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Strange Images And Videos

As the world increases its use of security cameras, a lot of strange things are being filmed by them. Many of these images and videos cannot be explained. This is not true for most of the images as you would imagine, but for a good amount. I remember one where the camera at a gas station produced a video of a strange wispy blue translucent object which seemed to be floating above the station. After hours of examination someone figured out it was nothing more than a blue trash bag floating in the wind, even though at first it seemed to be making intelligent movements. Many paranormal groups have insisted in was some sort of spirit or ghost. I have to admit at first glance it did seem spooky, but that is why we have to examine these things very carefully before jumping to conclusions, a lesson which it would be good for some of these groups to learn.

There are also a lot of hoaxes in these videos. If someone knows a security camera is in a certain place they can easily make believe they are being attacked by an invisible ghost. It is very easy to find these types of videos all over the Internet. As a matter of fact just because something is listed as a security video certainly doesn’t mean it is true. It could be just another of those homemade jobs and now that almost everyone has the ability to take a video and photos with their cell phone these things are becoming more prominent.

One interesting video was said to have been shot in 2003 which came from a hotel security camera shows the hotel sending someone to examine a room where you can hear what sounds like a woman screaming. When he enters the room he says there was no one in it, but the furniture was all turned upside down, the rug ripped up and the shower turned on. After the man walked out of the room and left,  the security camera captures a very faint image which looks like the outline of a person leaving the room. The address of the video is . You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address area. Sorry Truthfacts does not use live outside links.

There is a video on the Internet which is said to have come from a security station monitor in a hotel, apartment complex or office building. The person who posted it stated one of the security cameras was acting strange so he decided to record what was happening with his phone. You can see the monitor going off and on several times, then something very weird happens. The faint impression of one or two people can be seen. I say people, but maybe I should use a different term since I am only talking about something from the waist down. These things can be seen for only a few seconds walking down a hallway. Without cell phones this would have never been recorded.

Another place where cameras have started to be used is in the woods. These are called trail cams and some have picked up incredible images. While I have seen some of these images, it is hard to tell if people are just dressing up in costumes to look like mythical animals. This means even if a real photo of a Big Foot was ever captured we probably have no way to know if it is genuine or not. A trail cam in Maryland was said to have captured the image of the famous Goatman. In 1957 the Goatman was first sighted. Some believe it is responsible for at least 14 murders. It is said he was created by a DNA experiment gone wrong. You can copy and paste the address for this video in your browser. Here is the address:

Photographers over the years have taken photos while in the Hessdalen Valley in Norway. Many photos have shown strange lights in the sky which has caused many investigations of these lights, but to no avail. To date, no one knows what the lights are or where they come from. The Solway Firth Spaceman photo is one of the most famous of strange photos. A man was taking a photo of his daughter and when he had the photo developed there was a spaceman behind his daughter in the photo. The photo became the center of controversy and the man then sent it to the Kodak lab to be examined and the lab said the photo was not tampered with. The man stated there was only his daughter there when he took the photo.

A woman was entering her living room and didn’t think much about it until she noticed something which made her blood run cold. As she was looking at her television, which was off by the way, there was a very scary reflection in it. Nothing in the room could have caused it. It appeared to resemble a creature in a cape with a hood looking straight ahead into the room. She immediately took a photo of it. The image remained there for a few minutes then disappeared.

A policeman was on night duty in his police station and he was manning the security monitors, when he saw what looked like a ghost walking around. He notified his superiors who examined the footage. The area which the ghost was walking around in was completely secured from the outside and his superiors said no one could have gotten into it. The ghost walked through fences without setting off any alarms. When the film was examined it was stated there were no technical glitches. Quite a few officers have said they have felt something breathing down their neck while in the station and others say they have seen things walking around which were not human. Noises have reported being heard in the middle of the night. The station is located in Espanola, New Mexico and has been there since 2006. Here is the address of the video:

All this just proves you never know what might appear in photos or videos.