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The Search For God And The Afterlife

One thing which people are always trying to find out about is the afterlife, another is God. When we talk about the afterlife or immortality, some believe there is a connection to quantum physics. In quantum physics just the act of looking at something can change the result of an experiment. This leads some people to ask the question if no one looked at us would we live forever. I don’t know why anyone would think this possible, but never the less this question or similar ones are being asked. This sort of ties in to another theory which states we are really alone and everything else we see is a figment of our imagination. This means no one else is real, even your closest relatives and associates. Reminds you of the Matrix doesn’t it? So what does any of this have to do with the afterlife? Some believe it could mean we are really immortal and what we think is our life is just a phase we are going through and we can never really die even though we think we can.

How can anyone explain some of the weird things that happen from time to time which seem to have something to do with the paranormal? The same people who think of our life as a sort of dream also believe the strange events which are sometimes reported which seem to be related in a way to the paranormal can be explained by saying they are nothing more than part of our dream life. One story turned out to just be a misunderstanding. It had to do with Greyfriars Cemetery in Edinburgh, Scotland. It seems there are homeless in Scotland also and when the weather gets cold they look for shelter. One homeless man decided he was freezing so he broke into a tomb and decided if he climbed into a coffin it would give him shelter. He picked one coffin and got in. After he was inside the coffin it disintegrated and the remains of the corpse, yes there was a corpse in it, also disintegrated all over the homeless man. Terrified he ran out of the cemetery covered in the remains which had been in the coffin. Yes he was seen by others who thought they were seeing a ghost and they beat a hasty retreat and told others what they saw.

Not all hauntings are due to a mistaken event. The Black Monk House in England was said to be the most violent poltergeist haunting in England and maybe anywhere. In 1966 a family moved into the house. The family was composed of a husband, wife and two children, one girl and one boy. Almost as soon as they moved in they noticed there was always water on the kitchen floor, yet no visible source for it. White powder which seemed to be falling from thin air was also present. After a while other things began to happen. A heavy chest began to sway back and forth. As things got more active, a green foam would sometimes come from the bathroom faucets. Potted plants would uproot themselves and toss themselves down the stairs. A pair of gloves began to float through the air as if someone was wearing them. Then things got worse. Crosses turned upside down. The family could hear crashes and saw objects floating through the air. Finally the spirits manifested themselves to two family members. They seem to be a married couple in the form of a cloaked shadow floating over their bed. Paranormal investigators were called in and they also saw the entities as did the rest of the family. Suddenly the activity stopped and no one has been able to figure out why.

In 1986 a family moved into Spotsylvania, Virginia. They noticed their daughter’s bedroom had a very cold draft in it. They tried to find the source to fix it, but were unsuccessful. A neighbor must have known something about the house, because the neighbor suggested hanging a rosary in the bedroom. Now I ask you is that what they would tell you to do to fix a draft unless they had some idea of what might be going on? The family did hang it and even had a priest bless the house. Within a week terrible things started to happen. Objects began to fly off the shelves, a door was torn from its hinges and a rosary was thrown across the room so hard the cross at the end of the beads became embedded in the far wall. A psychic was called in, but could do nothing but accept the fee. The next thing the family did was invite a witch to check out the house and the witch stated there was a spirit of a Confederate soldier haunting the place. She said this happened because there had formerly been a child living in the home who invited the ghost in. The witch went on to say the reason the ghost had gotten violent was the attempts to drive it out had scared it. The witch claimed she was able to contact the spirit and the problems ended.

One reporter decided she was going to search for evidence that showed God existed. She checked out many sources such as Native Americans, brain scans and even epilepsy clinics. She didn’t stop there and questioned religious mystics and checked out scientists working on the human genome. The reporter had been a Christian Scientist, but broke the faith by taking a Tylenol for the flu. She states her search for God brought her to a woman who floated above her body during brain surgery and a man who was not religious then became a devout Buddhist after developing temporal lobe epilepsy. One was Christian and one Jewish. She went on to interview geneticists, mystics, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, bioethicists, Sufis, Buddhists, Christians, shamans, and atheists. She said in the end it came down to how you interpret the evidence for the existence of God.

Do we have a soul? According to Doctor Duncan not only do have a soul, it weighs 21 grams. How the heck could anyone make this statement? Doctor Duncan lived from 1866 to 1920 and was determined to prove the soul existed. He got the permission of some dying patients to set up sensitive scales attached to their beds and observed them at the moment of their death. He did this for six different patients and noticed at the time of death exactly 21 grams of weight was lost by each.

The search to determine if God exists will probably go on as long as man is on this planet as will the search to determine if there is an afterlife.