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Strange Appearances and Disappearances

Sometimes things happen which can’t be explained and seem totally irrational and yet they are seen by more than one witness. I received a call the other day from a reader who told me an unbelievable story. He said he was driving on Route 17 on February 14th at about 6:30 p.m. He was heading north. As he was driving along he noticed a man or should I say something wearing a hood on the side of the road. He could see it step off the siding and right in front of a car. He panicked thinking someone had just gotten run over. When he got to that spot nothing was there. It was as if the figure had just disappeared into thin air. This is certainly not the first time things like this have been seen. People usually don’t like to talk about these things so for every strange event they see possibly one in ten get mentioned.

Seeing a figure under these circumstances is very unusual. There is an encounter which psychologists refer to as “sense the presence”. It usually happens when someone is under high levels of stress and is isolated in an extreme or unusual environment. This certainly doesn’t seem to be what happened in this case. It was more like somebody was driving home, listening to the radio in the car and relaxing when suddenly a figure was seen. Many people have had paranormal experiences and I could easily write an article just about the paranormal experiences police officers have had. Wait a second I did in the past. Let me give you an example of what police experienced when they entered a house in Glasgow, Scotland. They were called to this home, because the owners had witnessed clothes flying around,  green lights and an oven door which was opening and closing and they were terrified. The residents said this was going on for two days before they called. Their tiny Chihuahua had landed on top of a seven foot hedge in the yard and there was no way he could’ve gotten up there by himself. The police who heard the complaint before going to the residence believed it was a mental health issue, but they quickly changed their minds when they saw what was going on in the home.

People who believe in the paranormal will tell you it is very rare to see a ghost in the daytime. For some reason it is said while ghosts are rare in the daytime they are a little more prevalent on cloudy days. I have to say as I am writing this article some of the stuff does sound crazy and if it wasn’t for the fact completely rational people have seen some very strange things I would be laughing right now. One woman went into a Starbucks. It was empty and she was the only one in there, at least that is what she thought, until she saw what looked like a human who disappeared in front of her. Seeing a person disappear into thin air is very unsettling and those who have seen this kind of thing can attest to that. One minute you think you are looking at a human and the next minute they either fade or blank out of existence.

There is a theory which states some spirits like to hang out in places which they enjoyed during their life and they can be seen almost anywhere. Some paranormal investigators will tell you we are surrounded by ghosts, but we just don’t know it. They say if we think about it we may realize we have experienced the odd tap on the shoulder when no one was there were or a feeling that we bumped into someone or even the overwhelming feeling someone is with us. They claim many of us really don’t go anywhere and like to be in familiar surroundings. Could it be when we die we hang around for a while? Many believe this is true, but they don’t think it is true for everyone. They will tell you there are some people who for reasons unknown to us don’t want to leave. These people in spirit form may remain for a long time. There is no way to tell who has been here the longest.

I interviewed a witness to a daytime sighting years ago. He told me he and his friends wanted to explore an abandoned mine. They went into it in the middle of the day and walking around for quite some time. Nothing seemed strange. There was some relics of hand pushed carts on tracks and some rotting tools they came across, but nothing which would have suggested there was anything paranormal going on. They had gone into the mine for some distance and after a couple of hours they decided it was time to leave. As they were coming out of the mine they saw a person sitting on the ground and leaning against a wall. They asked him if he was okay. He didn’t reply and after repeated questioning he said nothing. They decided they had to go and as they started to walk out of the mine he followed them. They got a few hundred feet away from the mine and turned around to see if they were still being followed and to their amazement the person who was doing the following started to disappear in front of their eyes. The witness said he would never forget what he saw.

Some say these are not ghosts, these are just people who disappear. They think maybe they have stumbled into some sort of vortex, perhaps a time or dimensional one. Others say this is strictly paranormal. We probably don’t have enough information to decide who is right in this case, but it does seem to be more paranormal than anything else. Humans seem to be subject to some things which can never be explained, such as spontaneous human combustion, but along with this we might have spontaneous human disappearance.

There is a story about a man who was walking across a field toward his home. His family was on the porch watching him. He was a farmer. As he walked across the field he began to fade out of existence until he was gone, never to be seen again. There is another story about a sickly elderly man who was bedridden, but whose sister would help them into a chair on the porch where he would sit for the day. He couldn’t get out of the chair, because he couldn’t walk. One day after his sister put him in the chair she left for a minute. When she came back his chair was empty and he was never to be found again. There are just some things in life which can never be explained.