mentally ill and there was absolutely nothing wrong with them? Some people believe this could be happening right now and these people just have the ability to see things we can’t.

Nobody knows the exact process passing from life into death. There are quite a few people who believe death is the end of everything, but most people don’t believe this. When we talk about places such as heaven it could be we are talking about another dimension and possibly it could touch our own at times. Maybe some of the sightings people have talked about happened during those times. It could also be some people have wandered into these dimensions by accident while they were still alive. I would like to point out a case I have spoken about in the past where a farmer was walking across his field while his family was watching him. Several family members were on the porch looking his way as he came towards them and then suddenly he vanished right before their eyes. How does one explain something like this? Things like this have happened in the past and this is not the only case.

Things may change soon and we may have evidence which we were never able to obtain before when something like this happens. I am referring to the fact scientists can now read the part of our brain which contains images and we can actually see them. In 2011, it was announced scientists were able to reproduce pictures of what a person was seeing by tapping into their brain. The pictures were a little blurry but incredible nevertheless and will only get better as time goes by and the technology advances. Perhaps this will become a tool to allow us to see if what a person is describing is true and we will be able to know if they are lying. It is hard to believe we have gotten to this stage, but there you are. It will be interesting to note if somebody who is mentally ill and thinks they see something will actually have a picture stored in their brain, because of what they thought they saw. It will also be noteworthy for use of paranormal sightings. If someone claims to see a paranormal event there should be a picture of it in their brain for a certain period of time.

There are also those people who think reincarnation is happening. A few believe there are different time dimensions all around us and it may be possible to bump into one of our former selves by accident. There has always been a question of a paradox which states two versions of the same person cannot exist in the same space. Take the case again of our poor farmer walking towards his family in the field. Maybe his disappearance happened because of different circumstances. Could it be another version of himself made it into our world and canceled him out? Sounds pretty far-fetched doesn’t it, but there are those who believe this could happen. There are so many theories about this kind of thing and truthfully, we have no way of knowing if any of them are right or wrong right now, since our level of technology has not advanced enough. If our universe is as large as suspected or infinite which is probably more the case, could there be other types of life which wouldn’t register as life with us? Some say yes and they say some of the paranormal events which occur are not paranormal at all, they are just life living in another dimension which is trying to contact us and really doesn’t know how to interact with us. Could it be a race would be so alien they wouldn’t know the proper way to act in human company? I don’t think anyone has given this much thought. They could have an entire different concept of right and wrong and feel justified in hurting people for reasons unfathomable to us. If they were in another dimension and somehow able to break through, we might think they were ghosts.

It could be we are wrong about everything, partially wrong or partially correct in believing in the paranormal. It could turn out there is no such thing and people have misconstrued everything. Maybe everything they have seen is caused by hoaxes, mental illness or nervousness. There are plenty of videos online purporting to show spirits and such, but  videos are no longer  reliable and many of them which seemed to be from security cameras which show strange things turn out to be nothing more than plastic bags blowing in the wind. The strongest cases for the paranormal seem to come from those people who live with their families and have been attacked by being scratched or having things thrown at them when no one was there and those being terrified by strange noises.

Maybe in the future we will get to a point where we will have some answers about these types of things and these answers may not be anything we have thought about today. Perhaps we will develop a computer system which will be able to analyze what is going on in these situations and finally let us know. Could it be people who experience this type of thing are somehow doing it to themselves? Could their minds have the power to cause this to happen and they don’t realize it? It seems there are cases where something is definitely going on which is not a hoax, but these cases are a few compared to the amount of cases we hear about. These are the ones that deserve the deepest investigations.