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Life After Death

Some scientists are now saying quantum mechanics has proved our consciousness stays alive after we die. I would certainly like to know how they can prove this aside from contacting a consciousness of a deceased person. I am not saying there is not life after death, as a Christian I believe it, I just don’t see how a scientist using quantum mechanics will ever prove it to anyone’s satisfaction. One of the early machines Thomas Edison tried to perfect was one which could contact the dead. It amazes me how he could have thought some contraption made of wheels and gears could ever do that. He was a pretty smart fellow and this somehow seems beneath his intellect. As a matter of fact his exact words were, "I have been at work for some time building an apparatus to see if it is possible for personalities which have left this earth to communicate with us."

Just how would one build something like that? Some people who believe in the paranormal think he actually invented it and it got lost. I don’t believe this for one second. Years ago a doctor was consumed with finding out if we had a soul. He decided to develop a very accurate scale and what he did was set it up on the beds of people who were dying. He notice that when someone died they lost a tiny amount of weight. I think it was about Β½ pound for a human. He assumed he found out what our souls weighed and when they left our bodies we lost their weight. This was rather a simplistic experiment since the change in weight might have been accounted for in other ways.

A group of psychologists and medical doctors from the Technische UniversitΓ¤t of Berlin made an announcement they had conducted experiments and the experimental results proved there was live after death. They had worked with patients who had been clinically dead for about 20 minutes and revived. The experiment was able to be repeated 944 times and took four years. Drugs were administered to the subjects which allowed their bodies to survive for the 20 minutes before they were brought back to life. I personally can’t believe they got this many people to allow them to do this to them. A new machine called the AutoPulse made returning them to life possible. The machine has been used to restore life to people who have been dead for up to one hour. Almost all of the subjects described the same experiences when they had died. Interestingly the subjects were from every religion and included some atheists. The scientists concluded from the testimonies of the subjects that indeed there was life after death for everyone.

There are those who believe we are born, die and then we are born again. They point to the many cases mostly involving young children where the child has memories of a past life and knows too many correct facts for it to be a coincidence. The problem with this is we do not know if we possess some sort of chemical memory we could have acquired which was never really ours, much as bees do. These children are sometimes even brought to homes they claim were once theirs and where they have memories of the former inhabitants. The people who believe this, point to the fact these events prove life after death.

There have been many people who have experienced death or near death and returned. One woman was driving her car and minding her business when her car was struck by lightning. She said she found herself in hell. She saw and heard people screaming in pain. She saw demons torturing people and lots of snakes. The next thing she knew was she was back in her car with burns. She thinks she was returned to the living for a second chance.

One doctor in Belgium goes into intensive care wards and asks people to tell him of their near death experiences. It seems there are a lot more than we are aware of, because many people do not want to talk about them. It may be they feel foolish and will be laughed at. It is like talking about UFOs. He claims when he tells them many people have these experiences they loosen up. He says these experiences change many people forever. One of the things he has learned is the near death experience feels more real than our life on earth. He has been told this by many patients. He has heard the same story over many times during the years he has been doing this. He said he believes it is the dysfunctional brain producing these phenomena, but that certainly doesn’t account for the fact most people have reported the exact same experiences. Repetition proves there has to be more to this.

A surgeon who had a near death experience said he was now thoroughly convinced there was life after death and nothing else could have accounted for what happened to him. He was drawn to the light after he left his body and could see the doctors working on him. As he headed toward the light he heard a voice telling him it was not his time yet and he would have to go back. He said he didn’t want to, but was told again it was not his time. This scenario had been repeated probably millions of times.

Why does death scare us so much? Humans have an inordinate fear of the unknown and what bigger unknown is there than death? We shouldn’t fear death, doing so ruins our lives. When one is confronted with something which they cannot do anything about such as death, it makes no sense to worry about it.

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