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Reincarnation Fact or Misunderstanding?

There are a lot of people who believe in reincarnation and there are many stories about children who have incredible memories of past lives which have been verified after thorough investigations. Does this mean they have lived before, or is there something else at work? While I have heard and read a lot about these stories a new one has come up which presents a new wrinkle in the idea of reincarnation. This time there is a boy who remembers his complete life as an extraterrestrial. Would it be so hard for those who believe in reincarnation to entertain the fact it could occur from one world to another? The boy is named Boriska and in an interview for Project Camelot he has a lot to say about his past life. The boy was young when his parents realized he was not like a lot of other boys. Since eight months old he could speak in sentences and he could read by the time he was two years old. When he was three he could name all the planets in the solar system and had a knowledge of astronomy that rivaled the greatest of the astronomers.

One of the problems with the story is there is no way to verify facts in this case, unlike many other cases where children believe they have been reincarnated. For all we know the boy could’ve imagined his past life, but the case is still interesting nevertheless. Here is what the boy had to say, he believes in one of his past lives he lived on Mars millions of years ago. He said people from Mars were able to travel to many different galaxies and planetary systems and said the ships that were used were shaped like a triangle and some like a drop. He went on to talk about what powered the ships and said they had plasma power and ion power. He also discussed some sort of a portal which was a teleporting device and said it slowed down time and then opened up a space where time is sped up and he admitted he couldn’t say exactly what was going on as he didn’t remember. He said there were other races and each race had its own technology and innovations.

Boriska said in those days there was cooperation between planets, but there were also wars. He claimed beings were still living on Mars, but they were living below the surface and they were able to breathe carbon dioxide. This boy has become one of the most famous people in Russia with millions of people believing his story. I think there are probably just as many people, if not more, who don’t believe it is possible for this boy to have been reincarnated and certainly don’t believe his story about living on another planet millions of years ago. I know I am one person who would require a lot more proof.

Some of the other cases are even more interesting, because as I said some have proof behind them. A four-year-old boy named Edward had a problem with his throat and he used to say it was hurting where he was shot. He would talk to his mother about how he fought in the trenches of World War I and told her he had been shot in the throat and killed. She brought him to the doctor and they removed his tonsils and then a cyst developed in his throat and the doctors were not sure how to treat it. Edward was encouraged to tell his parents more about his previous life and when he did the cyst disappeared. The doctors were amazed at what happened and couldn’t explain this at the time. There have been a lot of cases like this where children remember an event and then convince their parents to investigate a different location such as a home, because they remember it. Many children who believe they have been reincarnated have incredible memories about places which have proven to be accurate and yet they have never been to these places before.

One ten-year-old boy remembers incredible details about his past life as a Hollywood actor. This case was extensively investigated by a neurobehavioral scientist from the University of Virginia. The scientist claims after a thorough investigation of the facts the boy had given him he was able to identify a deceased person who matched the statements told to him by the child. The child pointed to a picture and said that was him. He had found a deceased actor named Marty Martyn who fit what the boy had told him. At first it seemed unbelievable, because the actor was only a bit actor and the boy had told him that he had a big house with a swimming pool and traveled around the world, which seemed unbelievable for somebody with such a small income. It turned out the boy was correct. He also described his family when he was the actor and the facts fit perfectly. He talked about movies he made which also lined up with what the actor did. He then claimed he had set up an agency for actors and had several famous actors as clients including Glenn Ford, a very famous actor in his day. He also said he had connections with Rita Haworth another very famous actress and also Marilyn Monroe. The boy just knew so much about this person that he couldn’t possibly have gained this knowledge in any way since much of it was persona,l such as the fact the actor loved the sun so much he would sit out in it all the time and get sunburns. He told the investigator the actor loved to watch surfing, this also turned out to be true. He knew about the cars the actor had and the cars his wife had and talked about a maid they used to employ, which he seemed to know all about. His memories were just uncanny.

It would seem like a bunch of baloney except for the fact there are so many of these cases and the children involved just know too much about past lives. Are we truly talking about reincarnation or are we talking about some other device which conveys memories from one person to the next? We know that insects can convey memories chemically, could there be something that is employed in humans which we are yet to discover? Could it be our DNA also has a memory function? Lately articles have been coming out in scientific journals which claim bacteria in our guts have some sort of power over our brain. Could this bacteria be passing along memories from one person to the next?

This is a fascinating area of science and it seems there are still things about it we do not understand. Maybe this has nothing to do with science at all and those who believe in reincarnation are correct, but there is no way to know for sure if there isn’t some other force at work here.